Saturday, October 13, 2007

Is article marketing DEAD?

Many people are saying something like this:

"Google and maybe other search engines "filter out" duplicate
content so articles being republished on other websites will be
virtually worthless. They won't appear in searches and will
generate little traffic."

Here are my thoughts:

I personally submit 2-3 articles a day to over 900 locations.

Something to think about, because I don't believe
this point has been really brought out, yet.

Let's say that the duplicate content thing was true. ( I think
it's a bunch of crap but whatever) Some people are missing the
greatest point about article marketing. It goes viral. You submit
your "quality" article to tons of places on the net and then those
places pick up your article then people take that article and submit
that article on their site, ezine or even mail it to there list.

If you did it correct your bio should do a excellent enough job
to drive people back to yours site. (I'd recommend driving people
to a squeeze page) Then what the heck do you need google for.
Everyone forgets about the traffic from the websites that your
article resides.

Think of google traffic as being a "bonus"

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