Thursday, January 03, 2008

“Are you losing 97% or more of your customers?”

How many times do you think an average visitor visits your website before they buy? Do they buy from your website right away? The average visitor comes to your website 4 to 7 times before they buy. If you don’t capture their personal information quickly then you could be missing out on sales.

Let’s look at sales letters as they are the main component of your sales. Did you know that if your sales letter converts at 3% then your sales letter is considered effective? However, what happens to the other 97% that don’t convert in your sales letter? You are essentially throwing 97% of your potential customers in the trash which is a recipe for failure.

How can you grab that 97% and turn them into customers? Look at your call to action on your website landing page. Are you only directing them to the sales letter? If you want to dramatically increase your sales conversion to 30% then you need to capture their name and email address. How is this possible? You can accomplish this sales conversion by getting people to sign up for your list. Once you have them on your opt-in list you can constantly send them emails. The emails will contain pertinent information as well as offers. You can sell your products and services far into the future. They will get to know you through your email messages and will most likely buy something in the future.

What should you know about creating an opt-in list? Fundamentally, it boils down to driving your website traffic to a squeeze page that gives away a free item in exchange for their name and email address. Then send them to a sales page. If they don’t buy from your sales page right now, at least you will have their contact information so you can continue to sell to them. They will eventually buy your products in the future or they will unsubscribe from your list. Either way you will have a higher conversion rate then you would if you didn’t capture their personal information in the first place.

Warmest regards,

Matt Bacak

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