Wednesday, October 24, 2007

“8 Tips for the Million Dollar Blueprint Platform”

Have you written your million dollar blueprint platform? Are you sure it is the best it can be? Following is a list of 8 tips that you should know to ensure that you have written the best possible million dollar blueprint platform. If you already have incorporated these tips then hats off to you. If you haven’t then you have some work ahead of you.

Platform Tip #1: You don’t have to use every single part of the million dollar blueprint formula. Use what you need.

Platform Tip #2: Don’t be afraid about getting your platform done perfectly. Just do it. You don’t have to get it right, you just have to get it going.

Platform Tip #3: The most common mistake is that every single time people give a presentation they change it. Don’t do that. Simply repeat your presentation. Do strive to make it better based on feedback and experience, but keep the core of presentation the same.

Platform Tip #4: Script out your presentation in advance. You can use bullet points or write it out word for word. It depends on your preference. Either way it will be a great guide during the presentation and help your confidence. Just don’t read the script too closely or you can appear rigid and boring.

Platform Tip #5: Be enthusiastic. People will like you better. They will be more apt to believe you and invest in your product.

Platform Tip #6: Don’t think about yourself, think about your audience. You are there for them. Your job is to provide your customers with the best information you have and to let them know how they can find out more about your product or service.

Platform Tip #7: Use this million dollar blueprint platform formula every time you create a presentation for a new product. It is used by highly successful Internet marketers. You can mix and match the order of the blueprint if you want. Just make sure that you aren’t only being a salesperson, but that you also provide a good deal of valuable content.

Platform Tip #8: It’s not about the hard sale; it’s about the heart sale. Sell from your heart. Be yourself. People will like you for who you are.

So here’s your homework:
1. Grab the million dollar blueprint. Find a quiet place to sit down and start writing out your presentation.
2. Write out your answers to these questions. Write out the meat of the presentation.
3. When you put it all together you will have a great presentation. You will be ready for a presentation, conference, or teleseminar.
4. So what are you waiting for? Sit down and get it done!

Warmest regards,

Matt Bacak

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