Monday, June 30, 2008

... put this into your BRAIN!

Did you know that there is a
legal and ethical way to cheat
your GENETIC potential and go
WAY beyond it?

No...I'm not talking about
steroids, but something a lot
more powerful...

...and you put it directly INTO

Here's the Scoop...

A friend of mine, who happens to
be a self-made millionaire, has
finally come clean about how he's
able to attract so many friends
and riches into his life.

You see, this guy has nothing
more than a High School Diploma...

...yet commands a hefty 7-figure
income every year from his
internet businesses!

But today, he's swearing that
he did it ALL by CHEATING!

(..Cheating his genetic potential
to be exact.)

His name is Justin Blake, and
until recently... he's tried to
remain out of the online spotlight.

I mean, he's not the seminar
"Guru" type as you'll soon see,
but he sure knows how to bring
the bucks rolling in!

The thing about Justin is that
for years now, he's sworn that
it has *not* been any one kind
of marketing tactic that he's
used to make it big.

So the question became...

How The Heck Does Justin Blake Do It?

He's an ALIEN!?!

No, just kidding...

...but apparently he's been using
some "alien" like technology that
evolves your brain and turns it
into a faster, more efficient,
highly intelligent super brain...

...That attracts wealth, health
and prosperity like nothing else
that has come before!

*** THAT I'm not kidding about. ***

Justin has been using this to
help him become more creative,
increase his intelligence, attract
more wealth and to develop his
now "well-known" ability to come
up with winning ideas fast!

Take a look because it's
for almost anyone healthy enough
to use it...

Here's something else...

(and you didn't hear it from me)

...Justin is a very generous guy.

Too generous at times, but he
doesn't care - he only wants to
help people.

You will find that when you're
with him he tends to give A LOT
more gifts than he says he will.

(know what I mean? - wink, wink,
bump, bump)

To Manifesting Your Ultimate Reality,
Matt Bacak

Sunday, June 29, 2008

How to measure if your emails are getting through to your list.

If you are sending emails out to your list you know how important it is that they receive what it is you're sending them. After all, your business is at stake and this communication with your list is crucial to your business. Now, obviously if someone buys something, you know they got your email. However, for those who haven't purchased, how do you even know if your email was received?
One way to know is to use seed lists. What I do is I'll set up different accounts in different places and just make sure that the emails are getting delivered. If you are using a monitored service like FatJack, you can actually ask them for your send score.

Outside of the send score, there's a couple of other things you want to track it. If you're using a service like Autoresponse Plus, you may want to use the link tracking option provided. If you do not know how to do link tracking, you can go to or go to and in there you will find something related to link tracking. When you use link tracking, that's going to give you your clicks. So, if you send out an email, you can look at your clicks which should also give you a good idea if people are even going to your page.

Also, if you're doing HTML, I know you can track your impressions also known as open rates, clicks, and your sales. Now, when you're doing that, if the impressions are low or your open rate is low, what this means is that you failed to deliver what it is your visitor what looking for. Basically, you failed to meet their needs in the delivery of your communication with them. If your clicks are low, that means your email wasn't very good. You need to improve your copy. If your sales are low and if you had a lot of clicks and no sales and your sales are low, that means your sales letter wasn't very good.

But don't be discouraged. There are a couple of things you can do to fix the problem. One this is you can change your subject line to build in some curiosity. Secondly, you can format your emails correctly so that they convert better. Make sure that your email is no more than 50 characters wide. Make them short and sweet and gets straight to the point.

You also want to make sure that what your email is speaking as a friend to your reader. Let them feel like you understand them and that you've been in their shoes and can help them. Let them know that you'll try to do whatever it takes to meet their needs. Remember, you want to gain their trust as this is essential to making huge sales.

Also take a look at your sales letter. If you suspect it's a little weak, try to improve it. You want to model other good sales letters and get more testimonials. Testimonials are essential to any and all sales pages. Another thing that's really important is to create a good close. Use scarcity and urgency, limited availability, limited time, reduced price to the first X amount of people.

Use these tips to help you gain a better response and open rate from your visitors. Doing this will have you build a stronger list and a stronger business.
Warmest regards,

Matt Bacak

P.S. If you haven't signed up for my
Powerful Promoting Tips yet, then you
are really missing out, go here:

P.P.S. Do you want to be updated on the new things I'm doing
to market my companies? Then you need to grab a copy of my
..Internet Marketing Dirt'. It's now better than ever before!

Go here and get a copy:

Labels: , , , ,

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Let’s socialize...

The Web 2.0 buzz is getting bigger every day.

Let's socialize web 2.0 style.

Here are a list of Social Networking
sites that I belong to, join them and
let's start socializing online.




If you want to be my friend on Amazon
Log into your Amazon account and go to:

Warmest regards,

Matt Bacak

Friday, June 27, 2008

What is Squidoo and how can you benefit from it?

Squidoo is basically where you can go and build a site quickly. You can recommend information, you can recommend ideas and you can spread your ideas and make them available for the public to see. It can make you look like an expert really quickly.
What it allows you to do is easily build a one-page website, pretty much on your own and they call it a lens. What you do with this lens is share your insights on a topic that interests you and that you really care about so that you can build credibility online.

You can also use it to send traffic to your sites or toyour blog. The other cool thing about it is after you’ve gone through and set up your site, you can even earn some extra cash.

My daughter is has recently set up a few lenses. I told her that before she did her homework every night that I wanted her to go and set up a new Squidoo lens. I got her to set up one yesterday and she set up another one tonight. She should probably have been in bed, but I wanted her to create new pages as often as she could. The reason why I wanted her to do this stuff is because she wanted to make money. I said, “Well, one of the quickest ways for anyone to make money online right now is to set up a Squidoo lens.”

My daughter also wanted to give money to charity, so I said, “The cool thing about it is that you can choose how much money you want to give to charity.” We actually got her a dog from the Humane Society. And because she loves dogs and wanted to give some money to their organization, she decided to give 20% of all the money she earned off that to the Humane Society and she kept the other 80% for herself. She can go back and change the amounts later if she wants. But I wanted her to just start seeing some money come in first.

Now, after you’ve gone through the process of setting up your lens you become what’s called a lens master. To start building you own site, just go to and you can use me “Matt Bacak” as a referral.
At Squidoo, there are thousands of people creating these websites right now and a lot of it is really good information.

Other things you can do with your Squidoo website is sell things from Amazon to affiliate products as well as insert your own YouTube videos. That’s what we’re doing with Traffic Magicians. We not only do that, but we also put links back to my page. So, set yours up today or get Traffic Magicians to do it with the whole A9 process.

Matt Bacak

P.S. If you haven't signed up for my
Powerful Promoting Tips yet, then you
are really missing out, go here:

P.P.S. Do you want to be updated on the new things I'm doing
to market my companies? Then you need to grab a copy of my
`Internet Marketing Dirt'. It's now better than ever before!

Go here and get a copy:

Labels: , , , , ,

Thursday, June 26, 2008

I’ll let you know...‏

I'm about to release tickets to
my Marketing Madness LIVE seminar
soon but I'm putting the finishing
touches on the website for you.

I'm doing something a bit
different this time.

I'll let you know soon.

HOLD ON - While you wait...

Inside my Brand new FREE CD called:
(The CD I mentioned yesterday)

"Traffic Explosion System"

I revealed a brand new process
that I've been testing and tweaking
for a while now, I call it...

...the A9 Process

It's a unique process that I have never
heard anyone else figure out till me.

Heck, I didn't even put it in the
website copy it's so secret.

I'd recommend getting this info
from the horses mouth before all
the swipers steal this and ruin
it by teaching it the wrong way.

That would really screw up your
online business - Big Time.

To get details on the CD go here:

Best Regards,

Matt Bacak

P.S. Better Hurry, I'm this CD
is flying off the shelf :-)

Go here Right Now to Grab yours:

Frontier Marketing Intl, LLC
1140 Old Peachtree Road, Suite D
Duluth, GA 30097-5121
Phone: 770-271-1536

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Traffic and getting Tickets...

If the thought one second that I
was talking about being in traffic
on the road and getting tickets from
a cop then you were dead wrong.

Because, I have even better news.

First, let's talk about the tickets.

In the next few days, I'm going to
be releasing tickets to the public for
my Marketing Madness Live seminar.

(After my clients swoop up a few seats)

This event I'm going to do it a little
different - Just watch and see...

Now, let's talk about traffic.

Many people have been asking about
how that can create massive amounts
of Free traffic to their websites.

I guess people finally realized you
build and they won't come, unless...

...You get traffic to it :-)

Did you know...

It doesn't matter what you sell
or how "pretty" your site is.

If you can't attract a steady flow of
qualified visitors to your site then your
business isn't going to succeed.

It's that simple.

("If you build it, they will
come" works only in the movies.)

That's why I created a Free CD for
you called 'Traffic Explosion'

This CD -- "The Traffic Explosion System"
-- reveals how to create more FREE traffic
than you can shake a stick at!

You can claim your free CD right now, by

Go here Right Now and Grab Your Copy:

Best Regards,

Matt Bacak

Frontier Marketing Intl, LLC
1140 Old Peachtree Road, Suite D
Duluth, GA 30097-5121
Phone: 770-271-1536

How to *cheat* and win...

Did you know that there is a
legal and ethical way to cheat
your GENETIC potential and go
WAY beyond it?

No...I'm not talking about
steroids, but something a lot
more powerful...

...and you put it directly INTO

Here's the Scoop...

A friend of mine, who happens to
be a self-made millionaire, has
finally come clean about how he's
able to attract so many friends
and riches into his life.

You see, this guy has nothing
more than a High School Diploma...

...yet commands a hefty 7-figure
income every year from his
internet businesses!

But today, he's swearing that
he did it ALL by CHEATING!

(..Cheating his genetic potential
to be exact.)

His name is Justin Blake, and
until recently... he's tried to
remain out of the online spotlight.

I mean, he's not the seminar
"Guru" type as you'll soon see,
but he sure knows how to bring
the bucks rolling in!

The thing about Justin is that
for years now, he's sworn that
it has *not* been any one kind
of marketing tactic that he's
used to make it big.

So the question became...

How The Heck Does Justin Blake Do It?

He's an ALIEN!?!

No, just kidding...

...but apparently he's been using
some "alien" like technology that
evolves your brain and turns it
into a faster, more efficient,
highly intelligent super brain...

...That attracts wealth, health
and prosperity like nothing else
that has come before!

*** THAT I'm not kidding about. ***

Justin has been using this to
help him become more creative,
increase his intelligence, attract
more wealth and to develop his
now "well-known" ability to come
up with winning ideas fast!

Take a look because it's
for almost anyone healthy enough
to use it...

Here's something else...

(and you didn't hear it from me)

...Justin is a very generous guy.

Too generous at times, but he
doesn't care - he only wants to
help people.

You will find that when you're
with him he tends to give A LOT
more gifts than he says he will.

(know what I mean? - wink, wink,
bump, bump)

To Manifesting Your Ultimate Reality,

Matt Bacak

Frontier Marketing Intl, LLC
1140 Old Peachtree Road, Suite D
Duluth, GA 30097-5121
Phone: 770-271-1536

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

...How "Aliens" can make you rich

Listen, I'm going to make this
quick because I don't know how
much time I have left!

A friend of mine just discovered
and released something NEW...

Something so profound, it can
get you more wealth and prosperity
than any marketing product or
software you've ever seen.

(In FACT, it's what he believes
to be the single dominating tool
for turning him into a multi-millionaire.)

AND it has...

* NOTHING to do with "internet" marketing.

* NOTHING to do with "affiliate" marketing.

As a matter of fact it has...

* NOTHING to do with ANY kind of marketing.

Yes, it's true!

Here's the scoop...

A good freind of mine, who
happens to not only be a

...but also a former homeless
kid who stumbled across a
mysterious tool that most
"adults" would laugh at...

...and used it to turn himself
into a millionaire in 3 years flat!

His name is Justin Blake and when
he discovered this technology, he
said it was *rumored* to have been
originally invented by *ALIENS*!

(I think he still believes that
rumor, but that's just my opinion.)

Just so you know who Justin is,
let me just say this...

* Justin is one of the top
internet marketing affiliates in
the world.

* Yes, he is a SUPER affiliate
and then some.

* He is also a mega-preneur in
his (non-affiliate) business and
generates over $3.6 million a
year (from his home!) without
ever hosting a single seminar.

* He credits this incredible tool
with the majority of his success!

He's taken this tool, and over
the years re-invented it so that
it is three times as powerful and
can work for anyone that is
*healthy* enough to use it.

(...Yes it's THAT powerful!)

Today, he's pulled back the
curtains and finally making this
newly re-invented tool public.

This won't be around for long.

He's sworn to take most of it
off the market or triple the price.

Justin Blake is the "real deal" Janet.

He's one of those secretive
underground marketers you hear
about who have unorthodox methods
of doing things while raking in
millions in revenue.

This tool is *amazing*!

Check it out today.

To your new found reality,

Matt Bacak

P.S. - Even if all you have
is 30 minutes a day to spare...

...then this powerful tool CAN
and WILL change your life too!


Those "aliens" are pretty
ingenious, eh?

Frontier Marketing Intl, LLC
1140 Old Peachtree Road, Suite D
Duluth, GA 30097-5121
Phone: 770-271-1536

Monday, June 23, 2008

Local Search

If you're looking from an SEO perspective for local search, it's pretty easy. Just find names of counties and things like that and put them in your keywords. Think about what people are searching for. You can take Atlanta for example; I used to dominate "Atlanta internet marketing tips." Why? Well, because there were a lot of people actually searching for "Atlanta internet marketing tips." They don't just want to find internet marketing tips all over the world; they want to find internet marketing tips in Atlanta or internet marketing strategies, people that do internet marketing strategies in Atlanta. So I really dominated that in the beginning and I've got a big list of people in the Atlanta market.

So, utilize the names of areas, the names of counties, the names of cities around you, to do the local search. It works really well to put the name in your title tag. So instead of it being "internet marketing tips" or "real estate strategies" or "real estate foreclosures," do "Atlanta foreclosures," "Grant County foreclosures." You know, use those as your keywords or your keyword phrases.

In local search, there's actually two different things you can do - and both can be done with free traffic and paid traffic.

With the free traffic, you want to go after business owners. For instance, we've worked with carpet stores, we've worked with plumbers and we've worked with exterminators. All people are trying to do is find, for instance, an exterminator in Atlanta or for whatever city they're in. With local search, there are people searching on those search terms, so you can definitely target those terms and literally dominate them very quickly using free traffic strategies such as the ones used by Traffic Magicians. As I mentioned before, you can find them at

You're going to dominate your local search areas because they're what's considered long tail keywords, which makes them areas that other web site owners aren't trying to go after. For example, let's take "internet marketing." This is a highly, highly searched term. However, "Internet marketing in Atlanta" is not always that highly searched. However, there is still traffic for this term. Now, if you can dominate that term, plus LA, plus New York, plus wherever location, you'll obviously be able to get a lot of people. You can also find all the different search terms. Just add the city name to it.

Another cool thing is that if you're doing your Google AdWords campaign, it will actually give you the option of advertising within say a 50-mile radius of your business. This can work wonders if you're selling a service or even if you're selling houses.

For example, let's say you help save people from foreclosure and you want to target a specific foreclosure market. You would target your cities or maybe your sub-cities and everywhere else within a set radius in Google AdWords. So, instead of picking the United States, you could just pick the state of Georgia. You could pick the entire state of Georgia and only sanction that one. So, if you wanted to buy property all over your state or if you only wanted to buy property in a 50-mile radius around your house, you could do so. You can literally dominate your first three or four positions in Google AdWords by creating different campaigns because you're going to show up for those local people. You know, someone in Poughkeepsie, New York is not going to see my Atlanta ad. So, that's kind of the benefit of using this method.

Basically, if you're not using local search you're missing out on a ton of traffic.

It can literally change your business.

Warmest regards,

Matt Bacak

P.S. If you haven't signed up for my
Powerful Promoting Tips yet, then you
are really missing out, go here:

P.P.S. Do you want to be updated on the new things I'm doing
to market my companies? Then you need to grab a copy of my
..Internet Marketing Dirt'. It's now better than ever before!

Go here and get a copy:

Labels: , , , , , , ,

Sunday, June 22, 2008

... This came from ALIENS!

*** Important Question: ***

What do Aliens, headphones and
millionaires all have in common?

No, I haven't lost my marbles...

I'm actually being serious.

I'll give you the answer to save
time because what I'm about to
expose is very time sensitive.

The answer is 2 things...

--> A former homeless boy
named Justin Blake.


--> A special tool -- Justin
said was rumored to have been
invented by aliens -- that helped
transform him into a multi-millionaire
in only 3 short years.

(Yes, I know what you're thinking...
...I thought the same thing until
his web site.)

Take a look, you'll be pleasantly
surprised...SHOCKED...and pretty
happy about what you find!

To Your new found reality,

Matt Bacak

P.S. - This tool is so powerful,
Justin is only making parts of
it available soon, but ALL of it
available to you TODAY!

(HUH??... just go to the site
and you'll see what I mean.)

Frontier Marketing Intl, LLC
1140 Old Peachtree Road, Suite D
Duluth, GA 30097-5121
Phone: 770-271-1536

Saturday, June 21, 2008

This Sunday at noon.

Something shocking and mysterious
is coming this weekend.

Something that you've NEVER
seen before.

(Heck... it's something I've
never seen before until now.)

It's going to change the way you
look at life, your future and...

...and even your reality.

So, right now... this very moment...

... you need to put a sticky note
on your computer screen to
have it remind you... be at your computer watching
for an email from me this SUNDAY, June
22nd at high noon.

(Go head... do it right now. I'll
wait for you.)
Okay, finished? Good. :-)

I'm not sure what the exact
subject line will be yet for
this Sunday's email...

...but here's a HINT:

It has something to do with "ALIENS".

I'll see you Sunday at NOON.

- Matt

I swore under legal oath to not
reveal what it is until Sunday
so please don't ask until then.

Yup... it's THAT important.

I'll see you Sunday at noon.

Friday, June 20, 2008

"Bad News"‏

This message is VERY important and HIGHLY time sensitive...

OK. The bad new is...

If you haven't gotten the chance to check outthis video...I highly recommend doing so asap!

Today is the last day that you have
the opportunity to have this killer
home study course shipped to your door...

For free :)

Go here ->

The offer is coming down today as these
fella's only ran this promotion for 10 days...

I am truly sorry if you miss out on
this awesome opportunity, so PLEASE
go here now while you still have the chance...

Go here ->

Make moves today :)

Matt Bacak

Frontier Marketing Intl, LLC
1140 Old Peachtree Road, Suite D
Duluth, GA 30097-5121
Phone: 770-271-1536

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Client is now doing $100k a WEEK...(READ THIS NOW)

Why did Russell Brunson pay me $1,000
for just one hour of my time? Read this
message below to find out why and...

Matt Bacak

--READ this Message Below---

From the desk of: Russell Brunson

Yes, I paid him $1,000 for a 1 hour phone call.

That one hour call resulted in over $50,000 in revenue
within 7 days, and is now responsible for almost $100k a
WEEK (yes, a week) consistently in revenues...

If I could benefit that much from one
hour, I thought that you could too...

So, I just called him up and asked him to
do a 1 hour call with you and share the same
formula that he shared with me.

Luckily he's agreed to do it FREE!!!

(this is HUGE because he charged me $1,000 and now
charges clients $2,000 an hour), and you can listen
in to this call FREE LIVE tonight at 6:00 pm EST!

Get The Teleseminar Phone Number And Your
Personal Pin # Now by going below Now:

Register Your Seat Now - It's 100% FREE, But
Limited To The First 250 People (my new line
only holds 250 people - so show up early)!

Russell Brunson

P.S. This call is tonight, June 19th at
6:00 PM EST - Only 250 Seats Available!!!

Frontier Marketing Intl, LLC
1140 Old Peachtree Road, Suite D
Duluth, GA 30097-5121
Phone: 770-271-1536

Why My Marketing Degree is B.S.

When I was in college, I graduated with a marketing degree, a BS in Marketing. Here’s the interesting thing. After getting out in the real world and applying the “stuff” they taught me, I realized that I was right all along… my marketing degree was BS.

This article will tell you how why marketing advice from real millionaires and billionaires is far more valuable than what they taught me (more like they regurgitated from a book) in college.

Go Below to READ this article:

Go here -->

Warmest Regards,

Matt Bacak

Frontier Marketing Intl, LLC
1140 Old Peachtree Road, Suite D
Duluth, GA 30097-5121
Phone: 770-271-1536

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

This giveaway is going away...

IMPORTANT: My buddy Keith Wellman is giving
away this huge course - like I told you about
last week - shipped right to your door.

If you have not gotten yours yet, you are
fast running out of time because he's taking
this site down within 48 hours.

Go here ->

In case you can't remember what it's
all about, just go watch the video they
made for you that explains everything.

That means you need to take care of this now:

If you missed the prior message, here are more details:

Hi Everyone,

This is an urgent message...

In fact, it will probably be
invalid not long from now.

Just make sure you read this right away.

A friend of mine has just released a new
course that is jammed full of his best stuff,
plus some great stuff from 2 other guys.

These 3 guys have put the most value into
a product as physically possible...

The best part is that this package will be
shipped to your door...for nothing!

Grab it now before they come to their senses.

Go here ->

Because these guys are eating all of the
cost in this promotion - they have made this
an extremely limited offer...

You must take action now before you
miss out on this amazing course...

Yours in success,

Matt Bacak

Frontier Marketing Intl, LLC
1140 Old Peachtree Road, Suite D
Duluth, GA 30097-5121
Phone: 770-271-1536

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Your final chance to get this turnkey site...

The chance to get in on our Membership
Millions program is almost over!

Today, Tuesday, June 17, 2008 at 11:59 pm EST is the last
time Jeff Paul, Shawn Casey and Jim Fleck can accept any new
members into their amazing Membership Millions program! At
midnight, it will be OVER! Reserve your spot NOW at:

Go Here ->

If you decide to wait and try and sign up after that time you'll
be out of luck. This is one of those rare opportunities you
cannot pass up! The programs are selling like crazy and there is
a LIMITED amount of people we will allow in…so the best thing you
can do is become a part of this NOW!

If you decide to join our Membership Millions program you'll

· The shocking secret of how you can clone one of Jeff, Jim and
Shawn's most profitable membership programs for yourself and
begin marketing it immediately. They'll show you to not only how
to clone the whole membership program, how to run the membership
program, but also how to get an instant flood of customers to buy
your membership program even if you don't have a single customer!

· The stunning way to get everything accomplished for your
membership program without lifting one finger yourself! Discover
how Jeff, Jim and Shawn will actually put your own, private label
clone of their "Millionaire Of The Month" membership online for

· How to get hundreds or thousands of members to sign up for your
membership program even if you don't have a single customer and
never have built a list in your life!

· The secret of how they got five thousand members to join a
program inside of forty-five days starting from scratch!

· How about the shocking secrets of pricing memberships? Why what
you've read or heard about other people's memberships pricing
strategies are bogus and what the truth really is!

· The shocking, stunning resource that can teach you how to sell
memberships, more memberships than you could imagine, that no one
wants to talk about!

· The world series of membership programs is not only getting
people into your membership program paying you month after
month…but then the secrets of how to get them to buy even more
things from you to further explode your lazy person's riches!

· The best kind of membership programs and the worst kind of
memberships programs, there is a difference! (Don't make the
mistake of getting clued in on membership millions, but then
picking the wrong membership program!)

· The shocking secret of how you can clone one of Jeff, Jim and
Shawn's most profitable membership programs for yourself and
begin marketing it immediately. They'll show you to not only how
to clone the whole membership program, how to run the membership
program, but also how to get an instant flood of customers to buy
your membership program even if you don't have a single customer!

· How to get people to sign up through automatic registration
methods for these high priced programs that will shock and amaze

· And much, much more!

Once you enroll, you'll get specific instructions
on exactly what's gonna happen next.

You'll be notified and kept apprised of everything that
has to be done to set up your private label version of
"Millionaire of The Month" online for you...

...their best selling membership program that will now
will be YOUR membership program under YOUR own name!

Take care. We look forward to seeing your name on the list of
enrolled participants in Membership Millions!

Sign up NOW at:

Go Here ->

Yours in success,

Matt Bacak

P.S. If you snooze you lose. This offer is going to end today
at 11:59 pm EST. So you must act quickly because the remaining
spots are likely to be gone in a flash! And if you're late, if
you hesitate…your going to kick your self in the head for blowing
this chance!

Frontier Marketing Intl, LLC
1140 Old Peachtree Road, Suite D
Duluth, GA 30097-5121
Phone: 770-271-1536

The A9 Process of bringing more traffic to your website – Step 9

We’ve finally reached the last step of our A9 Process. I hope you’ve gone over all the previous steps. If not do that now before you read this last step so you have a clear understanding of the process.

For Step #9 we’re going to take all of this content again and post links back to it -to different social networking and social bookmarking websites.

There are tons and tons of social networking and social bookmarking websites out there and these are all considered authority sites, just like Squidoo.

What this does is it gets a massive amount of great backlinks to your website that the search engines are going to see and spider. This raises the value of the search term for your website, no matter where that site is in its rankings. So, we put these links back to your website, we put content in there like your article and stuff like that and then it actually pushes your website higher in the search engines.

These authority sites are saying your site is about “this”, which is based on your keyword. One of my keywords is “internet marketing tips”, so the search engines will rank me higher for that particular term.

So, that is it. The A9 process is finally complete!

It’s pretty easy to set all this stuff up. It’s just like creating blog posts on most of these sites. You can literally just go in, copy and paste stuff in, hit go, and it creates everything for you. You don’t have to sit there and work all this HTML magic. It’s a fairly simple process but it just takes a little time.

To give you an overview of how long this process could take you depends on whether you outsource it or do-it-yourself. When you outsource it, you have to micromanage people because if you’re going to have several different outsourcers you need to make sure that they’re all accountable for doing your stuff. If you’re doing them yourself, the process could go a little smoother, but it’s still going to take time just to stumble and bumble through all this stuff until you become better at it.

It takes about 28 hours per submission to submit this stuff. Outsourcing could take three and a half hours per submission. Obviously, these times can drop, but the point is, how much is your time worth?

Now, what if I told you that a company called Traffic Magicians would only take you one hour a month to get everything done no matter how many submissions you did? Sound like something you would be interested in? If so, go to to learn more.

Warmest regards,

Matt Bacak

P.S. If you haven't signed up for my
Powerful Promoting Tips yet, then you
are really missing out, go here:

P.P.S. Do you want to be updated on the new things I'm doing
to market my companies? Then you need to grab a copy of my
`Internet Marketing Dirt'. It's now better than ever before!

Go here and get a copy:

Labels: , , , , , , , ,

Take Control of Your Destiny…

Joint ventures are an incredible way to make
money and increase your exposure, but until you
start building your own subscriber lists, your
financial destiny will be in the hands of others.

This article will tell you how to take control of your
financial future by building your very own list.

Go below Right Now to Read this article:

Go Here ->>

Warmest Regards,

Matt Bacak

Frontier Marketing Intl, LLC
1140 Old Peachtree Road, Suite D
Duluth, GA 30097-5121
Phone: 770-271-1536

Monday, June 16, 2008

it happens only

NEWS FLASH: They have only have a few
spots left for this one-time-only teleseminar
that will reveal the inside secrets of
cashing in with your own membership
site. Get registered ASAP! -- Matt

If you missed yesterday's announcement,
here's the scoop:

Hi ,

Jeff Paul, Jim Fleck and my neighbor -
Shawn Casey are holding a private, one time
only Teleseminar on Monday, June 16th, 2008
at 2:00 pm EST, (1:00 pm CST, 12 Noon MT,
11:00 am PST) during which they will spill
their guts about how they have made a
fortune with memberships.

(And how you can, too!)

Get your complimentary ticket here.

Go Here ->>

They will also reveal how they will give
you a clone of one of our $29.99 a month
memberships - so you can have your own
site and...YOU keep all the sales!

Heck - they'll even change the name of
the site for you, install the software,
add the content, set up the sales letter
and anything else needed to get this
live for you. They do everything for
you so you...

Just Add Members!

Plus you'll get all the marketing tools
they used to sign up 5,016 members in
the first 11 weeks! Let's $29.99 times
5, do the math!

Remember - 100% of the sales, members,
backend profits, etc. are all yours!

You can discover our incredible inside
secrets of how to run unbelievably
successful membership programs. Even
if you have no clue on how to run,
promote, or create one. You will
discover how you can rake in the big
bucks with your own membership program
quickly and little or no time!

This private label clone of "Millionaire
Of The Month" was only released this
past Thursday, limited to 300 people
who could sign up. As of this minute
235 membership millions spots have been
sold, leaving only 65 remaining.

This program will sell out! If you
want to get in on it before it's
too late make sure you attend this
unique teleseminar where the remaining
spots will be sold out.

Space is really limited on this
teleseminar because we don't want
everyone and their brother doing
this. We noticed teleseminar spots
are filling up at an alarming rate...
so we thought we'd give you fair

Register Here ->>

You will only have one chance to
hear this amazing teleseminar so
you need to register now.

Register below Now.

Yours in success,

Matt Bacak

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Legendary Marketers Interview...(Watch this Video)

A while back, Legendary Marketers
came to my house to interview me, go
below and watch the video clip:


"Legendary Marketers" is the internet marketing
version of MTV Cribs, Lifestyles of the Rich and
Famous, and Donny Deutsch's Big Idea.


Matt Bacak

P.S. Watch this live interview at my house:

Frontier Marketing Intl, LLC
1140 Old Peachtree Road, Suite D
Duluth, GA 30097-5121
Phone: 770-271-1536

Saturday, June 14, 2008

One Time Only Teleseminar Reveals Membership Millions...

I'm still in the Bahamas...

But, this is a very exciting announcement:

Jeff Paul, Shawn Casey, and Jim Fleck, internet millionaire's,
are holding a private, one time only Teleseminar on Monday,
June 16th, 2008 at 2:00 pm EST, (1:00 pm CST, 12 Noon MT,
11:00 am PST) during which they will spill their guts about how
they've made a fortune with memberships (And how you can, too!)

Jeff, Shawn And Jim, 3 Of The Richest. Most Successful Internet
Marketers On Earth Will Let You Clone One Of Their $29.99 Per
Month Memberships - You Keep All The Money!

And, They Will Even Change The Name Of The Membership Site To
Your Own Name For You - And Get It Online For You As Well!

Plus You'll Get All The Marketing Tools They Used To Sign Up
5,016 Members In 11 Weeks! (*Note - you do the math!) And Get
This - You Get To Keep 100% Of The Money - No Royalties!

You can discover their incredible inside secrets of how to run
unbelievably successful membership programs. Even if you have no
clue on how to run, promote, or create one. You will discover
how you can get rich with your own membership program quickly and little or no time!

This private label clone of "Millionaire Of The Month" was only
released this past Thursday, limited to 300 people who could sign
up. As of this minute 211 membership millions spots have been
sold, leaving only 89 remaining.

This program will sell out! If you want to get in on it before
it's too late make sure you attend this unique teleseminar where
the remaining spots will be sold out.

Space is really limited on this teleseminar because they don't
want everyone and their brother doing this. They noticed
teleseminar spots are filling up at an alarming they
thought they'd give you fair warning.

You will only have one chance to hear this amazing teleseminar so
you need to register now at:

Register NOW ->>

During the teleseminar they will be revealing amazing secrets

· The shocking secret of how you can clone one of Jeff, Jim and
Shawn's most profitable membership programs for yourself and
begin marketing it immediately. They'll show you to not only how
to clone the whole membership program, how to run the membership
program, but also how to get an instant flood of customers to buy
your membership program even if you don't have a single customer!

· The stunning way to get everything accomplished for your
membership program without lifting one finger yourself! Discover
how Jeff, Jim and Shawn will actually put your own, private label
clone of their "Millionaire Of The Month" membership online for

· How to get hundreds or thousands of members to sign up for your
membership program even if you don't have a single customer and
never have built a list in your life!

· The secret of how they got five thousand members to join a
program inside of forty-five days starting from scratch!

· How about the shocking secrets of pricing memberships? Why what
you've read or heard about other people's memberships pricing
strategies are bogus and what the truth really is!

· The shocking, stunning resource that can teach you how to sell
memberships, more memberships than you could imagine, that no one
wants to talk about!

· The world series of membership programs is not only getting
people into your membership program paying you month after
month...but then the secrets of how to get them to buy even more
things from you to further explode your lazy person's riches!

· The best kind of membership programs and the worst kind of
memberships programs, there is a difference! (Don't make the
mistake of getting clued in on membership millions, but then
picking the wrong membership program!)

· The shocking secret of how you can clone one of Jeff, Jim and
Shawn's most profitable membership programs for yourself and
begin marketing it immediately. We'll show you to not only how to
clone the whole membership program, how to run the membership
program, but also how to get an instant flood of customers to buy
your membership program even if you don't have a single customer!

· How to get people to sign up through automatic registration
methods for these high priced programs that will shock and amaze

· And much, much more!

As stated earlier, space is almost gone for this groundbreaking
teleseminar, and it's only happening once. You must ACT NOW and
get registered at:

Register NOW ->>

Yours in success,

Matt Bacak

Frontier Marketing Intl, LLC
1140 Old Peachtree Road, Suite D
Duluth, GA 30097-5121
Phone: 770-271-1536

Friday, June 13, 2008

Here's your free audio for subscribing...

You'll discover...How to Explode Your
Information Business Quickly and Easily Using
Powerful Email List Building Strategies

Click below to listen to your free mp3 recording
of the audio called: "Leads Explosion System"


Matt Bacak

Frontier Marketing Intl, LLC
1140 Old Peachtree Road, Suite D
Duluth, GA 30097-5121
Phone: 770-271-1536

I'm in the Bahamas..

I wanted to give you a quick heads
up, I'm at port in the Bahamas.

FYI: My editor is not next to me. So, I'm not
sure if this email is grammatically correct.

A few weeks ago, I got a wild hair to
take my office and everyone in their
families on a cruise to the Bahamas...

(Everyone equals wife's, kids, partners)

It was my way of saying thanks for
everyones hard work and dedication.

We are all having fun and I'm very happy about
that because they all defiantly deserved it.

We will all be back in the office on Monday.

(Probably with some funny pictures.)

Just giving keeping in touch.


Matt Bacak

Frontier Marketing Intl, LLC
1140 Old Peachtree Road, Suite D
Duluth, GA 30097-5121
Phone: 770-271-1536

What’s the purpose of your website?‏

What’s the purpose of your website?‏

Everything in life has a purpose. The same holds
true in business. There are three different types
of websites I use to maximize my earnings.

This article will explain the differences between
all three and the different purposes they serve.

Go Below to Read This Article:

Go HERE ->>

Warmest Regards,

Matt Bacak

Frontier Marketing Intl, LLC
1140 Old Peachtree Road, Suite D
Duluth, GA 30097-5121
Phone: 770-271-1536

Thursday, June 12, 2008

The A9 Process of bringing more traffic to your website – Step 8

I don’t know if you have heard of a site called Squidoo yet, but let me explain to you what it is. is a place where people can go and create miniature websites that are highly ranked in the search engines. Squidoo has created this system to make these sites. These lenses rank extremely high in search engines and therefore, helps you get more traffic to your website.

What we’re going to be doing is, as another medium, we’re going to be taking your article and your video and post it on to Squidoo lenses.

Now, the cool thing about Squidoo, which is why I suggest doing it anyway, is technically you can make money from Squidoo by adding AdSense to your pages.

Squidoo pages can actually get ranked really quickly because sites like Squidoo are searched regularly by Google and indexed. The search engine’s job is to put as many different references to a certain search term as possible in their search engine, which, in turn, makes it a worthwhile search engine to go visit.

So, getting your Squidoo site and your Squidoo lenses set up will help you out with raising the ranking of that Squidoo lens, and also being able to put it in spots that you want it for certain keywords.

The cool part about it is you can add stuff to it. For instance, let’s say you had books on Amazon. You could actually post your books, as well as the link to your books. So, there are more ways for you to make money. It’s just a lead generator. Remember, lead generation money is not your most important money. It’s the back-end where you really make money.

With the Squidoo lenses, you can add all this cool stuff to it and you can add other feeds, to RSS feeds, to blogs and stuff like that. You can also link it back to different places as well as put hyperlinks to your website. So, when Google goes and spiders your Squidoo lens, the first thing it goes to is a hyperlink that goes directly to your website. And guess what this hyperlink says? It says whatever search term you’ve chosen to go after. When it sees your hyperlink, as an example, it goes, “Oh!” Matt Bacak promoting tips, it says, “Oh, internet marketing tips equals promoting tips, so I’m going to put promoting tips in internet marketing tips.” So that’s just kind of a rough idea of how that all works.

Basically, the bottom line is Squidoo lenses are a really great way to get a lot of traffic to your website.

Warmest regards,

Matt Bacak

P.S. If you haven't signed up for my
Powerful Promoting Tips yet, then you
are really missing out, go here:

P.P.S. Do you want to be updated on the new things I'm doing
to market my companies? Then you need to grab a copy of my
`Internet Marketing Dirt'. It's now better than ever before!

Go here and get a copy:

Labels: , , , ,

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Study this offer closely....

One of the most effective ways to learn
internet marketing is to closely watch
how successful marketers launch products...

How do these guys make money in this promotion?
What does their salespage look like (or lack thereof)
Any backend products?
What tools are needed to create a product like this?

Study the offer, grab the free course, fill
your mind with invaluable information.

It's a Win/ win situation :)

Best Regards,

Matt Bacak

Frontier Marketing Intl, LLC
1140 Old Peachtree Road, Suite D
Duluth, GA 30097-5121
Phone: 770-271-1536

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Keith Wellman moves the 'freeline' Big Time...

Remember last week when I was talking
about moving the "freeline"? Well, to be honest
I thought that with some of the fantastic products
some of the big names have been literally giving
away...we might be close to finding the edge
of that "freeline" And then my friend Keith Wellman
goes and does something like this:

I Love it when that 'freeline' moves, let me see!

Keith has just teamed up with Hollis Carter
and Marc Horne and they've put their considerable
collective force together and moved that "freeline"
even more than I thought possible.

Tomorrow they launch their brand new home study
course, The Autopilot Sales's an amazing
offering and they're going to give it away. To you...right
now. Go watch this short video right now and get
all the details. It's an unbelieveable deal.

The complete course covers topics including:

=> How to choose a profitable niche...
=> Developing an "in demand" product for your niche...
=> Putting your sales system in place...
=> How to create a pre-launch...
=> Driving thousands of high quality
=> Pricing Strategy
=> Launch Strategy
=> Business building strategy to create long term, income...

And a whole LOT more. Get it now while you can
get it for nothing. Keith tells me that he can only
keep this offer up for a couple of days.

Check it out now:

I want my copy before it's too LATE!

Keep Havin' Fun

Matt Bacak


Frontier Marketing Intl, LLC
1140 Old Peachtree Road, Suite D
Duluth, GA 30097-5121
Phone: 770-271-1536

The A9 Process of bringing more traffic to your website - Step 7

I don't know if any of you out there are blogging already. I'm sure there's some who are. I know a lot of people out there advocate blogging and I'm another person who's about to advocate it again. If you're not blogging on the internet, then it's literally something that you should be doing because you are missing out on a ton of traffic.

The internet likes blogs and search engines love them! It doesn't matter where you have a blog. They bottom line is they like blogs. It's the way of the net.
Any time that a blog refreshes content, it almost automatically gets put into Google, Yahoo, MSN or whatever search engine that they're mostly posting to. The reason why is, a lot of these blogs are actually doing what's called, "pinging" different blog search engines.

These blog search engines are highly spidered by the regular search engines and what that does for you is it takes your blog and moves it higher on the search engines for you. This then obviously brings traffic back to your squeeze page. So it's kind of all, one big cycle.

What we do is we actually take your article, as well as take the embedded code from your YouTube video, and we post both the video and the article as a post in your blog. Now, what that's going to do for you is start creating a highly-ranked blog that does nothing more than drive traffic back to your squeeze page because it's creating content on a blog that you can then drive back to squeeze pages and get a lot of people visiting you.

That's also another way that you can also get a second website, higher rankings in the search engines. Remember, we're not just talking about trying to take over the number one position in Google. We're talking about dominating as many pages as possible.

Well all know that taking top spot is good, but it is only one spot. If there's nowhere else for people to go but your website, guess where they're going to go? Your website! So really, what you want to do is you want to start creating things like blogs to take you to the top.

Actually, the best part about following all of these steps is that any one of these could help you, but we're going to do nine of them, and we're only at Step 7 right now. What we've already done will give you great results. Just imagine how much better you'll do following the entire A9 Process!

Now, here's a cool place where you can go that I have actually got another deal for you from the guys at FatJack. If you go to, enter the promotional code "Traffic Magicians" you can check out the deal there. This is all great stuff that will see you rise to the top of the search engines!

Warmest regards,

Matt Bacak

P.S. If you haven't signed up for my
Powerful Promoting Tips yet, then you
are really missing out, go here:

P.P.S. Do you want to be updated on the new things I'm doing
to market my companies? Then you need to grab a copy of my
`Internet Marketing Dirt'. It's now better than ever before!

Go here and get a copy:

Labels: , , , , , , ,

Monday, June 09, 2008

Just released due to public demand

Bowing to the public demand Jeff Paul, Shawn Casey and Jim
Fleck have received, questions that have been emailed in and
inquiries for more information about setting a million dollar
membership program.

Jeff, Shawn and Jim have just released an amazing 37 minute
audio and written report that reveals an inside look into
their latest Million Dollar Membership Program.

It's called, "Anatomy Of A Million Dollar Membership"!

I guess they had to call it something.

This report reveals from the inside how they create, plan and
execute a membership program that garnered over 5,000 members
in the first 11 weeks!

This is what readers said of their last report…

"Hi Jeff, Jim & Shawn… I am writing to say a big 'thank you' I Am
already feeling some cool dollars in my hands. My initial doubt &
naivety in the whole process gave way to confidence & wealth.
Surely, this is life-changing; and history will not be kind to
me if I fail to utilize it judiciously. You guys are damn great,
keep it up." Tytus Monday Dape

"Jim, Shawn & Jeff: I think that you guys are doing the utmost to
make the impossible dream available to many of us, to succeed on
the Internet." Terence Egan-Wyer

Get the 37 minute recording of "The Secrets Of Million
Dollar Memberships" as our gift to you.

No catches. No tricks. No strings attached.

Get the kind of "insider" information that makes
the difference between living the life you dreamed
of and suffering through the life you hate.

Inside things like:

- how to get a flood of people practically begging you take their
money month after month. Even if you never sold anything in
your life

- The single biggest mistake made by 99% of membership program
sellers that doom them to mediocrity at best (and failure at
worst). When you hear this, you'll instantly understand what
separates the massively successful programs from the also-rans

- The little-known technique that literally forces your prospects
to become members. They use this to get an 8% conversion rate
so that from every 100 visitors... 8 people become members of
this program

You will discover dozens of Membership Millions secrets Jeff, Jim
and Shawn use and that no one else can provide because they don't
know them.

How to do these amazingly easy, but profit producing methods.

They rake in over $350,000 per month from membership
programs so they know EXACTLY how to design and implement
these unstoppable techniques.

You owe it to yourself to at least get their free audio and
report masterpiece on making millions with memberships.

There is just one catch.

The recording will only be available for a couple of days

Then it will be taken down so they don't
have to answer questions forever.

Go get this life-changing info now, what do you have to lose?


Yours in success,

Matt Bacak

Frontier Marketing Intl, LLC
1140 Old Peachtree Road, Suite D
Duluth, GA 30097-5121
Phone: 770-271-1536

Sunday, June 08, 2008

Sunday Drive...

Happy Sunday.

I'm very excited today - for 2 Reasons.

(Make sure you read this whole email there
are very important lessons inside it)


First, I'm about to go on a Sunday drive
around my land (121 acres) on my New Kubota
RTV 900 with my Grandparents. (They have
been big supporters of my entrepreneurism)

When I first started my business, Sunday
drives to me were all about driving around
dreaming of the way I'd wished life to be.


Dreams DO come true.

Because, things have changed BIG-TIME.

But, I think I could have achieved
this level of success much faster.

After making millions, upon millions of dollars
in a short period of time, Looking back, I realized
that my thinking was a little off when I started.

You see. I analyzed every successful
marketer and discovered that they had TWO
things in common. They were...

...LISTS and BIG Ticket items.


Two things:


I don't know how in the world I missed
the third thing. After years of building
my business I never saw it until just
about a year ago. But... was always right in front of my face.

"Residual Money" AKA "Memberships".

As soon as I started doing it and
adding it into my product line I said
to my self many things, including...

...Why did I not see this.
...Why did I not know.
...why didn't any one tell me.

Then I ask my self this important question:

"How much money did I lose because I
didn't do memberships from the start?"

That lead to other words that
I just won't say on Sunday :-)

This brings me to REASON #2

Bowing to the public demand Jeff Paul, Shawn Casey
and Jim Fleck have received, questions that have been
emailed in and inquiries for more information about
setting a million dollar membership program.

Jeff, Shawn and Jim have just released an amazing 37
minute audio and written report that reveals an inside look
into their latest Million Dollar Membership Program.

It’s called, “Anatomy Of A Million Dollar Membership”!

I guess they had to call it something.

This report reveals from the inside how they create,
plan and execute a membership program that garnered over
5,000 members in the first 11 weeks!

And you can GRAB a copy for yourself by going below:


Make sure you listen and read everything because
Life will be different now and in the future.

Warmest Regards,

Matt Bacak

P.S. Go below to get INSTANT ACCESS to the
FREE $697.00 audio download and report…

Go here ->>

Frontier Marketing Intl, LLC
1140 Old Peachtree Road, Suite D
Duluth, GA 30097-5121
Phone: 770-271-1536

The A9 Process of bringing more traffic to your website – Step 6

Let’s review what we have done so far. We first started off writing good quality 350-500 word articles. We then submitted these articles to the various submission sites. Next, we repurposed and modified the same content into press releases and submitted those. After that, we took the same content and made it into professional videos. We submitted those.

Now, we’re going to take the audio that was in your video, which your professional voiceover person did, as well as your call to action, and podcast it for you.
The cool benefit for podcasting is that there are literally over 200 million Apple iTunes users searching on iTunes every single day. Now, although Apple iTunes likes video, it is really an audio search engine, just like YouTube is really a video search engine. So, if you don’t think 200 million is a lot of people think of adding yourself to other different audio search engines. That’s all you’re doing here is you’re just placing the media that these search engines like.

So what we do is, we actually take that audio and we create you a podcast channel and then get you on iTunes. What that’s going to do is it’s going to put you into another search engine that’s going to get you even more traffic. Plus you can get back links from that because it’s an RSS feed - meaning that it’s constantly updating. It’s like a blog. You’re going to constantly see this updating in Google or in all of the other regular search engines simply because it’s like new content coming in.

Pretty amazing stuff when you think about all the techniques we use to generate a huge amount of traffic. The best part of the A9 process is it’s not a bunch of smoke and mirrors that will get you banned and the effects of using these techniques will last indefinitely because the media we are using has been around forever and is not some passing fad.

If you haven’t done so already, make sure you go over to and check out what we have to offer. We have done our best to help you in this whole process and we have arranged special pricing on all this stuff, in case you don’t have the time to do any of this yourself. It will be one of the best investments you ever make in your business.

Warmest regards,

Matt Bacak

P.S. If you haven't signed up for my
Powerful Promoting Tips yet, then you
are really missing out, go here:

P.P.S. Do you want to be updated on the new things I'm doing
to market my companies? Then you need to grab a copy of my
`Internet Marketing Dirt'. It's now better than ever before!

Go here and get a copy:

Labels: , , , , , ,

Saturday, June 07, 2008

Slap Google HARD with this...(AND your competition)

I'm about to head to my land which
I personally call "God's County" but,
before I leave I wanted to help you
slap google around for a BIT :-)

See, inside my MOST recent FREE CD called:

"Traffic Explosion System"

I revealed a brand new process
that I've been testing and tweaking
for a while now, I call it...

...the A9 Process

It's a unique process that I have never
heard anyone else figure out till me.

It'll help you slap google around
with the strategies inside it.

Heck, I didn't even put it in the
website copy it's so secret.

I'd recommend getting this info
from the horses mouth before all
the swipers steal this and ruin
it by teaching it the wrong way.

That would really screw up your
online business - Big Time.

To get details on the CD go here:

Best Regards,

Matt Bacak

P.S. Better Hurry, I'm about to pull
down the site very soon because we are
almost out of this CD in fulfillment.

Go here Right Now to Grab yours:

Frontier Marketing Intl, LLC
1140 Old Peachtree Road, Suite D
Duluth, GA 30097-5121
Phone: 770-271-1536

Friday, June 06, 2008

You build it - they won't come, unless...

Did you know...

It doesn't matter what you sell
or how "pretty" your site is.

If you can't attract a steady flow of
qualified visitors to your site then your
business isn't going to succeed.

It's that simple.

("If you build it, they will
come" works only in the movies.)

You can claim your free CD right now,
by visiting: www.TrafficExplosionCD.comThis CD --

"The Traffic Explosion System"
-- reveals how to create more FREE traffic
than you can shake a stick at!

Go here Right Now and Grab Your Copy:
Best Regards,

Matt Bacak

Frontier Marketing Intl, LLC
1140 Old Peachtree Road, Suite D
Duluth, GA 30097-5121
Phone: 770-271-1536

Thursday, June 05, 2008

The A9 Process of bringing more traffic to your website – Step 5

Once we’ve turned your article into a video, that’s only a part of it. What we have to do from there is we have to actually submit it to video websites.

Now, the first thing you should do is go to This tool will literally do 95% of the work it takes to upload videos to different video submission websites because there’s a lot of different video submission websites out there. This is going to cut down your work drastically because if it takes 30 minutes to manually submit to one site, can you imagine submitting to 40 different sites? It could take you a long time.

It’s a great tool to use. The most you have to do is create log-ins for the video submission websites, and then start uploading your videos. I mean, it’s literally that easy. So you get to let DirectTrafficGeyser do all the heavy lifting.

The first time I started submitting my videos, all of a sudden, my Google Alerts were going off (I use Google Alerts to actually track to see what my outsourcing teams are doing). Then I started noticing that I went from having about 100,000 different things out there on the internet to over 140,000 things just by doing a search on Google. I was like, Holy Cow, I’ve just beaten Armand Morin and all the other guys that have been around longer than me because of this whole process.

This was pretty much a direct result of the videos itself. I mean, it’s huge. Videos are really awesome because they wrap you around the internet and give you a great Google image. They also get you quality people coming back to your squeeze pages.

One really important aspect that I’ve always talked about is to drive every single piece of your traffic back to your squeeze page. It’s very important to get people to come back to my squeeze page – in addition to everything else we are doing. The reason for this is so that I can capture them. The quality of these prospects are a lot better because they’re getting to know me, love me and, like me. But not only that, they’re also getting to hear my information delivered professionally.

So, you can see, when we start off with a quality written article with lots of good content, we are able to turn it into different things i.e., video, press releases etc. This is why we call it the A9 process – it’s article nine times.

If you are interested in this video service you can go through my affiliate site at I made sure that they give you deals . I do know that you’re definitely not going to get these deals anywhere else. You can actually go there and get a $1 trial of TrafficGeyser. I think TrafficGeyser is about $49 a month. And that’s for the basic package. There are also higher level packages. But I do know that it’s around $49 a month. They also give you a trial period so that you can test it out for approximately 14 days – for only $1. It’s a great way to test the product without risking too much.

Warmest regards,

Matt Bacak

P.S. If you haven't signed up for myPowerful Promoting Tips yet, then youare really missing out, go here:

P.P.S. Do you want to be updated on the new things I'm doingto market my companies? Then you need to grab a copy of my`Internet Marketing Dirt'. It's now better than ever before!

Go here and get a copy:

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The final 40 free tickets...

I'm releasing the FINAL 40 free tickets
for Tonight's training call - RIGHT NOW...

To grab one, go here:

Good luck! (If you've already received
confirmation of registration for the call,
you don't need to try again.)

Have a great day - and get ready to be
mesmerized by these cutting-edge strategies.

Warmest Regards,

Matt Bacak..

Frontier Marketing Intl, LLC
1140 Old Peachtree Road, Suite D
Duluth, GA 30097-5121
Phone: 770-271-1536

Wednesday, June 04, 2008

More about free admission for Thursday's telecall...

This Morning, my server melted down in
the middle of giving away free tickets ($77
value) to Thursday's teleseminar.

(This is a call you *must* be on...)

If you've already registered congratulations!

But since my server "melted down", a lot of
people who responded in time were left without
getting a ticket.

These tickets cost $77 each, so there's a lot
of money on the line. But what I've done, due
to the technical challenges earlier, is to buy
75 more tickets, which I'm giving away here:

I'm giving away 35 tickets right now, and 40
more tomorrow morning. I'd try to get one right
away, if were you:

Have a great day!

Best regards,

Matt Bacak..

Frontier Marketing Intl, LLC
1140 Old Peachtree Road, Suite D
Duluth, GA 30097-5121
Phone: 770-271-1536

I made an error in yesterday’s teleclass announcement...

I'll tell you about my error in just a minute,
because it effects you. But first...

Thursday at 9:00 PM EST, your entire
perception of internet marketing will
be totally and radically changed...

Forget about "e-zines" and "pay per clicks" and
"optimization" for a minute, and focus on this:

I made over $500,000 in December using this
strategy - and I'm convinced that if I had to
start over tomorrow, I'd be back to that level
of income within 2 or 3 months.

The teleclass on Thursday is not free -
it costs $77. And it will be worth 100 times
that amount to you.

**BUT**...For the first 100 people to register,
I will pay your registration fee.

That's where my error was. I realized that I
had made a commitment to 12 other people for
them to join this call at my expense - so the
number of free lines available as I write this
is only 88 - not 100. So register now... register, click this link now:

I'll tell you more about this and the
other accomplishments this week, but don't
wait to register. Do it right now:

Best regards,

Matt Bacak
Frontier Marketing Intl, LLC
1140 Old Peachtree Road, Suite D
Duluth, GA 30097-5121
Phone: 770-271-1536

Tuesday, June 03, 2008

I’m going to be a little late...

It's past midnight in Atlanta, but...
Yesterday, I told you that I would
send you an email at 11:00 AM EST.

I wanted to let you know that
it's going to be a little late.

Something popped up that won't allow me
to be by a computer. And that's actually why
I'm up late right now writing to you.

But, While you wait for your chance to
get free tickets to my $77 teleseminar......

a client of mine that is currently using
the secret formula that I'll be sharing it with
you on this week's call - that's if you jump
on the next email very quickly...

...He just sent in his amazing results.

Go below to check out the undeniable proof:

Go here now ->>

While you wait on that email, you might want
to listen to recording below. It's us discussing
what it really takes to become super-successful.

I highly URGE you to listen to it.

Go here to listen to the unedited version
of our conversation the other day:



Matt Bacak

P.S. Make sure you watch your email. You can't afford
to overlook this one. There will be a limited number of
lines available for this teleconference, so I *strongly*
recommend you register instantly when you receive it.

Frontier Marketing Intl, LLC
1140 Old Peachtree Road, Suite D
Duluth, GA 30097-5121
Phone: 770-271-1536

Monday, June 02, 2008

The A9 Process of bringing more traffic to your website – Step 4

As a continuation of the A9 Process we use at you will begin to see huge turnaround for your business. But to stay on track let me continue to tell you what else we do in step 4 of the A9 Process. Now, once we have your article made into a press release, submit it as a press release and taken it to the article submission websites, we're now going to take your article and move into yet another media.

We're actually going to turn it into a video! That's pretty cool ... Now, I want to let you know a little bit about video upfront. First of all, video is not like this catch-phrase, you know, this thing that's going to go away. Video is here to stay! Some people don't realize the power of video. It is huge!

If you don't believe me, just go look on Google and search for how much Google paid for YouTube. That's all you've got to do. If you don't trust me, trust Google. They know what they're doing, obviously.

Video is going to literally change the way that the internet is run.

So, what we do is we actually take your article. We have a professional voice-over person read your article for you, and then we turn it into a video where we have different slides, you know, about three to five key points in your article, to give it kind of that interactive feel. This will give people something to watch that's entertaining and also the content is repurposed into something totally different. Now, a cool place to go, if you wanted to learn how to do this on your own, you can check out It's a great resource.

We use Sony Vegas Movie Studio to do this with, and it's a really, really cool program. It's about $97 and it's so robust – it's literally the same program that was in a video program that we used to use in a recording studio that we had that was, I think over $25,000.

So, it's just a really, really cool, easy to use program. None of this stuff is rocket science. On the site, he's got all kinds of training on how to do this yourself using the Sony Vegas Movie Studio and also some other things that'll show you how to, build these type of videos. But it's really, really easy stuff. There are also examples of videos that have been created to give you a better idea of what type of quality you can expect.

You can also go to YouTube right now and search my name - Matt Bacak. You will find numerous examples there.

For complete notes on the A9 process, you can visit our PDF page at

Warmest regards,

Matt Bacak

P.S. If you haven't signed up for myPowerful Promoting Tips yet, then youare really missing out, go here:

P.P.S. Do you want to be updated on the new things I'm doingto market my companies? Then you need to grab a copy of my..Internet Marketing Dirt'. It's now better than ever before!

Go here and get a copy:

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Watch your email tomorrow at 11:00 AM Eastern..

Tomorrow at 11:00 AM Eastern Time, I'm going
to announce a *very* special teleconference
that can LITERALLY change your life - and
really make 2008 a great year for you.

(The cost of the teleconference is $77, but
as my show of appreciation to you, I'm going
to pay your way *IF* you're one of the first
100 people to register.)

I'll reveal the topic of the telecall in tomorrow's
email invitation, as well as the special guest I've
invited to share with you. But I will say this: Many
Big name *GURU's* drool when they hear about this,
and in this teleconference, my guest is going to give
you an AMAZING case study of how he used the internet
to produce an income of $283,254.34 - in July!

...Just sending 2 stinking emails!

(More importantly - I'm going to reveal
exactly how you can "rip off" my system
and produce amazing results yourself.)

Watch your email tomorrow. You can't
afford to overlook this one. There will
be a limited number of lines available
for this teleconfrence, so I *strongly*
recommend you register instantly when
you receive the invitation tomorrow... 11:00 AM Eastern Time.

Warmest Regards,

Matt Bacak..

Frontier Marketing Intl, LLC
1140 Old Peachtree Road, Suite D
Duluth, GA 30097-5121
Phone: 770-271-1536

Sunday, June 01, 2008

The A9 Process of bringing more traffic to your website – Step 3

Step 3 in the A9 process is where we’re going to take your article – and repurpose the content. We’re actually going to rework your article into a press release.

So, we just took that same article that you just created and we revamped it and made it into a press release. We have now made this worthy. Due to the fact that press releases have a different formatting and also a different structure of the context inside of it the article has to be altered into this format in order to submit it to press release websites. And press releases do command a lot of attention! So, it’s a nice, easy way to take one piece of content and repurpose it into different media, in this case a press release in order to gain more exposure and more traffic.

If you need direction, PRWebDirect is a great place to find the necessary tools to write a good press release. If you actually go to, that will take you to the exact place where it teaches you how to format a press release correctly. So, if you want to go and take your article and format it into a press release, you can go and do that yourself.

Here is a case study from Mark Maupin and also Janak and Urvi Mehta. They all came to one of our seminar’s and were basically just starting out on the internet. All of a sudden, after they started doing press releases, they found that Mark’s name started showing up in Google almost 15 pages deep.

They also discovered that over 70,000 journalists, over 22,000 newsrooms, as well as 10,000 new sites, and also 60,000 trade magazines picked up his sites. In fact, they were in places like Google News, Yahoo News, and tons and tons more. Their site started popping up everywhere.

They actually have a real estate investment club where they were literally getting no new people. However, after a few short months of doing this process, they started getting 30 to 50 new people actually walking in the doors, coming to their weekly meetings, every single week! I know it doesn’t sound like much, but it is pretty amazing when you think about the fact that they had only been online for three short months.

They were in the number one position for their targeted search word worldwide, not just in Michigan or Atlanta or wherever. And that’s just with one of the strategies. If you would you like a list of the sites that made that process actually happen for them and get them all over the internet free of charge, go to and look on page 14 of the notes.

Follow this process and you will see results!

Warmest regards,

Matt Bacak

P.S. If you haven't signed up for myPowerful Promoting Tips yet, then youare really missing out, go here:

P.P.S. Do you want to be updated on the new things I'm doingto market my companies? Then you need to grab a copy of my`Internet Marketing Dirt'. It's now better than ever before!

Go here and get a copy:

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