Tuesday, August 21, 2007

“Basic Elements of an Online Sales Letter – Part I”

There are 15 basic elements of an online sales letter. Following is a list of the first 7 elements. Do you employ these elements in your sales letter? Read on to find out.

First 7 basic elements of an online sales letter:
1. The first part of your sales letter is the “Pre-Head”. This is where you target the prime prospects for your offer and grab their attention. For example, a pre-head could be “Attention Arthritis Sufferers.”

2. Headline – Many people don’t use a headline and need to! The purpose of the headline is to get people to read the rest of the ad. Headlines may seem like a lot of hype, however many people often keep reading based on the headline.

3. The deck copy. The deck is right under the headline. It is a paragraph that is centered with darker text, but is not the body. It reinforces the headline and arouses more curiosity. You can build credibility in the deck.

4. The body of the sales letter. The body is the bulk of the text.

5. Subheads. These are smaller headlines. Their job is to separate the major sections of your sales letter and keep people reading. This is also known as the “bucket brigade”. Your copy needs to have its own bucket brigade that is designed to keep you reading. Every section is tied together by the subhead.

There are three things that people never do when they come to your copy:
1. Never read anything at first.
2. Never believe anything at first.
3. Never do anything at first.

Remember, people are going to scan, skim, and scroll your sales letter. The subheads help catch their eye on the topic they desire. For example, a reader may scan down the sales letter to the price of your product. This helps them to determine quickly whether or not they want to keep reading your sales letter.

6. The lead. The lead sets the criteria regarding who the sales letter is for and what they gain by reading it. The lead can be a story, bullet point facts, or in an “If..then” format.

7. Rapport. This is where you demonstrate that you know the readers’ pain. You talk to them in language that they would use to describe their problem. You want to identify common experiences.

Read through your sales letter and make sure you have these basic elements!

Warmest regards,

Matt Bacak

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