Friday, October 12, 2007

“The Purpose of a Free Phone Consultation”

Let’s look at selling. Let’s say that you’ve created your sales letter page for your free CD offer. How should you sell your products besides using the sales letter page? The answer is that you get on the phone and talk with the customer. Wait, you think, that means I have to cold call? No, you are not cold calling because you are going to speak with customers that have already purchased something from you or that have spent shipping and handling to obtain one of your free CDs. Therefore, these leads already know about you and are not considered cold calls of people that you find out of the phone book.

Why not use cold calling? Cold calling doesn’t work very well because many people are skeptical when you call them out of the blue and they know nothing about you. Plus, your customers are pre-qualified leads and a pre-qualified lead is 100 times better than a nonqualified/cold call lead.

Tip: The more you’ve done to pre-qualify the lead, the easier it is to sell to them. If they have heard about you or your information before you give them your sales pitch on the phone then it is easier to achieve a sale.

So how can I pre-qualify a lead? Offer a free phone consultation when you sell the free CD. The CD is like the pre-qualification process.

In the free consultation you have two goals:
1. Make the sale. This consultation is great for high ticket items that are over $1,000.
2. Help them by providing valuable information about what you sell or are doing. For example, if your CD is about goal setting then help them out with goals.

What if they don’t want to buy during the call? What should I ask them? If they don’t want to buy then ask them if the call was at least worth their time. 99% of the time they say “yes” because you gave them pertinent information that helped them out. You’re not just selling too them, but giving them great information as well.

Whatever you sell, your product or service is considered a “widget” that is going to solve some want or need that the customer has. So you can apply this process to whatever you sell.

This is about the pain-pleasure principle. Everything we do is to either seek pleasure or avoid pain. You have to give examples of how your product will get them out their pain and into pleasure. That’s all you have to explain to them, not even the details.

Warmest regards,

Matt Bacak

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