Saturday, October 06, 2007

“The Secret Selling Sauce Recipe”

Selling. It is the key to making money. You have to be able to sell and close. You can’t just give away your content. You have to convert list subscribers into buyers. How can you sell to your list? There are two main methods of selling: You can work alone or you can build a sales team. It depends on your preference, resources, and goals.

No matter which method you choose, they are both going to revolve around one-on-one sales calls. I’m here to let you know the recipe of the secret selling sauce and how to make it happen.

Basically, you want to drive traffic to a squeeze page. At this squeeze page the subscribers will then be sent to a free CD page. Once they buy the free CD by sending only the amount for shipping and handling, it’s your turn to swoop and sell one-on-one. How do you do this? You get them on the phone and sell to them one-on-one.

Note: While on the phone you can sell to one-on-one or one too many.

Let’s look at selling one-on-one. You can accomplish this by getting on the phone with each person that buys. The phone call can be considered a free bonus for purchasing your product. For example, you can offer a free phone strategy session or consultation.

Once they buy the product you will have your scheduler schedule the phone call. You have them book an appointment. The purpose and outcome of a call is to get the customer to purchase or invest in a higher ticket item.

You can do all of this yourself or outsource it to other people. For example, you can have a sales team person get on the phone one-on-one and up sell to each person when they talk to them on the phone. These people can work from all over the country or you can have in-house sales team.

Why have a scheduler and a sales person? Why can’t the sales person schedule the calls? It is important to know that you might hear a lot of “no’s” when you try to schedule appointments. These no’s can bring down the enthusiasm of the sales person. Therefore, have a scheduler deal with the no’s and have the sales person only deal with actual appointments.

Get started on setting up appointments for this free bonus session. You would be surprised at how much you can up sell to these qualified leads.

Warmest regards,

Matt Bacak

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