Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Answers: What " exactly " is review crusher? (No Video)

In this email I want to let you know what EXACTLY
review crusher is.

Why did you create Review Crusher Mike?

I created it for myself. I started to notice that you can do
reviews on the most popular people, products, and services in
your niche and then promote that product at the end of the review
or send the reader anywhere you like such as an optin
page or another related product all together.

How do you know it works?

I have been talking to some top marketers on the Internet. Many of
them use this exact same strategy to build lists and
earn 6 figures per year.

In the video, I mention how one marketer
is making over $400,000 with this very same technique.

If you developed it for you, why are you selling it?

I knew when I developed it, I could use it to build huge lists. I
already have a market funnel that is tested. I have
hired a company to write reviews for me.

I will be buying Pay Per Click traffic to every one of these
reviews and then sending the reader to take a free offer at the
end of the review.

I realized when designing the script what I wanted, that this
technique CAN, and IS, being used in virtually ANY NICHE. I
just knew that if this idea was good enough for me, many

would also want it.

And since I am a software developer and marketer, I knew that
putting this in to the hands a select group of people would not
create any significant competition for any that owned the script
since there are virtually unlimited products to review in
unlimited niches.

Just as I developed my ButterflyMarketing script for ME, I went on
to sell it while me and hundreds of others have used it
to make 5 and 6 figures with it.

I expect the same with Review Crusher.

In the video, you show people that are bidding on things like:

* Joe Doe is a Scam?
* Don't buy from John Doe
* he is a Con Man,

Do you condone this and do you recommend that users use this

NO! I think this is despicable and anyone doing it should be
ashamed of themselves. I would never advise it or teach it.


Should we still bid on popular names, products, and services? And

if so, what would you recommend an ad look like?

YES! This is a brilliant and popular strategy. I do however think
if you are "buying" the traffic, you should only focus
on positive reviews. Put good energy out in the world. If you do
not have anything good to say about someone, do NOT say

The point here is to do an HONEST review and use that
traffic to build a list or make affiliate income. I think
it is pretty sleazy to "Bid" on someone's name to write a bad
review (even if true) for the sake of profit. - That is just
me and that is what we will be teaching.

The 50 reviews that you make for us, or any others you make for us
in the future, will they have "Negative" reviews?

NO! - The pre-made reviews we include to get you up and going
contain no negative reviews. We are not looking to make any
enemies and we do not want you or us to ever profit by making
- Show quoted text -

someone else look bad, even if they deserve it.

All of our reviews are positive energy and based on FACT. If
there was a bad person we felt was not good to talk about, we
did not review them.

Are you hoping that so many people with Review Crusher "Bid" on
your name with positive reviews to eliminate those "jerks"
that are bidding on your name with the ugly and possibly illegal
SCAM tactics ads?

LOL - No! That would be silly. I am dealing with Google on that as
well as all of the other good marketers out there that
are being hurt by these people. In fact, I would suggest focusing
on everyone other than me.

There are thousands of products, people, and services in
"Internet Marketing" to review and get traffic from and literally
Millions in other niches.

Aren't there other scripts like this, or ones that I can get as a
PLUGIN for word-press?

Answer is simple. NO!

There is NOTHING like review crusher. Just like Butterfly
Marketing, there are several affiliate scripts, and there are
all types of services like 1shoppingcart and even my own paydotcom
and vTribes.

But ButterflyMarketing does a SPECIFIC style of marketing that
when used can make you thousands, even hundreds of thousands of

That is why I DEVELOPED Review Crusher for ME - I wanted a custom
software that was good at ***1 THING ***. Not some
hacked up blog plugin that does "reviews"

Look, I ALREADY HAD THAT. I own MarketingProductReview- com . That
is a "review" site, Right? It is a simple wordpress blog with
a "Plugin" to handle reviews and make cute starts.

But at the end of the day, it is just a blog... with a plugin. It
is NOT made for making profits with a SPECIFIC strategy.

When you want to make things work, you build it to do a SPECIFIC
job. You do not build a "Football Player", you build a

Quarterback that wins 4 Superbowls and 3 of the are MVP's like Joe

That is what Review Crusher is. There is no script out there "made
by a marketer" to do one thing and do it well.

Will you teach me how to use it?

Again, just like ButterflyMarketing (BFM), it is more than just the
'software'. What made BFM work so well for the people that had it,
is that I wrote a Manuscript showing how I made it
work for me for years before that.

Many people tried to knock it
off. But there have been very very few success stories from
their customers. And the ones that did have success,
many of them read my Manuscript when I sold it as a stand alone.

So the answer is YES. The reason why you will have a great chance
at success is the following... YOU choose the niche, WE teach you
how to get the traffic to your reviews.

You get free access to Job Crusher. In there, we are doing a 4 week
crash course on how to use Google Adwords to design
ads and get traffic to your review site.

We are also going to teach you how to monetize that traffic with
your review site.

Plus there will be a whole video series released just on this.

So, some will go out and do a search on "review script" and get
stuck with some 2nd rate 6 file script that is not even
made for this kind of marketing.

The ones that have REAL SUCCESS with be Review Crusher members. I
will bet my business on that.

Remember, I had it MADE CUSTOM FOR ME to use. Why wouldn't I just
use some 3rd rate silly script or plugin?

What is the price?

As I stated in the video... It cost me over $10,000 to have made.
and more to continue to support. And yes, you can go to
scriptlance-com and have one made. It will cost you MORE than what
I am selling it for, and who will support you?

Who will teach you how to use it? What if there are bugs? Do you

even know who to spec out the project?

The price is $1234 -

It comes with a finance option. $497 today and $67 for 11 months.
If you use it like we teach, you can make back your
money 100x in the first year.

If you do not like it, tell us in 30 days and get a FULL REFUND. -
No Q's asked. Period.

Is there a REFUND.

Yes. If you missed it above, simply tell us in 30 days and get a
FULL REFUND. - No Q's asked. Period - We will just sell
your license.

Did you make this script to capitalize on the opportunity of the
recent "nemesis" review launch that spoke about

LOL - That one makes me chuckle. If you think that a project can
come out 1 week before mine and I can move that fast and
come up with RC in 1 week, you are giving me way too much credit.

My products are mapped out already for the next 6 months
and beyond.

This one was so good I moved it up to the front of the line.

We registered the domain months ago:
Creation Date: 30-may-2008

In your last email, you used "Fike Filsaime". Were you trying to be
cute or get past SPAM filters?

No. I am not that calculated, LOL. I had 30 people from the warrior
forum at my office on Fri/Sat for networking. I was so
busy with them, I forgot to mail a follow up to my list.

While networking and talking, I wrote an email to you. I wanted
the subject to look personal.

So I wrote: mike filsaime.... I used "no caps" because I wanted it
to look like I was not concerned as I would to a personal buddy
when I am not worried about things like that. (I am calculated
about that stuff.)

At the last second, I decided, while many people were
talking to me, to capitalize the Letters. I made the f into
an F, and the m into an.. F - Thus I sent out... It's Fike
Filsaime. You can imagine how embarrassed I was - HA!

What do I Need to Run this?

You need your OWN DOMAIN NAME and hosting. We do not provide that.
This is YOUR Site. Your hosting needs to allow PHP and
MYSQL. 95% of web hosts provide this. If you need help, we can
recommend dozens like kiosk hosting or hostgator.

Your license is yours to run on your domain for the rest of your
life once you are paid. (If you need a 2nd or more licenses.

Contact our help desk for discounts.)

Do we get reviews with this product when we buy it?

Yes, there are 50 complimentary reviews included when you buy.

Mike, you mentioned that you are having reviews written. Do we get
access to them?

I will be spending thousands over the next few years to have
hundreds and hundreds of reviews made for me. As I make them
for me, I will sell packs of 25 to 50 for about $29.95 every month
if you choose to get them. This is OPTIONAL.

If I BUY IT NOW, do I get it now?

Yes. It is ready to go and you can start to use it right NOW! (How

When does the complimentary training start?

Remember, you not only get the crash course on how to use this, but
you also get 1 year of JobCrusher included as a bonus
so you can learn all kinds of marketing stuff!

How many are you selling?

Less than 1000 and we are well over the half way point. When we
sell out. We close the doors. Period. If it does even come
back. It will be 2x to 3 x the price. (You know that to be true
based on my last 4 launches.)

Hundreds have it already. Don't wait to see all of them have the
success and then have it not be available

We are closing the doors in a few days at the number or the
deadline. One way or another.

This may be your last invite. Next time you go, it may

If you do not like it, REFUND it. You have N O R I S K at all.

Do you care if I buy this?

Yes I do. I want you to have it. If you do not, I will never know.
We will sell out anyway... And if you were to refund
it, that is O.K. with us too. I want you to try it and be happy. If
everyone did not like it, everyone would refund.

That is why I know it is just a great product! And if you were to
refund it, there will be a line of people that get here late
that will buy your license spot. So it is cool if you refund.

THE BIG QUESTIONS =====================>>


Yes, view the li.nk below to see a fast demo...

DEMO >>>

Where do I get it?

If you have NOT seen the full video, go here

If you ALREADY saw the video, go here


Mike Filsaime

PS - Do not let anyone influence your decisions.
Look only at the facts. Many nay sayers are the ones
that are negative people that are not doing
anything at all and love to bash good stuff.

Here is what I know to be FACT -

- I do very well on the Internet.
- Many Many Many of my customers do very well on the Internet.
- Many Many People with this product will do VERY well.
- People that make NO MONEY will bash Review Crusher and not
even own it??? ... and then talk trash about it, me, and YOU in

We will have the last laugh...

We "always" do ;)

I think they'll close within 24 hours...
so be sure to hustle on over right now.


Matt Bacak


Frontier Marketing Intl, LLC
1140 Old Peachtree Road, Suite D
Duluth, GA 30097-5121
Phone: 770-271-1536

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Avoid Product Creation Nightmares...Read This Now!

OK, I have a quick update...

A while back Josh Brown and I did
a training call where we shared our
'insider secrets' for creating best
selling products in 21 days or less.

Right after the call we decided to follow
the exact steps that we shared during that
training call to prove how easily you too
can create best selling products.

Here's what happened:

Now, you should know that we did not
get the product created and ready to
sell in 21 days!

...We did it in 8 Days!

If you're ready to learn how to create
best selling products, easily and sell
them for top dollar you need this!

Go below and see how we did it now:

Yours in Online Profits,

Matt Bacak

P.S. Product creation has never been easier,
with our insider secrets on your side you can
have best selling products in as little as 8
days!...We did it and so can you!


Frontier Marketing Intl, LLC
1140 Old Peachtree Road, Suite D
Duluth, GA 30097-5121
Phone: 770-271-1536

Monday, July 28, 2008

The Quickest Way to Sell your Products Online

Now that you have launched your product and made some sales, what is the best and quickest way to get your product in front of as many eyes as possible?
Well, Clickbank is always a great way since it is the Internet's largest digital marketplace. It is also very easy to list with them and they handle everything for you, totally hands free.

You may want to also consider EBay. I’ve been selling a lot on EBay lately. EBay’s been really good for me, and you can put all your stuff on EBay. I’d highly recommend it even if you’ve only got one product now. You’ll be amazed by what happens when you make your product available for sale there. Also, if you’ve launched your product and you’ve made some sales, then the next thing you want to start doing is always be focused on building your list. I mean, that’s very, very important to always focus on expanding your list.

Another thing that’s really important is finding and establishing relationships with joint venture partners. The sooner you start this the more sales you’ll make. Basically, if you’ve already proven you’ve made money with your product and it’s not some pie in the sky thing, people will probably want to do something with you. I’d highly recommend you looking for joint ventures as the quickest and fastest way to sell more products.

Another thing you might want to try is Google AdWords campaigns. By using Adwords – you may make more profit than you’d expected. Although it can be quite costly if you don’t know what you’re doing or if you pick high demand keywords, however, if you are on a tight budget there are ways that you can limit your expenditures.
You can also consider solo advertising. Go to Ezines-R-Us. If this is the right target market for your niche, they have lists that you can pay to send out solo advertisements and solo emails to.

It’s not really a big deal to do any of this stuff, but I would highly recommend you taking action and trying these methods out. But remember, joint ventures are going to be the quickest and fastest way for you to really get a lot of eyes focused on your product.

Warmest regards,

Matt Bacak

P.S. If you haven't signed up for my
Powerful Promoting Tips yet, then you
are really missing out, go here:

P.P.S. Do you want to be updated on the new things I'm doing
to market my companies? Then you need to grab a copy of my
`Internet Marketing Dirt'. It's now better than ever before!

Go here and get a copy:

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Sunday, July 27, 2008

Capturing Names for Your JV Deal

If you are partnering with someone and helping promote their products as well as yours, how do you ensure you have access to the customer list? This is a question I received recently. To make this completely clear, here was the question:

“How should I set up 1ShoppingCart to accomplish the following? I’m working independently as a promoter for a person that creates digital content for coaches. We’re doing a launch with five different products for $147. The names will be going through his shopping cart. He already has the shopping cart set up with the products and the promotion. How can I make sure that I capture the names of anybody that buys the products? I want to make sure that if they buy something in his cart, I can capture their first name and email address and they get on my list as well.”

The fastest way to do it is to talk the individual whose products you’re promoting. You could say something like: “Hey, look, if I’m going to spend the time and energy promoting your products, I would like to get the contact information of the people that I send you. Somehow you need to work out a deal where you get access to their names and email addresses as well.

Now, if you don’t want to do that, the next best thing to do is offering a bonus. For anybody who buys any of those five products, they’ll get a specific bonus. However, in order for them to get the bonus from you, you’ve got to get their name and email address. Since you don’t have the shopping cart you can do something else. How about offering your bonus on the thank-you page as well as the landing page that people land on!

If your jv partner is not too keen on just giving you every single persons contact info that buys then what you could say is, “Well, okay, no problem. Why don’t we do it this way? I’ll offer an unadvertised bonus! So, they go in, they purchase it, they go to a thank-you page, and on that thank-you page it will say: “Here’s our unadvertised bonus. Click here to get this.”

Once they click on the link, they’ll be lead to a squeeze page and then you can capture all the people that take you up on your bonus offer. So, your partner is no longer handing them to you, but what’s happening is those people are choosing to go there and give you their information and you can collect their contact information from there. That would be a great way to capture their info.

Warmest regards,

Matt Bacak

P.S. If you haven't signed up for my
Powerful Promoting Tips yet, then you
are really missing out, go here:

P.P.S. Do you want to be updated on the new things I'm doing
to market my companies? Then you need to grab a copy of my
`Internet Marketing Dirt'. It's now better than ever before!

Go here and get a copy:

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Are You Ready to Create Endless Waves of Visitors?

Yesterday you received an email from me about
Jeff Herring – The Article Marketing Guy – and
his great Instant Article Writing Templates.

It's a great product that I use and I want you to use as well.

Well, it seems like the "internet gremlins" were out
in force yesterday because all the links were working
fine on this end, and while many of you were able to
order on your end, some of you were not, and I don't
want you to miss out on this opportunity!

So the "gremlins" have been banished, and here is your
second chance to get these great article writing templates.

So I want you to go now to

I'm sure you know that articles and article marketing
are at the core of my business, and yet I do not know
everything there is to know about article marketing. Jeff
has helped me with my article marketing and I want you
to get access to the same great strategies I have.

So go now to...

And as Jeff says "Go Use This Stuff!"

Matt Bacak

P.S. Here's a little secret – the web page about the
templates talks about you getting 26 templates, but I
know Jeff, and you will get many more than 26!

Go there now –


Frontier Marketing Intl, LLC
1140 Old Peachtree Road, Suite D
Duluth, GA 30097-5121
Phone: 770-271-1536

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Write More Traffic Driving Articles in Less Time

You know my entire business model is based
around articles and article marketing.

Well my good friend and colleague Jeff Herring –
The Article Marketing Guy – has a great set of Instant
Article Writing Templates that show you how to write
more prospect pulling articles in less time.

Go Here ->

Jeff has helped me with my article
marketing and is speaking at my Marketing
Madness Event this weekend.

So go grab your set of Jeff’s Instant Article
Writing Templates and get started driving
Traffic to your web site with articles.

< -- Go above to “write away, right away”

Best Regards,

Matt Bacak


Frontier Marketing Intl, LLC
1140 Old Peachtree Road, Suite D
Duluth, GA 30097-5121
Phone: 770-271-1536

Friday, July 25, 2008

Look what Mike Filsaime just sent me...

Mike Filsaime sent this email out to his members today.

I was blown away by many things in this email.

I am pasting HIS email below for you
to read.

I just got involved.

Wow this is gonna be big.

You will see why. Read Mike''s email below


Matt Bacak

----begin Mike Filsaime email to his members...
April 10th, 2008 12PM EST

re: Job Crusher opens for again (Limited time)


(read Below as I respond to the RUMORS of JobCrusher going ML-M)


JobCrusher was open to the public only 2 times for less than
1 week each time.

JobCrusher Sold Out Each Time sooner than expected.

JobCrusher became one of the Fastest Growing Mentoring
programs in Internet Marketing History

JoBCrusher has already help many people QUIT their
full-time Jobs to profit online like we all have

JobCrusher will SELL OUT faster than ever as we offer

... a $1 Trial to become a member.

Due to the Fact that we are offering a $1 trial, we
expect over 2000 people (or CAP) to sell out very

This $1 trial offer may never be offered again.

After you Start with us Today for just $1, you will be able
to get an affiliate link to promote this $1-Trial
offer and get paid a residual income.

This may be one of the easiest money you ever
made, while promoting one of the best products
with a PROVEN track-record...

... a product that can REALL help people just like you.

Dear Future Full-time Online Marketer...

Do you want to be part of my "Inner Circle" ?

Do you want to learn from 3 successful marketers
that have these 3 things in common...

#1 - We have made Millions online
#2 - We know how to teach others how to succeed online.

and most IMPORTANTLY....

#3 - Some of the people we have taught have gone on to
make a full-time income online. (Some 6 figures... Some
have made Over 1 Million already online.)

The days of my $500 per month coaching program are over...

In September of LAst year (2007), I formed a partnership
with Eric Louviere and Dan Hatfield.

Eric was one of my EARLY proteges and went on to make
a 6 Figure Income online within 1 year of taking my advice.

Eric and Dan now have an office in Texas with a Staff
and Run Businesses totaling over $1 Million in sales
per year.


"To provide the best e-learning program on the Internet
today, at an affordable rate that ANYONE can participate
in with a Major focus on RESULTS."

Now, I know you want to know about the *** ML-M RUMORS ***

... I promise, I will get to that soon.

But I want to let you know a bit more about Job Crusher.

- We have a Community of over 1000 members. (We will close
the doors when we hit 3000 and that could be anytime
today or this week. I have no Idea...)

So you will get to participate in a COMMUNITY (that
runs on vTribes) to network, learn, and form JV''s.

- You will get our acclaimed $4k per month fast
start program.

- We are creating a product for YOU, our members, called
"The Stacker Formula" and you get to sell it and
keep all the profits!

- We meet at offline events. This week I am at Frank Kerns,
Mass Control Seminar. I will look for you and other "Crushers"

- We have 5 other programs to teach you how to succeed

- Our members get SPECIAL DEALS on many new products
that come out online. I know almost everyone in the
industry (or most want to know me) so when they
ask me to promote a new product, I have them offer
it to my JC members (you) without my affiliate

... many times that is the hottest products at HALF

... We are negotiation now with the leading SEMINARS
online to get our members Half Price seats OR
even VIP full seating!

And you get to try all this for $1 TODAY

You heard me right...

For $1, you get to signup today, check out
EVERYTHING there is in the JobCrusher members area.

In fact, if you want to steal, I mean DOWNLOAD everything
in our members area and ask for a CANCLE in 20 minutes,
you can do that too...

(I know one thing. Someone that does that, will not
even listen to it, and sees on value in it, and
will most likely not succeed with it as they would not
use it.)

I know that is not you, but we are willing to let
others take advantage of us, to provide that offer
to YOU.

We are so confident you will LOVE your new found
community and profit so wildly from our teachings,
that you will want to stay part of Job Crusher
for years.

If you want to cancel.. Just let us know at the
help desk. If not, you remain a monthly access member
like the over 1000 other happy members.


Yes it is true. I read in a forum that people were
asking about this.

I posted to our private members about this last week
and the word got it.

We hired a consultant, and attorney, and hired
a software company that cost $25,000 for their
industry leading software.

We plan to go live (baring any issues) with the ML-M
opportunity in June/July

We KNOW this will become one of the worlds most
successful ML-M''s because of these reasons.

#1 - It is a PRODUCT driven company. We had a
successful product before we went ML-M.

#2 - Workin.g from your home is one of the most desired
industries and with the economy going down,
more and more people will be looking for JobCrusher
as the answers. Both to learn and as an Opportunity!

#4 - You will not have to be a Customer to me an Agent

#5 - You will not have to be an Agent to be a Customer.

#6 - There will be no additional cost to become an

#7 - There will be no huge expense to get in No
"Front Loading" on inventory. Nothing to Consume"
other than learning.

#8 - We will have one of "The Most" aggressive
marketing plans to ever hit ML-M and it will
be easy to understand. No complicated fine print
marketing plans.

It will be a Product Driven company. Period!


I explain more about it in the members forum,
but you need to join for $1 today to read more.


Also, we are planning to design the MATRIX based
on current members. So there will be INSTANT
spill over based on current members...

So you want to make sure you are in as we may
have a downline placed under your.


Last In, less Underneath.

ALSO, since you get an affiliate link when you join
today for our NORMAL affiliate program, we will
put people you refer under you if they choose
to become agents and customers.

And for the $1, it will be like giving away
ice water in a Marathon.

Everyone will want to join like you are today.

*** YOUR Action Steps!

#1 - Join for $1

#2 - Get Involved

#3 - Click on the Affiliate TAB in the members area
to become an affiliate and TELL THE WORLD before
we close the doors again!

Get involved NOW - $1 Access today


Mike Filsaime

PS - If you have Any Problems ordering,
call Adam Kaye at my office at

1-888-DOT-0-COM | (1-888-368-0266) | OR 1 631-615-4595

This standby number is only if you have problems
ordering (not support.) Please call if you have
any issues placing your order and you want to get
in before we sell out.

get involved NOW - $1 Access today


Frontier Marketing Intl, LLC
1140 Old Peachtree Road, Suite D
Duluth, GA 30097-5121
Phone: 770-271-1536

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Just about SOLD OUT...

We are really just about SOLD OUT of all
the tickets for Marketing Madness Live.

As always, I appreciate your support and am
dedicated to continuing to bring to you the best
MARKETING & MONEY-MAKING advice on the Planet.

In fact, I talked to our fulfillment
department to see if they had any of my
extremely HOT products in stock.

Now, don't get too excited because they didn't
come up with too much but they did find a few
of my FREE Traffic Explosion CD's.

If you're interested, simply click onto the link
below and you can see what we've got available.

Best Regards,

Matt Bacak

NOTE: If this item is 'sold out' when you place your
order, you will promptly be notified by email.


Frontier Marketing Intl, LLC
1140 Old Peachtree Road, Suite D
Duluth, GA 30097-5121
Phone: 770-271-1536

Creating a PDF Report or eBook and Selling It

If you have created a report and you want to know how to sell it, you first have to change the report into a PDF file. The reason for this is that not everyone has the same program you used to create it and therefore will not be able to open the file if it is saved using your program. Anyone can open a PDF file So if you create your ebook or report as a PDF, there are no limitations on who can access your book or report. You could say PDF's are pretty much universal. Also, Adobe Reader is free! And if it's not installed on your computer, it can easily be downloaded by going to the Adobe website at

So, you as the creator of the ebook or report… what you need to do is either go to Adobe's site and try the demo PDF creator software or go to PDF995. I use PDF995 because you can turn any document into a PDF for free and it's really easy.
So, download either one and then take the document and go to "file/print" and then "print as" and save it as a PDF on your desktop. Now you've got a sellable "eBook" or whatever you choose to call it.

Now, to sell it and give people access to it, you've got to get a shopping cart set up. Basically, when you set up your shopping cart, if you're using OneShoppingCart or KickStartCart, it has a digital delivery mechanism. What you're going to do is upload the file to the shopping cart.

So, people will go to your page and they're going to click on a link that's generated by the shopping cart. This will allow them to order your book. Basically, the shopping cart is going to take their credit card information and then send them an email with a link to access the eBook or report and everything will be taken care of. Then the money goes straight into your bank account.

Just make sure you have a bank account to put the money in because you will need that in order to set everything up and receive your funds.

Warmest regards,

Matt Bacak

P.S. If you haven't signed up for my
Powerful Promoting Tips yet, then you
are really missing out, go here:

P.P.S. Do you want to be updated on the new things I'm doing
to market my companies? Then you need to grab a copy of my
..Internet Marketing Dirt'. It's now better than ever before!

Go here and get a copy:

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Any last-minute stragglers?...

Marketing Madness is almost sold out...

If you can make the event this Friday
then I'd recommend getting your ticket
right now because there are just 3 seats
left for Marketing Madness Live.

This event doesn't have
your usual suspects...

Go here to check it out:

Here are 5 things that make this
different than other seminars?

1. You won't see the usual suspects.

2. My clients are presenting what they have
been doing to explode their online business.

3. The investment in the seminar is less than
a single night at a typical hotel room.

4. A special luncheon for the women *ONLY*.

5. Sunday Prayer session with a pastor.

Reason #6: YOU get in FREE!

Because, I know...It's not going to
be just good, it's going to be GREAT!

Warning: There are only '3' seats that remain.

So if you haven't grabbed your tickets
yet go here right now and get them.

The possibilities at this event are endless.

Hope to see you in Atlanta,

Matt Bacak


Frontier Marketing Intl, LLC
1140 Old Peachtree Road, Suite D
Duluth, GA 30097-5121
Phone: 770-271-1536

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

FREE Training - Over $300,000 in profits!

Tonight my special guest Josh Brown will
be sharing one strategy that made a client
of his over $300,000 in the last 6 months!

It's one of the easiest ways I've ever heard for
making money, register here and see for yourself:

Josh has been the info-marketing 'secret weapon'
for many BIG TIME gurus for the last 6 years.
Join him above and let him be yours too!

Watch this quick 7 minute video Josh has created
that explains exactly how to make money on the
internet as a real estate investor! - It's full
of good content!

If you haven't heard Josh's name before it's
because he's always been underground, behind the
scenes - making things happen!

But don't be fooled - Josh's most recent
clients shared some amazing success stories.

- One started with nothing and did over
$300,000 in profits in his first six months!

- Another (a BIG TIME real estate expert)
implemented just one of Josh's strategies
and added an extra $250,000 to his business!

His strategies are no joke.

Join us Tuesday at 9:00 PM EDT and see
what his strategies will do for you!


Matt Bacak

P.S. We only have 250 spots available for this
webinar training (sorry it's not our rule it's
the webinar company).

57 spots remain - grab yours here:


Frontier Marketing Intl, LLC
1140 Old Peachtree Road, Suite D
Duluth, GA 30097-5121
Phone: 770-271-1536

Monday, July 21, 2008

Real Estate The Internet = Insane Profits!!!

I know what you're thinking, how is the heck can
you make money in real estate...ONLINE????

Well one of my best friends in the world has been
doing it 'under the radar' since 2002!

...and I've finally twisted his arm long enough to
get him to share his strategies with you Tuesday
the 22nd at 9:00pm.

You can learn to drive flocks of motivated sellers
and wholesale buyers to your business without ever
leaving your house!

And you can use the same strategies to also make
a fortune selling Real Estate info online too!

You may think these two topics don't go together
but believe me, He's been doing it for years, and
I've seen it first hand!

He's one of the internet's most successful marketers
you've never heard of (yet) and he's going to train you
on exactly what he's teaching folks just like you and
me to do.

He's many 'BIG TIME' experts info-marketing
'secret weapon'!

Register for this webinar here:

My special guest, Josh Brown, has found an
ingenious way to make money in the real estate
investing business without ever buying or
selling a single property!

(He's created a truly recession proof business model!)

Watch this quick 7 minute video Josh has
created that explains exactly how to make
money on the internet as a real estate
investor! - It's full of content!

For the past 6 years Josh has been underground
working with some of the worlds most successful

In fact, he recently implemented one strategy for
a BIG TIME real estate expert that brought in over
$250,000 in extra profits in a few short months!

Join us Tuesday night at 9PM EDT and see what his
strategies of making money online will do for you!

Warmest Regards,

Matt Bacak

P.S. FYI - Last week Josh spent the day with a new
client in Ft. Lauderdale and In less than 4 hours
Josh had new leads pouring into the client's sites
and their list was growing before their eyes.

Watch this 7 minute training video now:


Frontier Marketing Intl, LLC
1140 Old Peachtree Road, Suite D
Duluth, GA 30097-5121
Phone: 770-271-1536

Saturday, July 19, 2008

...Joint Venture Opportunity for you!


Inside scoop for you:

Stefanie Hartman who has helped others make millions
in their business has CALLED IN FAVORS. She is such a
caring lady, she realized that she has access to tons of
top gurus and they will pick up her call, and not only
that but they will give her Joint Venture Opportunities
that they don't give just anyone.

While she appreciates that and has worked hard
to earn that space, she also knows how life-changing
and rare it would be if new or ambitious Entrepreneurs
could get the same treatment.

So she called in favors and created 'The JV
with your Dream Guru' Contest/Reality Game.

Here's how it works:

When you join this summer, you will get a fre-e (4-6 week)
'JV All the Way to the Bank' course on how to Joint Venture
Successfully. She was going to sell this for $1200 but
decided she wants all her members to have experience, since
you'll be rubbing shoulders with celebrities.

During the class you get to work with her
directly to identify your match, create a JV
proposal to the business/guru of your choice.

To make it even dead-easier she privately picked
the brains of the very people you will be proposing
too and asked them outright what they are looking
for - so you have an incredible advantage.

Whether you win or not, you will get the inside
scoop on how to propose future JV deals with ANY
of these guys. That is worth BIG time money.

One person (could be you) will be granted to work
with EACH participating guru/business. These famous
names are offering tons of opportunities such as speak
at your event for no fee, bring you to speak on their
massive stages, co-create products with you, promote
you through an email campaign to their database and
do an entire social media campaign for you!

Each gift is worth $10,000 or more.

On top of that because of the way Stefanie teaches Joint
Venturing, each speaker has volunteered to say that their
intention is to create a LIFE LONG partnership with you.

Go below to learn more about this contest and the club:


There are several cool videos on that
site too - you should check out.

Warmest Regards,

Matt Bacak

P.S. Stefanie Hartman has a great JV opportunity
for you go here to find out more details...

FIND JV'S here ->>


Frontier Marketing Intl, LLC
1140 Old Peachtree Road, Suite D
Duluth, GA 30097-5121
Phone: 770-271-1536

Friday, July 18, 2008

I got you *naked* sales

Did I get your attention...

I guess so because you are
reading this email right now
and it's very important.

But first, why did I
add the word "naked"?

Because, I was hoping to
share with you some marketing
terminology today and give you
a link to something special.

The word of the day is "naked link".

In other words, if you send out
a email promoting someones product
or service and you don't add an
affiliate link in it - It's also
considered mailing naked.

You may or may not of heard of this.

A wise man once said...

"There are things you know,
There are things you don't know,
and there are things you don't
know that you don't know."

That's why I brought together some
of my Internet marketing buddies to
do a special client and subscriber
appreciation seminar called:

"Marketing Madness Live"

And the GREAT thing about it is that
it's totally free to YOU because as
a loyal subscriber you get TWO (2)
FREE tickets a $2,000 VALUE.

That means you and a guest can
attend for NOTHING, Zero, Zilch.

Here is the powerful lineup I
put together just for you...

Mike Stewart- Video Websites
Armand Morin- The Marketing Authority
Joe Lavery - The Testing Freak
Keith Wellman - Auto Pilot Sales
Patric Chan - You "Chan" Do It
Eric Graham - Website Conversions
Ray Edwards - Killer Copywriting
Debra Thompson - Bullsye Marketing
Drew Miles - Tax Saving Strategies
Jeff Herring - Article Marketing

Where else can you find an event with a
powerful line up like this for FREE?

Join us for 3 Days, by going here:

I'm letting you in for free as my way
of saying thanks. Plus, I wanted to make
it as easy on you as possible.

All you need to do is fill out the
form on the detailed site below and
then just show up with your guest.

That's it! So....

Go below RIGHT NOW and Reserve your slot
before the Seminar is SOLD OUT again!

Best Regards,

Matt Bacak

P.S. The room block ends today! Go below
Right Now and reserve your seats, so you
can book your hotel room quickly:


Frontier Marketing Intl, LLC
1140 Old Peachtree Road, Suite D
Duluth, GA 30097-5121
Phone: 770-271-1536

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Urgent: time sensitive announcement...(Better Hurry)

This is a time sensitive announcement.

Let me explain...

Tamara (My assistant) just told me this...

Our Room Block is expiring tomorrow!

If you have not already registered for your
FREE Marketing Madness ticket yet, go and register
Right Now so you can get the hotel info!

Go here to GRAB Your FREE Ticket ->>

If you need help! Call our office at
this number: 770-271-1536 ext 119

You can find out more about the info here:

Once you register then I recommend you book
your hotel room as soon as possible (it's a
pain if you have to commute back and forth
during the seminar).

If you are serious about marketing your
products and services on the internet then
you should be at this event.

The Marketing Madness is a unique
experience full of great content, fabulous
people and amazing networking.

Alot of marketers will be there.

Will you?

Take a look and get registered today
because you'll need to book your hotel
and becasue we only have 7 seats left.



P.S Here is your FREE ticket link to
attend Marketing Madness once again:

P.P.S The hotel information will be sent
to you immediately after you register.


Frontier Marketing Intl, LLC
1140 Old Peachtree Road, Suite D
Duluth, GA 30097-5121
Phone: 770-271-1536

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

I need your shipping address...

I'm giving away 500 copies of my new CD "7 Golden Keys
To Creating A Multi-Million Dollar Information Empire."
and I would like to send one to you. Let me explain...

I'm currently looking for REAL PEOPLE who have internet
business - who'd like to become my next Internet "success
story" and use my Multi-Million advantage to...

...easily create an information empire that
will allow you to create money on demand!

Go here and GRAB this FREE CD:

In fact, I'm even sweetening the pot
more for you - you will receive three (3)
POWER bonuses worth a total of $617.

This information is PRICELESS.

My ONLY condition is that, you take care of
the shipping and handling unless - you want to
come by my office and pick it up yourself.

If this sounds reasonable, you can claim your
copy at:

Hope you enjoy it!

Matt Bacak

P.S. I must warn you... I'd hurry because - just Friday 383
people already grabbed a copy for themselves leaving only 117.

To guarantee YOUR CD is shipped to you immediately -- before I
run out of copies and take this page down -- I recommend visiting before it's too late.


Frontier Marketing Intl, LLC
1140 Old Peachtree Road, Suite D
Duluth, GA 30097-5121
Phone: 770-271-1536

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

It's Time To Grow Your Traffic Once And For All

At exactly Noon EST today (Tuesday, July 15th) John Reese will
*finally* release his long-awaited "Traffic Secrets 2.0" training

Unless you've been living in a small cave with no Internet access for
the past few months then you know there has been tremendous 'buzz'
building around this course -- and it's for a very good reason.

Many people have already made the decision to get their copy of this
course and all the details hadn't been released yet! This speaks
directly to the top-notch products that John Reese has released in the
past... they just plain WORK and help people succeed.

Well, now you can get ALL THE DETAILS about Traffic Secrets 2.0 by going here:

Here's Just Some Of What You'll Discover...

It doesn't matter if you're a beginner, intermediate, or advanced
marketer. And it doesn't matter what business 'model' you may be
using (i.e. ecommerce store, affiliate marketing, infoproducts,
blogging, etc.).

It also doesn't matter what niche market your business is in. The
course can take you by the hand and have you generating an increase in
traffic. Period.

Traffic Secrets 2.0 is all about...

- Social Media Marketing & Strategy
- Advanced Content Syndication
- Cutting-Edge Video Marketing & SEO
- Leveraging Software & Widgets
- Setting Up Automatic 'Content Factories'
- Building An Affiliate Army
- And so much more.

And Here's A Real 'Shocker'...

Traffic Secrets 2.0 (for those that move fast and get 'grandfathered'
in) will receive the following...

- Private Coaching & Mastermind Community
- Web-based 'Action Tracker' Learning System
- And more!

Once you buy your license to Traffic Secrets 2.0 you don't have to buy
it ever again! Even by the time that "Traffic Secrets 11.0" comes out
you'll have gotten all of the other versions FOR FREE. (What an
amazing offer.)

You *know* that traffic generation techniques will continue to change
over time so it's great to know that you'll be getting all the updated
information and strategies for free. (This is truly an INVESTMENT in
your business.)

You'll also get access to John, his staff, and all the other TS2
owners in a private community. You'll get unlimited, lifetime access
for ZERO monthly fees. It's all included with your single purchase of
the course. (This makes it a no-brainer offer that every serious
marketer should take advanage of.)

But you'll need to ACT FAST and get your copy of the course right away
so you can be guaranteed to be 'grandfathered' in and never have to
pay any additional fees to access the course updates or the private
community site...

Get Your Copy Of Traffic Secrets 2.0 Today:

Best Regards,

Matt Bacak


Frontier Marketing Intl, LLC
1140 Old Peachtree Road, Suite D
Duluth, GA 30097-5121
Phone: 770-271-1536

Monday, July 14, 2008

Evaluating if A Business Idea is Worth Your While

If you are looking to establish a business partnership or seeking out a business opportunity, we all know how important it is to look at how much money you are going to make. However, there are also other things that must be considered in accordance to the lifestyle you want to live.

A very important key point to think about is do you even have the energy to focus on this? Whether you’ll be selling affiliate products, doing joint venture deals or whether you want to start your own website with the plans of building an empire… You need to really think about how much time and energy you want to commit to this project.

As you know opportunities come our way all the time. This of course happens to some people more often than others. But the question is how often do these opportunities present themselves? Another thing you need to think about is are you willing to take on this new opportunity or let it pass while you wait for the next one. When you are thinking of accepting or taking on the next project think about the amount of money you could make. Is there a lot of money to be made?

But what’s even more crucial is asking yourself this question – what is your fastest path to cash? Is this going to be something that’s going to accelerate your vision? Or is this going to be something that is going to steal from your time and your energy? It is important to think about these things before you commit yourself.
Not only should you be thinking if this is your fastest path to cash. But what you also need to think about is, is this my fastest path to long-term cash? You need to evaluate what is important to you. Do you want to make a quick buck in the interim or do you want to have money coming in long-term for this particular project? These are definitely some things you need to consider.

Another question you should ask yourself is, is this going to suck my time and energy away from me and spread me too thin? How much time are you willing to dedicate to this? Those are some good questions you’ll need to ask yourself when you make big business decisions. You need to look at the bigger picture.

But I can tell you this, if you are willing to take the time and effort and know that the opportunity is lucrative, you need to take the bull by the horns and run with it. Who knows how big it can be in the end.

Warmest regards,

Matt Bacak

P.S. If you haven't signed up for my
Powerful Promoting Tips yet, then you
are really missing out, go here:

P.P.S. Do you want to be updated on the new things I'm doing
to market my companies? Then you need to grab a copy of my
`Internet Marketing Dirt'. It's now better than ever before!

Go here and get a copy:

Labels: , , , , , ,

Traffic Secrets Update...

John Reese just released a NEW video
that reveals a 'big traffic' secret that
many of the world's top sites don't want
others to know about -- and he shows
how YOU can quickly and easily start
using this 'secret' for your own sites.


If you had any trouble viewing the other
videos that John Reese recently released
you'll now find alternate versions that
should solve any viewing problems.

* You will now see a link on his other
video pages where you can find a
smaller version of each video.

This NEW video will show you how to
generate a lot of targeted traffic even
with a tiny marketing budget.

And this method is so incredibly VIRAL that
once you put it into a motion it can pull-in
a large flow of visitors to any of your web sites
without you doing any additional work.

(You just need to make sure you do it
properly for maximum traffic results.)

* This is something that 99.9% of marketers
are simply overlooking.

Go watch the new video right now and
discover this tactic for yourself. You'll
be pleasantly surprised how you can easily
cash-in on something that most people
have no clue about.

Watch The Video Now:


At the end of this new video John Reese
reveals some 'shocking' price details about
his soon to be released, ground-breaking
Traffic Secrets 2.0 course.

He also reveals (for the first time) details
about why this 'course' isn't simply
a course like most have seen before.

You'll have to watch the video to
see how John is 'raising the bar' when it
comes to Internet Marketing education
products. (It's truly impressive.)

Check It Out Right Now:


Matt Bacak


Frontier Marketing Intl, LLC
1140 Old Peachtree Road, Suite D
Duluth, GA 30097-5121
Phone: 770-271-1536

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Free Press Releases or paid Press Releases?

If you haven’t already read my A9 process you should probably do that before you read this article as you’ll get a better understanding of the process and how I use press releases to garner more traffic.

As you may or may not already know, I always highly recommend submitting press releases (PR) in addition to all the other steps in the A9 process, but the question is which should you use, the paid PR sites such as, or a host of free PR sites? Which produces better results?

A press release can cost you a couple hundred dollars if you use the paid service. So, if you are on a limited budget I would only use them when you have something that is truly newsworthy. In this case, I think it is worth the cost because it will get passed around enough that it will hopefully bring you in a steady flow of traffic. If you have an unlimited budget, then I would highly recommend using the paid service.

Since it is our goal to drive more traffic to your site, the $200 press release from PRWeb is going to be a heck of a lot better than submitting to tons of free press release sites. You really get what you pay for. The search engines place greater emphasis on site’s like PRWeb because they know that if someone is paying to post content on a site it is probably more relevant then the content placed on the free sites.

However, for me personally, if I have an article that I turn into a press release, I’m not going to pay $200 to get that out there. I would submit them to all the free locations. Articles turned into press releases aren’t newsworthy. Just remember that.
The other thing is, paid PR sites are going to have editor reviews and all this other stuff and maybe not accept your articles anyway, so that’s the other reason why I do it that way.

I would recommend occasionally paying the $200. This is essential, but only when it’s newsworthy. The rest of the time, go to the free locations and then just submit them there.

Warmest regards,

Matt Bacak

P.S. If you haven't signed up for my
Powerful Promoting Tips yet, then you
are really missing out, go here:

P.P.S. Do you want to be updated on the new things I'm doing
to market my companies? Then you need to grab a copy of my
`Internet Marketing Dirt'. It's now better than ever before!

Go here and get a copy:

Labels: , , , , ,

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Don't be a fuddy-duddy...

I hope I got your attention with
that subject line, because I'm doing
something very special for you!

I don't know if you realize it, but
you have an opportunity to...

Get the training and the contacts you need
to *really* EXPLODE you online business this
year at my live seminar in Atlanta called:

'Marketing Madness Live 2008'

( aka Customer and Subscriber appreciation )

And the GREAT thing about it is that
it's totally free to YOU because as
a loyal subscriber you get TWO (2)
FREE tickets a $2,000 VALUE.

That means you and a guest can
attend for NOTHING, Zero, Zilch.

Just by going to the site below:

Where else can you find an event with a
powerful line up like this for FREE?

Mike Stewart- Video Websites
Armand Morin- The Marketing Authority
Joe Lavery - The Testing Freak
Keith Wellman - Auto Pilot Sales
Patric Chan - You "Chan" Do It
Eric Graham - Website Conversions
Ray Edwards - Killer Copywriting
Debra Thompson - Bullseye Marketing
Drew Miles - Tax Saving Strategies
Jeff Herring - Article Marketing

I'm letting you in for free as my way
of saying thanks. Plus, I wanted to make
it as easy on you as possible.

All you need to do is fill out the
form on the detailed site below and
then just show up with your guest.

That's it! So....

Go below RIGHT NOW and Reserve your slot
before the Seminar is SOLD OUT again!

Best Regards,

Matt Bacak


Frontier Marketing Intl, LLC
1140 Old Peachtree Road, Suite D
Duluth, GA 30097-5121
Phone: 770-271-1536

Friday, July 11, 2008

Free event tickets are disappearing...(Subscribers only)

Did you get your FREE $2000
tickets to Marketing Madness,yet?
Because, It's almost full.

We only have 200 seats available
for it and 163 people have already
grabbed tickets as of 11:54 today.

...but if you have not gotten yours
yet I'd urge you to grab your now.

Because, that leaves only 37.

Now these will go real quickly
with this email going out - I can
guarantee that. For more details
on the event go below Right now:

Hope to see you there,

Matt Bacak

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Tonight’s call is almost full...(Better Hurry)

Tonight's telecall with the
amazing *Connie Ragen Green*
is filling up really FAST.

Because...selling digital
dust is a very hot topic.

The call is tonight at 9:00 EST (-5GMT) and is
almost full so I'd hurry and register right away
before it's to late because tonight Connie will
share with you how to write an ebook.

Sign up for this RIGHT NOW - Below:

Hope to see you on the call!

Warmest Regards,

Matt Bacak

P.S. If you want to make some digital
money then you need to listen in on this
powerful call...register below now:

Frontier Marketing Intl, LLC
1140 Old Peachtree Road, Suite D
Duluth, GA 30097-5121
Phone: 770-271-1536

Wednesday, July 09, 2008

What are meta tags and How important are they?

First off what are meta tags? Anyone who has a site or is exploring having one has probably heard this term before. Meta tags are used in html page headers. These tags contain information about specific keywords and descriptions of a web page. The search engines rely on meta tags so that they can properly catalogue your site. This allows users who are doing a search to easily find your site based on the keywords they enter into the search engine.

So, how important are these meta tags anyways?

They’re not as important as they used to be, but they do still have some importance. From a Google perspective – Yahoo, they actually still do work on Yahoo. But I will tell you, it does work better with Yahoo. Meta tags are fairly easy to do. Just go to your website, log in, go to your editor or website editor, whatever you’re using and right-click on the page. A lot of times it’ll pop up and say, “page properties.” Just click on the page properties. You can change your meta tags there. But it’s in that area when you right-click it. Actually, when you right-click on a web page and select page properties, you will see the title tag and a keyword tag. Those are meta-tags.

Meta tags were great back in the day because they helped search engines determine how to rank a certain site. When the engines' databases were small, this meta tag was a quick, easy way to help decide which keywords might be important on a site. However, certain people and especially spammers began to abuse meta tags by putting keywords into their tags that had nothing to do with a site’s content. You may have noticed this in the past when you inadvertently clicked on a link and were redirected to an unrelated site. This is commonly used by porn sites. You have no idea you’re entering one because there were unrelated keywords placed in there that leads to these types of sites. While manipulating the meta tags brought these sites more traffic, it also caused outrage among internet users.

So, in time meta tags lost their popularity and more of the search engines focus was placed on the actual content of a site. Meta tags are still used to index pages today, but more as a supplement to the copy on a page.

However, although they play a very minor role and many people don’t use them at all, it is not going to hurt you to use them on your own site if you so choose.

Warmest regards,

Matt Bacak

P.S. If you haven't signed up for my
Powerful Promoting Tips yet, then you
are really missing out, go here:

P.P.S. Do you want to be updated on the new things I'm doing
to market my companies? Then you need to grab a copy of my
`Internet Marketing Dirt'. It's now better than ever before!

Go here and get a copy:

Labels: , , , , , , , ,

Free Teleseminar this Thursday...

On Thursday night at 9:00 EST,
I lined up a special guest to share
with you how to write an ebook.

Her name is...Connie Ragen Green

She have been online since 2006, and
now make a comfortable 5 figure monthly
income. Everything she does is based on
writing and eBooks for the internet.

Thursday, she will teach you how to
build an online business and use the
technology needed to get started in
this fun and lucrative field..

Go here RIGHT now and sign up:

Talk to you then,

Matt Bacak

P.S. If you want to make some digital
money then you need to listen in on this
amazing call...register below now:

Frontier Marketing Intl, LLC
1140 Old Peachtree Road, Suite D
Duluth, GA 30097-5121
Phone: 770-271-1536

Tuesday, July 08, 2008

Let's socialize...

The Web 2.0 buzz is getting bigger every day.

Let's socialize web 2.0 style.

Here are a list of Social Networking
sites that I belong to, join them and
let's start socializing online.




If you want to be my friend on Amazon
Log into your Amazon account and go to:

Warmest regards,

Matt Bacak

Frontier Marketing Intl, LLC
1140 Old Peachtree Road, Suite D
Duluth, GA 30097-5121
Phone: 770-271-1536

Monday, July 07, 2008

As a subscriber...(Subscribers Only)

ATTN: Customer Appreciation Seminar,
Marketing Madness *General* Tickets

Hi Janet,

As a subscriber, you are invited to
discover sought-after internet industry
secrets at Marketing Madness Live.

Best of All...It's FREE!

Join us for 3 Days.

The first 3 days are full power-packed days with
the world's leading internet marketing experts
in Atlanta! You will take away the knowledge of
how to create step-by-step action plan that's
guaranteed to increase the money flow.

An all-NEW lineup of internet marketing insiders
'From the Trenches' have finally agreed to break their
silence on how they are quietly making their fortunes
online...and how YOU can too!

Learn from Industry Leaders:

Mike Stewart- Video Websites
Armand Morin- The Marketing Authority
Joe Lavery - The Testing Freak
Keith Wellman - Auto Pilot Sales
Patric Chan - You "Chan" Do It
Eric Graham - Website Conversions
Ray Edwards - Killer Copywriting
Debra Thompson - Bullsye Marketing
Drew Miles - Tax Saving Strategies
Jeff Herring - Article Marketing

Exclusive to Marketing Madness Live:
Women's Luncheon & Sunday Prayer Session

Seating is Limited! Don't miss out!

Register below to Confirm your FREE Seat!

Hope to see you there!

Matt Bacak

P.S. I'm sending this to you first, then
very soon my whole internet marketing list
of over 250,000 people will get a chance,so
make sure you register RIGHT NOW below:

Frontier Marketing Intl, LLC
1140 Old Peachtree Road, Suite D
Duluth, GA 30097-5121
Phone: 770-271-1536

Sunday, July 06, 2008

Forced Continuity

For those of you that haven't heard of the term "forced continuity" before, you may have already had some experiences with this. Forced continuity is when someone offers a free trial of something and then after the trial period is over, they automatically proceed to bill you. ....

A lot of companies do this and it really is a good strategy to drum up more business. However, depending on how the offer is written, it can sometimes be very deceptive and unethical. This is why we are always advised to read the fine print and only give your billing information to a trusted source.....

While I personally have used this method before, I do highly recommend that you keep everything transparent. That is, if you attempt to create a similar offer for your list, make sure that they can clearly see that if they don't opt-out they will be billed. Always, remind them that it is a free trial.....

In the interest of transparency, another really good way to do this is to not take any billing information upfront and then after the trial period is over, try to get them to become paying customers. This is called "optional continuity". By doing it this way, you may actually get more people to take the trial offer, but the downside is it may be tougher to close them.....

Remember, when you are making an offer to someone it is usually to enhance their lives, so in effect you are doing them a service because it will ultimately help them. However, selling something to someone without their knowledge will only leave you with bitter customers. You will do them a further disservice by not being able to offer them good products in the future because they will no longer trust you.
So, forced continuity can be a very good thing if done properly. Just think about and be careful how you word things. You want to gain the trust of your potential customers and customers as well as maintain your reputation.

.. Warmest regards,

Matt Bacak

P.S. If you haven't signed up for my
Powerful Promoting Tips yet, then you
are really missing out, go here:

P.P.S. Do you want to be updated on the new things I'm doing
to market my companies? Then you need to grab a copy of my
..Internet Marketing Dirt'. It's now better than ever before!

Go here and get a copy:

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Saturday, July 05, 2008

SO-o-o-o simple.....

Ok...this is happening very,
VERY FAST so read every word
carefully because...

...This thing has me buzzing
and I've been in top gear
since I got it.

Rumor has it that this could be
*alien* technology.

...I don't believe that, (okay,
maybe a little) but let me
say this...

When you try this for only 20-30
minutes, you'll never be the
same person again!

Think I'm kidding?

I challenge you to give it a try
and tell me I'm wrong!

I'm THAT confident that it works.

Whether you're in business, you
have a job or you're kind of
doing both, this *amazing*
*alien-like* tool can help you put
your entire life into high gear.

You can generate more moolah, you
can get whatever you truly desire
and you can do it all with very
little time and wasted energy!

The guy who found it and
"re-invented" it for regular

(...or should I say regular *humans*?)

...went from homeless and
sleeping in a sleeping bag, to
a multi-millioniare and he did
it in 3 years time!

Listen, you really should head
over there now and check it out
before supplies are gone!

...But please -- you really
shouldn't *go there now* if you
don't "have an open mind".

This tool is quite unique, but
SO-O-O-O simple.

To creating your ultimate reality,

Matt Bacak

Frontier Marketing Intl, LLC
1140 Old Peachtree Road, Suite D
Duluth, GA 30097-5121
Phone: 770-271-1536

Friday, July 04, 2008

Happy 4th of July...

If your from the USA then Happy
4th of July. If not then just have
a Happy day. Today is my 5th year
wedding anniversary with the most
amazing women in the world.

Talking about amazing...

You've just gotta see this.

Internet Marketing pioneer, John Reese,
has just released a new video.

Are you interested in...

- Generating floods of targeted traffic to
any of your Web sites?


- Finding simple ways to start a new
online business or expand an existing

If so, then you've got to RUN, not walk,
over to this page and check out this
amazing new video:

You'll also some discover some great
news about John Reese's upcoming
"Traffic Secrets 2.0" course -- it's the
long awaited sequel to the 'famous'
best-selling Traffic Secrets course.


You can actually go right now and
watch TWO new videos from John.
Go to this page to watch them:

Best Regards,

Matt Bacak

Frontier Marketing Intl, LLC
1140 Old Peachtree Road, Suite D
Duluth, GA 30097-5121
Phone: 770-271-1536

...John Reese Is Back!

Internet Marketing pioneer, John Reese,
has been somewhat quiet for the past
few years...

And now I know why.

Many marketers remember John Reese's
somewhat 'famous' "Traffic Secrets"
launch back in 2004. You know, the
one that created the "Million Dollar Day."

And most remember the huge amount of
success stories that were created from
people that got the course and put it to

Well, little did most people know that
John has been quietly testing hundreds
of ALL-NEW traffic methods and
strategies to take that original course
to another level.

He wanted to take advantage of all the
powerful opportunities of Social Media,
Video Marketing, Content Syndication,
and much, much more.

He just posted a new video that you need
to go and watch RIGHT NOW:

Aside from all the great content that he
shares just check out the VIDEO STYLE itself.

One look at this video and you'll get a good
idea of where the future of Video Marketing
is headed.

It's really impressive. Check it out:

Best Regards,

Matt Bacak

P.S. You can actually go and watch TWO
videos right now by visiting this link:

Frontier Marketing Intl, LLC
1140 Old Peachtree Road, Suite D
Duluth, GA 30097-5121
Phone: 770-271-1536

Thursday, July 03, 2008

Dominating a Niche for a Product That’s Not Yours

If you have found a product that you know has poor marketing there is a lot you can do to make some good money. I actually was asked a question by someone who told me that they knew of a sports company with an awesome info product with a manual and videos. The best part of it all was that it was related to a niche of theirs. This person also knew that the product sold very, very well in its home country of Australia. But although this product had a web presence the marketing for it was extremely poor. So, this fellow did a little research and said that when he looked them up on Google under the name of the product the product was easy to find. However, if you enter other types of good, relevant keywords in their niche they weren’t even in the top 100 of Google, not in organic results or on the AdWords side. And this guy who’s researching this company is an SEO expert! So, he definitely has the upper hand here.

Basically, the idea he had was that he suggested he would act as a JV broker by hooking this company up with a well-established and respected SEO and lead generation company that he knew of. The SEO/lead generation company would boost the sport company’s web presence and drive leads, resulting in a high increase in sales. The JV broker (that being him), would get a cut of the profits that the company wouldn’t have otherwise seen, and the SEO company or rather the lead generation company, and sports company would split the profits at whatever percentages they agreed upon.

My advice?... Although this is a good idea, because you would have to do very little work – you’d only have to connect the two parties. However, I would suggest you become an affiliate and do the marketing for this product yourself. Especially since you say you are a SEO expert. You can make a ton more money working as an affiliate.

You know that you can make this company a lot of money. You can make so much more, plus the relationship with them is going to be so much greater because you’re going to be the one that actually is marketing their product and making huge sales. Now, whatever you do, don’t tell them your secret weapon. If they ask you what you’re doing, just say you have a secret weapon. You might not tell them about the SEO/lead generation company unless you absolutely have to. But use it to your advantage. You may just get a huge life-changing business proposal this way.

Warmest regards,

Matt Bacak

P.S. If you haven't signed up for my
Powerful Promoting Tips yet, then you
are really missing out, go here:

P.P.S. Do you want to be updated on the new things I'm doing
to market my companies? Then you need to grab a copy of my
`Internet Marketing Dirt'. It's now better than ever before!

Go here and get a copy:

Labels: , , , , , ,

Wednesday, July 02, 2008

Gone fishing...

I'm somewhere in Ohio getting ready
to go fishing with my dad tomorrow on
lake Erie...we go every year :-)

But, the reason I'm writing is
because I wanted to make sure you
got your FREE tickets to...

...Marketing Madness!

As my subscriber, you are invited to
discover sought-after internet industry
secrets at Marketing Madness Live.

Best of All...It's FREE!

Join us for 3 Days.

The 3 days are full power-packed days with
the world's leading internet marketing experts
in Atlanta! You will take away the knowledge of
how to create step-by-step action plan that's
guaranteed to increase the money flow.

An all-NEW lineup of internet marketing insiders
'From the Trenches' have finally agreed to break their
silence on how they are quietly making their fortunes
online...and how YOU can too!

Learn from Industry Leaders:

Mike Stewart- Video Websites
Armand Morin- The Marketing Authority
Joe Lavery - The Testing Freak
Keith Wellman - Auto Pilot Sales
Patric Chan - You "Chan" Do It
Eric Graham - Website Conversions
Ray Edwards - Killer Copywriting
Debra Thompson - Bullsye Marketing
Drew Miles - Tax Saving Strategies
Jeff Herring - Article Marketing

Exclusive to Marketing Madness Live:
Women's Luncheon & Sunday Prayer Session

Seating is Limited! Don't miss out!

Register below to Confirm your FREE Seat!

Hope to see you there!

Matt Bacak

P.S. 59 seats left (then gone forever)...

Frontier Marketing Intl, LLC
1140 Old Peachtree Road, Suite D
Duluth, GA 30097-5121
Phone: 770-271-1536

Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Subscribers only - $2,000 in Free Tickets...

I just wanted to let you know that
your getting Two (2) FREE tickets to
my Marketing Madness Seminar...

..Because you are a subscriber.

The dates are July 25-27 2008

What Makes This Event Different
Then The Other Events Out There?

Besides the fact that I'm not bringing
in the typical suspects, we have some special
things lined up. You see...

I have asked some of my friends and clients
that are kicking butt on the internet and the
business world to come and share with you
what they are doing!

They include:

Mike Stewart- Video Websites
Armand Morin- The Marketing Authority
Joe Lavery - The Testing Freak
Keith Wellman - Auto Pilot Sales
Patric Chan - You "Chan" Do It
Eric Graham - Website Conversions
Ray Edwards - Killer Copywriting
Debra Thompson - Bullsye Marketing
Drew Miles - Tax Saving Strategies
Jeff Herring - Article Marketing

But also, We are doing 2 things that no
one ever does, but I feel they should...

Women's Luncheon - I'll be buying lunch on Saturday
for all the women in the audience and my wife will be
leading a women's only lunch. So women can network and
talk privately without any men around. Since most
speakers are men.

Sunday Prayer Session - We are having a pastor lead
a prayer session on Sunday morning before the seminar
begins for those who want to attend. So you don't have
to feel guilty missing church - if you go.
(This is optional)

If you need any thing from my office, please
contact Tamara at
or 770-271-1536 ext. 119 (She's availible from
9:00 am - 4:30 pm EST)

But, Better Hurry, the tickets and
hotel rooms will go very quickly.

Go Here Right now - and register YOUR tickets:

Hope to see you there!

Matt Bacak


I let my clients know about this early so...

...We only have 200 seats available
for it and 129 clients have already
grabbed tickets as of 12:00 today.

Go here to get your FREE tickets now:

Frontier Marketing Intl, LLC
1140 Old Peachtree Road, Suite D
Duluth, GA 30097-5121
Phone: 770-271-1536

If I had to start all over again…

If I had to start all over again, the only site
that I would ever put up is a Power Squeeze™ site.

From a sales perspective, realize that a confused mind never buys.

This article will tell you how to put your websites in
an order that will not confuse your target audience.

Go Below to READ the article Now:

Go HERE ->>

Warmest Regards,

Matt Bacak

Frontier Marketing Intl, LLC
1140 Old Peachtree Road, Suite D
Duluth, GA 30097-5121
Phone: 770-271-1536