Monday, October 15, 2007

Please pray for my friend - Jason Oman...

Please pray for my friend - Jason Oman...

I posted this on my facebook blog yesterday.

A good friend of mine, Jason Oman
is in the hospital because he has
been having bad headaches so his
roommate took him to the hospital.

He has a brain aneurysm.

This has brought many friends to
stop in there tracks and update each
other about what is going on.

This is the last update from my good
friend Mike Litman and his co-author
of 'Conversations with Millionaires':

"They'll know tomorrow after lunch
if their going to do surgery, Larry
Benet was told there's a 30% chance
of full recovery..."

If you pray, I ask you please pray for
him. He has not only been a great influence
of on my life, but many others because of
his amazing insight and book promotion

My prayers go out to him, and
if I was in Atlanta right now, I'd
be at the hospital with him.

In Singapore,

Matt Bacak

P.S. He's only 34 years old, That goes to show
you how you need to appreciate everyday.