The Powerful Promoter - Matt Bacak
Turn words into money...(Special Power Hour)
I'm doing a special Power Hour this Thursday.
(I'll tell you more about this in a sec, but first...)
A lot of people have asked for something new
about copywriting. David Garfinkel has put
together a powerful, unique seminar that will
take you to the next level of copywriting.
Not only will you learn new techniques to
write copy that gets prospects excited, convinced
and sold… and do it more quickly and more easily
than ever before…
But for the first time, you’ll learn how
to get past whatever is holding you back to
create promotions that stand out and bring
you boatloads of cash.
The problem is a lot of people know what to do…
even think they know how to do it… but can’t get
the “oomph,” the courage, the head of steam they
need to create powerful copy and “stay on the
case” until they reach their goal.
Breakthrough Copywriting delivers the solutions
to those problems. David has gotten some of the
best copywriters in the world to join him in Las
Vegas in a few weeks to provide a seminar with
all kinds of “shortcut” information that has been
used to generate millions of dollars of sales
with copy, on the Web and in print.
Plus, he is bringing in a world-class Peak
Performance Coach, Dr. Melissa Andersson, to give
you specific methods and experiences you can use
in the seminar and when you get back home.
How good is David? He’s the best copywriting coach
I’ve ever met. I spent a couple hours with him in late
December and he gave me the ideas, the words and the
structure I used to put together a Web page that sold
217 CDs in single day. These CDs will conservatively
lead to an extra $60,000 in business.
Now about the call...
On the call, Thursday night at 9:00 EST, David will
explain Breakthrough Copywriting in detail and give you
three Breakthrough Copywriting techniques you can use
right away, whether or not you get into the seminar.
And it’s an exclusive seminar – you must apply for it, and
not everyone is accepted. You have to be really committed
to moving forward with your copywriting and building your
business in order to “make the cut.”
But everyone who listens to what David has to say – and
acts on it – reaps huge rewards. People make millions of
dollars from David’s advice and ideas. Even experienced
copywriters and advertising pro’s who think they’ve heard
and seen it all.
Go here right now to register for this Fr-ee Telecall:
This is a one-time teleseminar you need to attend.
Besides David, you’ll hear Dr. Melissa Andersson and
she’ll explain the Breakthrough Techniques that turn
frustrated failures into successes, and good
copywriters into great ones!
See you on the call,
Matt Bacak
P.S. This email was alittle longer than I like to have
them, but I just wanted to share with you the power of David
Garfinkle's Breakthrough Copywriting strategies he will be
sharing with you on this telecall.
Go here right now to get registered for the call: