Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Happy Halloween and...

Hi Friend,

I hope you have a happy and safe Halloween
this year, but before you or your kids get
to geeked up on cheap candy this year think
about this...

"Have you reached the goals you set for
yourself this year?

If not, then wouldn't now be the time to
make sure next year doesn't follow the same
dead end route?"

Join me tomorrow night as my good friend
and Internet multi-millionaire Shawn Casey
and I reveal a fool proof plan for your
success in 2007!

Register below now:


Listen Tera, whatever you are doing
Wednesday night at 9:00 PM EST, Re-schedule
it, Cancel it, or just plain miss it!

..Yes this call will be that powerful!

See what I'm talking about here:


Action takers that join us will learn:

~ The One Thing That Separates You From The
People Who Have The Success...And The Money
That You Wish You Had?

~ Find out the 3 most important things you must do
right NOW or you should just close down your
business in 2007!

~ How to smash through the barriers that are holding
you back from the success you deserve!

~ The mindset that "broke people" almost always
have…that will keep them broke forever. (You can
turn this behavior "inside out" in an instant – and if
you do, watch the financial opportunities explode
like fireworks.)

~ The one expense you should never "skimp" on.
(There are times when you should cut back…but
cut this expense, and it's like cutting your own
throat. And no, it's not "marketing"…)

WARNING: This message is going out to over
317,965 people and we have only been able to
wrangle 1000 lines for the call, so reserve
your line right now before it's too late.


Warmest Regards,

Matt Bacak

P.S. Shawn and I will reveal 1 secret so powerful
it will almost guarantee your success in 2007...But
you must be on the call to hear about it!


Monday, October 30, 2006

FREE Training Call Just For You...

This past weekend at the BIG seminar I met with some really great people. Some
I've know for years and others I just started calling my friends.

After talking to everyone and catching up I noticed one HUGE difference in some of them!
A small few of them actually reached the goals they set for themselves in 2006!

...That's right!

Most people never reach the great goals they set for themselves in business and instead of changing things up to make things happen, they just give up!

Until now...On Wednesday night me and my friend and ultra successful internet marketer Shawn Casey are going to do a very special call just for you!


Join us above and learn...

~ What's the One Thing That Separates You FromThe People Who Have The Success...And The Money That You Wish You Had?
~ Find out the 3 most important things you must do right NOW or you should just close down your business in 2007!
~ How to smash through the barriers that are holding you back from the success you deserve!
~ The mindset that "broke people" almost always have…that will keep them broke forever. (You can turn this behavior "inside out" in an instant – and if you do, watch the financial opportunities explode like fireworks.)
~ The one expense you should never "skimp" on.
(There are times when you should cut back…but cut this expense, and it's like cutting your own throat. And no, it's not "marketing"…)

This call is different than anything I've ever done and it proves to be one of the most POWERFUL and life changing calls you will ever attend.

Register below now:

Warmest Regards,

Matt Bacak

P.S. I know you have a lot to do. Trust me, I am busy too, but the success of your business and the richness of your future depends on you being on this call, Wednesday night and soaking up all this powerful information!


Friday, October 27, 2006

"Secret" list-building bootcamp...

Matt Bacak here.

If you've been on my list for more than a day, you've no-doubt heard me talk about the importance of list-building at least 100 times.
The Reason: It's probably the single MOST IMPORTANT skill thatyou can have as a Internet marketer! That's why I'm so excited to be attending (and speaking) at an event that is 100% dedicated to teaching...

...*ADVANCED* lead generation, list-building and email marketing strategies that will work in virtually ANY market.

I'm talking about "The Ultimate List-Building Bootcamp":
see --> http://UltimateListBuildingBootcamp.com/main/

Chances are you haven't even heard about this event, and that's exactly how my friend, Ryan Deiss, wants it. You see, Ryan is the brains behind this whole operation, and he is only allowing 100 lucky marketers to attend, so he really doesn't need to promote it outside his own list.

I knew this event was a perfect match for my subscribers and customers, however, so I got Ryan to agree to hold a few seats for "my people".

So here's your chance:

Trust me, this isn't one of those massive events with dozens of speakers. This is a small, ultra-focused bootcamp that is dedicated to helping you grow and monetize a list in almost any market.

If you're serious about achieving long-term success on theInternet, I highly recommend that you make plans to attendevent.

I hope to see you there!
Warmest regards,
Matt Bacak

P.S. I asked Ryan why he was only allowing 100 people to attend (when he could easily get twice that amount), and he said it had everything to do with the final session he's presenting at the event (Session 12).

(You can see a description of all the sessions by going to the site: http://ultimatelistbuildingbootcamp.com/main/
and scrolling down about half-way.)

He didn't go into detail, but I got the impression that he'll be sharing some seriously top-secret stuff. I for one am looking forward to hearing what he has to say.

Thursday, October 26, 2006

So what's your BURNING question Friend?

Do you have 30 seconds to spare right now?

The reason I ask is because I'm conducting
a little experiment today and it would mean
much to me if you particpate.

It'll take just 30 seconds out of your day,
but what you gain may last you a lifetime.

Turn-up your PC speakers and click:
------ Your 1-question survey--------

Here's the heart of the matter... If you had one chance to ask any question you wanted answered by me, what would your question be? This is your chance ask me and I want you to do so within 24 hours ... preferably in the next 30 seconds! If you do, you'll instantly be eligible to claim your private phone pass to me, as well as 48 other leaders, trainers and luminaries for Virtual Seminar Week. You'll get the full story about about what Virtual Seminar Week is, when it happens and why you MUST attend ... so please favor me 30 seconds right now now and to participate in my survey. Will you do that for me? ><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><
Turn-up your PC speakers and click:
------ Your 1-question survey ---------><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><

I appreciate your participation and I hope our paths cross again during Virtual Seminar Week (Nov. 10th through 17th).

Much Appreciated,

Matt Bacak
Faculty Member

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

How to get Reciprocal links to your website?

Reciprocal Link is a reference on the internet in the way that it a text or banner linking the linking some other site to your site exchanging the same favor.
Targeting more number of visitors and increasing the number of visitors to your website requires extensive effort in Reciprocal Linking.

Getting reciprocal links is not all that difficult. All you need is a good website and then little patience to get the links. There are many benefits of having links to your site. The obvious benefit is the increased traffic. The additional links add value to the visitors’ experience. As they come and visit your site they may find useful links to other sites also making it a better experience. In case you are selling an excellent product you can start a great affiliate program also. These links are an excellent way to improve the search engine rankings also.

Some great ways to get reciprocal links are:
· Place other links on your site and then request similar favors.
· Try getting the newsletter exchanges with various good writers. They will publish your articles on their websites, a favor that will be reciprocated with links to your site. A vice versa exchange will ensure that you as well the other webmaster has maximum benefit.
· A directory of reciprocal link providers exists. Make use of this directory.
· Use Software like Automated Link Exchange Software.
· Sign guest books often. That ways you will get to leave your URL at lots of places on the net free of cost also.
· Use bookmark pages.

To exchange links with other sites, first make a thorough search of the sites you want inbound links. Now put their links on your site. After fixing the sites, search all the information about the webmaster. Next step will be to write a personalized email to the webmasters.

Start by praising the site, informing the webmaster that you have already added their site and then telling in short something about your site. Lastly make a request to add your link also to their site. The important thing to remember here is personalization of the mail as that only builds trust but also helps your mail escape the Spam tag. This will help you in getting more and more reciprocal links easily.

Newsletters are full of useful information and generally the authors are willing to exchange links thereby it is good for both the author and you.

Try browsing the list of webmasters/sites that regularly exchange links. Once you start exchanging the links with these people, you will soon be a part of their community and adding reciprocal links will be easy.

A Bookmark page is one on which you can move a URL easily around and play with. Try updating the bookmark page with the outbound links often and then rename it often. Change the content wherever the URL was located often

Directory links are also another relatively easy way to get inward links. All you have to do is search and get links. Usually they do not insist on reciprocation so it’s easier here.
Always make sure that you do not downlink that is you must not put links of the site that use lesser traffic then you do.

You can easily find the links that bring maximum traffic to your competitors’ site by searching using the string link: abc.com in AltaVista. Once you have found which sites send most traffic to your competitors, approach them to put your links also.

Use the Softwares like Link Manager to automate the link addition process. You could also join the link exchange blogs and such other communities that will assist you in getting more contact to get more relevant links also.

Banner Links are more effective so get lots of banners deigned for your site.
Banners can have images so that the user can click on an image or can reach one after clicking your URL.

Getting reciprocal links requires persistence. It is not an easy job, take time and be ready for more negative answers then positive ones.

It seems difficult exercise but with some care and perseverance you will be able to add almost 30 links a week if you are putting serious efforts into it. As the webmaster of the site, you must try and work it out yourself. Nobody else will care more then you own as far is site rankings etc is concerned.

So, start working on the Reciprocal Links right away.

Free! Matt

Powerful Promoting Tips

Newsletter ($197 value)

We respect your email privacy!

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Want to go from Mortal to Millionaire?

Have you heard the recent rumors?

I'm not sure if you've caught wind of
the 'buzz' about a certain underground
marketing classic which contained strategies
so 'dangerous' the author chose to keep it
out of print, due to the widespread abuse.

Apparently, this book is the very key that
unlocked the fortunes of today's Internet

I know this sounds like hype, but I've
personally read this book too, and to
say that it is one of those rare books
that comes along and makes a profound
impact on your business and life is
really an understatement.

It's extremely hard to get a copy of this
book anymore, but thanks to a rather astute
marketer who is a good friend of mine, you
might still have a slim chance of grabbing
a copy.

Try your luck here:

==> https://paydotcom.com/r/9737/jtbrown54/385024/

Hopefully you still have a chance...

Warmest Regards,

Matt Bacak

P.S. If you think all this is baloney, then
all the more you really need to go to the
website now:

==> https://paydotcom.com/r/9737/jtbrown54/385024/

You'll find pretty compelling proof that
the 'dangerous' nature of this book may
not really be hype after all...

Monday, October 23, 2006

Blog Novels on the Rise

Any first time author who wants to get his novel published should ask John Grisham about the process. He endured a relatively modest 28 rejections before finding a publisher for his first novel, A Time to Kill. Twenty-Eight rejections may not seem like a lot but if you consider the time it takes to write a query, send a manuscript and await a response from the publisher or agent you can easily come to the conclusion that it is a process that takes anywhere from one to six months in most cases – for one rejection. If you multiply that by the number of rejections the average first time writer must endure for his first time novel then you will easily see why alternative sources of publishing are always attractive. The most recent alternative source of publishing is the blognovel.

The word “blognovel” is still relatively unknown to most people. Though blog is a word that most everyone has heard at one point or another “blognovel” is for the most part under the radar. It is hard to say who it was that first coined the phrase but for certain it was the Salon blognovel “Plan B” by Diego Doval that gained the most attention. It was shortly thereafter that a fair number of blognovels started popping up. Ever since that time the idea of the blog as a logical media for artistic expression has gained momentum. The site Slashdot.org has archived some particularly interesting debates concerning this subject. Other interesting articles on the emerging form have occurred in many places as the form begins to be embraced by a larger population of the artist community.

One other event that seemed to cement the concept of writing novels in the form of a blog was the fact that the National Novel Writing Month participants chose the blog as their media of choice for the 50,000 word novellas. You can see a list of the 2004 contest at the organizations official blog. The contest will be running again starting this November so the posting of a whole new wave of blognovels is sure to hit the internet community regardless of whether they read them or not.

There are a wide variety of styles and genres, which can be found in blognovel form. If you would like to explore more existing works before trying your own you can find a nice catalog of online fiction along with synopsis at Interactivia.org.

So what are the possibilities for this new media? Or more importantly, can you get paid? YES. Blogger.com, which seems to be the forum of choice for most blognovels posted a concise and informative article on what it takes to go from cyberia to print along with a few success stories.
If you have decided that the blognovel is for you, there are detailed instructions at blogger.com on how to format and post a novel to a traditional blog.

Free! Matt

Powerful Promoting Tips

Newsletter ($197 value)

We respect your email privacy!

Friday, October 20, 2006

Blogging: What it is and why you need one

It is hard not to at least notice the word “blog” or “blogging”, with the frequency it seems to pop up in subjects ranging from politics to porn stars. Odds are that you have noticed it unless you have been living in a cave for the last four years. But even with that kind of familiarity of the word, few can say exactly what a blog is.

To understand the blog, first of all a little history is in order. The word “blog” is short for the word “weblog”. A weblog is a word coined early in the internet age to designate a journal or diary type page mainly consisting of personal thoughts and reflections. Most of the time it is updated frequently and can range in topic from the mundane to the profound. Sound familiar? It should. What it really is when you get rid of the hype is the good old fashioned diary which has been with us almost as long as language itself.

How long have “blogs” been with us? Well, one of the first instances could easily be ascribed to a work called “Kakheperresenb's Complaint”, written by none other than the egyptian scribe Kakheperresenb himself. (Please don’t try to pronounce the name. You WILL get a headache. We will call him “K” from this point forward.) “K” made one of the first recordable blog entries in history circa 2000 BC. Of course “K” didn’t have the resources and technology we did today and his audience was probably limited considering the fact that most of the population was illiterate.

“K” left with us the memorable phrase, “'Would I had phrases that are not known, utterances that are strange, in new languages that has not been used, free from repetition, not an utterance which men of old have spoken.'' Obviously even then people with a blog were STILL trying to figure out what to write!

But no seriously, the blog IS the way to reach fame and fortune and make a little money on the side. Just ask Darren Rowse, whose most recent (August 2005) income total from Adsense was a little over $16,000! Yeah, that WAS three zeroes behind that 6. Not bad for a guy writing his own comments and ramblings about everything from sports shoes to bad movies. Of course Darren went so far as to even take a course in college on “Entrepeunerial Blogging”. Needless to say he must have paid attention.

But you need not take a course to have a good blog that generates hits. Blogger extroidinairre Chris Wright started his by simply posting job openings for engineers which he came across during his own job search. Word got around and before long he realized his hit count was going up and up and up… You get the picture. If you write something interesting that people need to know they WILL come to you – invited or not. As Chris’s own story perfectly illustrates.

So run this by me again, you say? You mean ALL I have to do is just start writing stuff about – NOTHING?

No, not exactly. As always, in the internet world and in the real world, content is king. Your writing must be somehow funnier, sharper, wittier, smarter, more bizzare or just plain weird in order for people to link to you and as a result drive up the hits to your blog and hence fatten your pocketbook.

But notice how many options you have. You don’t have to depend on your education. Nor do you need a rich and lavish lifestyle that you can blog about while others read with envy. If you can make the boring, dreary life of the average nobody funny and interesting people will come regardless. As mentioned earlier – CONTENT is king.

Good content = more visitors = more banner hits = more money.

So you want to know how to get started with this blogging thing?

It’s really pretty easy. There are a number of places that will allow you to host your own blog and most of them do it for free.

Blogger is probably the most popular and definately one of my favorite!!! But there are others. Try some of these on for size if you had rather go the more individual route:

Livejournal – This is the “kinda” cool and hip virtual location for the blogger crowd. You can link to other people by topic and it has some other cool features like the ability to allow posts from only certain people.

Diaryland – Diaryland doesn’t hids it’s origins. In fact it does it’s best to try and make your weblog look as close as possible to the good old fashioned diary/journal that we all know and love. They have a smaller and more intimate community than some of the other locations.

What if you are not sure you want to get started but instead want to just read blogs of others for a while until you get a better idea of what you want to say?

Well there are PLENTY of sites that do nothing but list and aggregate blogs of other people. Here are just a few to get you started:

Globeofblogs – Globe of blogs has a real international flavor. You will find blogs from literally everywhere here.

Blogarama – Another compendium of various blogs on subjects ranging from weird to wonderful.

Blogsearchengine – This site cut’s to the chase. If you want to search for blogs they will do it for you. Just enter in the subject of your interest.

Top-blogs.com – Okay so you want to know other success stories? Check out those near the top of the listings here. You will then see what it takes to reach the top.

Well, hopefully you know enough to get started on your own blog by now. So what are you waiting for? Get out there and BLOG!

Free! Matt

Powerful Promoting Tips

Newsletter ($197 value)


We respect your email privacy!

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Friend, I need your shipping address...

Hi Friend,

I'm giving away 500 copies of my new CD "7 Golden Keys
To Creating A Multi-Million Dollar Information Empire."
and I would like to send one to you. Let me explain...

I'm currently looking for REAL PEOPLE who have internet
business - who'd like to become my next Internet "success
story" and use my Multi-Million advantage to...

...easily create an information empire that
will allow you to create money on demand!

As you'll see, there are absolutely No commitments, no
hassels involved in getting my brand new CD FREE.


In fact, I'm even sweetening the pot
more for you - you will receive three (3)
POWER bonuses worth a total of $617.

This information is PRICELESS.

My ONLY condition is that, you take care of
the shipping and handling unless - you want to
come by my office and pick it up yourself.

If this sounds reasonable, you can claim your
copy at: http://www.milliondollarinfoempire.com

Hope you enjoy it!

Matt Bacak

P.S. I must warn you... I'd hurry because - just yesterday 383
people already grabbed a copy for themselves leaving only 117.

To guarantee YOUR CD is shipped to you immediately -- before I
run out of copies and take this page down -- I recommend visiting
http://www.milliondollarinfoempire.com before it's too late.

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Better Hurry - FREE CD for ...

Better Hurry - FREE CD for ...

Hi ,

A few weeks ago I launched
a Brand new CD, called:

"7 Golden Keys To Creating A Multi-
Million Dollar Information Empire."

This Free CD will reveal how you can easily
create an information empire that will allow
you to create money on demand!

You'll learn My insider secrets to building
a multi-million dollar information business...

Go below RIGHT NOW and Grab a copy:


Inside this CD you'll learn:

- You'll discover the 'Insider Secrets' to
creating a million dollar online business!

- How one simple shift in your business
can explode your revenue!

- You'll discover how you can easily multiply your
online results in less time than you thought possible!

- You'll discover my BIGGEST secrets
to EXPLODING your Information Empire!

- and much, much more...

Plus, you will receive three (3)
POWER bonuses worth a total of $617

It's a no brainer, .

Just go below right now before this offer ends.

GO HERE -->> http://www.milliondollarinfoempire.com

Heck, it might just be the kick in the
butt you need to go to the next level.

Take Action,

Matt Bacak

P.S. As you can imagine, we can't keep giving
this CD away forever. Business is business, and
so, we have instructed the fulfillment company
to only produce 500 copies.

So don't wait, supplies won't last long:

Go here -->> http://www.milliondollarinfoempire.com

A BIG Offer for the BIG Seminar...

The Very Biggest BIG Seminar Deal Ever!

Hey Friend,

It's Monday and I've just finished teaching my very
last IMI in Atlanta so I'll make this quick!

...Read below to see how you can get a $750 check
from me in a few weeks!

You see, I'll be speaking at Armand Morin's Big
Seminar in Atlanta in a few weeks and I want to
make you an offer so outrageous you can't help
but join me for a private VIP session at the event!

Here's the thing:

Go to the link below and register for one
of the most powerful Internet Marketing
Seminars in the world and I'll do 2 very
special things for you!


1) I will be inviting you to join my marketing
manager Josh Brown and I for a private
VIP dinner, refresher, and Q&A session!

2) I'll personally write you a check for $750
and hand deliver it to you at the VIP dinner!

I'm doing this because I know how important
the Big Seminar can be and I want to help you
get there.

I have been to 7 of the 8 Big Seminars. This
event is the only event I personally MUST
attend (no matter what) every year!

Grab your seat now:


As soon as you do please e-mail me your receipt so
I can get your check printed for the VIP dinner!

See you in Atlanta,

Matt Bacak

P.S. You MUST register through the link in this
email to receive a $750 check from me at the VIP


P.P.S. I hope you do whatever it takes to join me
in Atlanta for the BIG seminar. Josh and I are going
to deliver a killer VIP session you won't want to miss!

P.P.P.S. If you are thinking to yourself "Matt, this sounds
to good to be true. why would you give me $750 for coming?"
That's a great question! you see, this event is so important
I'm willing to give up my affiliate commissions to make the
event $750 cheaper for you!


Friday, October 13, 2006

Come and get it...

Wow !

Jason really hit one out of the park tonight!

If you want to become a #1 best selling author
Jason is the only person I stand behind 150%!

..He's helped me and he'll help you!

But only if you grab one of the remaining 11
"How To Create & Launch Your Own #1 Best
Seller" Packages he offered tonight!

Grab yours quickly here:


Get it right now!

Matt Bacak

P.S. Jason 'literally' sat behind me during
my #1 best selling book launch and helped me
raise an extra $58,122 for Habitat For Humanity
this year!

I'd go here right now and get it, no matter
what it takes!



Thursday, October 12, 2006

The FREE TeleCall tonight is Almost FULL...


Hi Friend,

It's almost full...

Tonight at 9:00 EST, I'm conducting
a special 'Hour of Power' with my long
time friend and colleague, Jason Oman.

He's a master of helping people take
their book to #1 status.

He is a pioneer at doing this.

Did you know that Jason and Mike Litman
were one of the first to go #1 themselves with their
book called 'Conversations with Millionaires'

And now he's releasing
how he did it to you.

Tonight's call is called:

"How To Easily Become A #1 Best
Selling Author In 60 Days Or Less..."

Go here right now and grab a line:


But First - we have a problem, we only
have 47 lines left and right now over 27,324
other people are getting this same email.

Better hurry and register for your line:


Hope to see you on the call!

Warmest Regards,

Matt Bacak

P.S. There are only 47 lines left. I'd hurry
up and secure your line Right Now below:


Wednesday, October 11, 2006

A #1 Best Selling Book that is Your Own!

We've all heard it before.

Having a book that becomes a #1 Best seller
can EXPLODE your business beyond your wildest

Thursday we're going to set the record straight

...It's ABSOLUTELY True!

That's why This Thursday night at 9PM Eastern I've
invited #1 Best Selling Author and the genius
behind many other best seller campaigns for some
of the biggest names in the business, Jason Oman to
share his powerful strategies with you!

Register Below Now:


Thursday night Jason will show you HOW and WHY
you need to create your own best-selling book!

He's also going to share his proven strategies
for doing it in as little as 60 days or less -
even if you don't have a book yet!

Register Below Now:


PLUS, you'll also learn how to leverage your new
status as a #1 best-selling author to create massive
0pportunities and streams of 1ncome for yourself!

Tera, This call is not to be missed!

Warmest Regards,

Matt Bacak

P.S. Whatever you are doing Thursday can't be
as powerful or as profitable as getting your
ear to the phone at 9PM EST for Jason's best
seller strategies!

...See you there!


Training Call...Re-Broadcast Details...

Click Here For More Information On BigSeminar...

Tonight's Training Call With Matt Bacak...Re-Broadcast

This has been our most popular training call to date!

Matt is one of the best people for taking "unknown" names
and launching them to "guru" status. He is the "man behind
the scenes" for many of today's best-known names.

If you want to learn how to really promote your business and
yourself, and do it quickly, with a minimum of expense, then
you need to know what Matt has to teach.

Matt is known as the "Powerful Promoter" - You Need to be on
this call as Matt reveals secrets than can grow your
business and increase its' potential.


Re-Broadcast Details:

For Your Convenience the call will be re-broadcast at...

Re-Broadcast Date: Wednesday the 11th of October 2006

Re-Broadcast Times: 4:00am GMT And Noon GMT

Phone Number: 512-225-3217
Pincode: 93217#

Best Of Success,
BigSeminar Operations

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Big Seminar Training Call Tonight...

Every year there is only one (1) seminar that
I personally can't wait to attend myself.

I've been to every single big seminar except
for one and this year I was asked to speak
and share my strategies.

So, tonight I'm doing a FREE training call
with Armand Morin at 8PM Eastern.

Register for this call now:


Because I will be sharing with you some
amazing strategies that I use on a day to
day basis in my business that have helped
me make millions just this year alone.

Join us tonight:


You won't want to miss this!

Warmest Regards,

Matt Bacak

P.S. Just one business did $2,170,929.12 so far
this year alone, just imagine what these strategies
can do for you. Go below:


Monday, October 09, 2006

Fishing for Customers using On-line Ads

You can love them, hate them or you can love to hate them, either way, online ads are still a lucrative source of revenue in the online world. A study by the Interactive Advertising Bureau and PricewaterhouseCoopers calculated that advertising revenue in the United States increased by $1.3 billion dollars to an astounding $7.3 billion in 2003.

Both the large corporations and mom-and-pop stores are successfully using online ads so it is tougher by the day to compete. Those who are truly “in the know” are practicing certain trends and are coming out on top.

Here is a look at a few of them:

1) Organic Shapes

If you examine the top selling ads from Weight Watchers, OfficeMax and ReliaQuote, you will see they feature some form of curves or other organic shapes. Shapes are used to contrast the hard-edged, square styles favored previously. Marketing groups show that this looks more comforting, approachable and appealing to their target audience.

When comparing, look for popular ads that have moved from the extensive-copy-and-image format to heavy usage of stock photography that shows their "customers." Your competitors are using any combination of upbeat images that highlights the intended customer reaction to their product.

NOTE: Take a look at SitePoint's own extensive list of imagery sites.

If price point is an issue, look at Stock.xchng. They offer a great selection of free stock photography. Much of their product rivals and even surpasses the royalty-free image sites. In addition, the Free Stock Photography thread in the SitePoint Forums is also worth a look.

2) Copy and Deals

Online ad copy is often focused on a tradition that marketers have followed for a while now.

The copy focuses on these principals:

1. Get it for free

2. Save some money

3. Make life easier

The more effective online ads use simple, direct copy to entice visitors to visit the vendor's website and then they hit the visitor with the complete sales pitch once they arrive.

3) Interaction

Interactive banner ads are very popular. These range from the Hit-the-Bull’s Eye ads to more complex formats that feature simulated form fields. The primary drive of animated ads is to gain click-through.

With the widespread acceptance of Macromedia Flash, a new class of ads popped up. Hewlett-Packard continues the tradition, today, with audio-driven ads that explain and teach potential customers about HP's fotoimaging technology, and function as mini-presentations.

Companies, today, have thrown their hats into the ring with Flash overlay ads. These ads (usually of very large file size) overlay the text of Web pages and entice customers to view more than can typically fit into a banner ad. Even though many users find them annoying, these overlay ads are reported to achieve click-though rates up to a 50 times better than traditional banner ads.

4) Layouts and Sizes

The most common ad size is measured at 468x60 pixels. This ad size is now so popular that it is a preset in recent versions of Adobe Photoshop. Also popular are "skyscraper" banners at 120x600 pixels. Some ads do not fit a pre-defined size, such as all the Flash popover ads.

Many banner and skyscrapers ads follow a popular "thirds" formula. Two-thirds of the ad contains a picture and the main advertising points; the remaining third contains minimal copy and clickable buttons.

7) The use of Fonts

Take note of the shift from serif fonts to sans-serif fonts in online advertising.

Go back to the SitePoint Forums and look for WhatTheFont. You can upload a simple JPEG, GIF, TIFF or BMP image and identify which font is used in a particular ad. This is a great resource for reviving older ads for which you have lost the original files.

If you know your fonts by name, visit 1001 Free Fonts. They offer a vast selection of fonts.

If you want to fish for new customers, you need to know and understand your competition. Make note of the new trends and tips being used in online advertising and you will be well ahead of the game.

Friday, October 06, 2006

Tips for Creating an Effective Banner Ad Campaign

“If you build it they will come.”

Just how true a saying is that? Whether in the wheat fields of Georgia or at home on the Internet, a good idea will generate good income. Such is true of banner advertising.

To begin, you will want to define goals for your campaign. Ask yourself the following questions: What do I wish to accomplish using this campaign? What step do I want online users to take when they first see my ad? Once you have defined your answers, it is time to develop your advertising message.

Here are some proven ideas that you can adopt to create an effective banner ad campaign:

1) Study some of the best online. Refer back to some of the best banner ads that you have seen previously. Take a look at MSN.com and look at the various banner ads. Identify at least three banner ads that catch your attention best. What is the common ground in the three ads? This will enable you to identify what techniques are most effective, as well as what design style attracts you best.

2) Send a clear message in graphic design. Your main goal is to have people take a particular action after viewing your ad. You want to present a strong, clear message to capture interest. Present your primary message as the strongest visual element in your ad.

3) Use seven words or less. This works best for a small visual space. Use fewer words and make the font size bigger. This delivers better impact. Remember that less is more in this case.

4) Think power words. Words like free, outstanding, secret, awesome, affordable and endearing – these all deliver a terrific message. You want to grab attention as quickly as possible.

5) Go easy on animation. You want the animation to draw the eye without offending the viewer in any way. Be subtle when in doubt. For the animation speed, look for something that changes at a slow to moderate pace. Consider setting your animations so that they stop after three cycles; some sites may insist on this.

As you create your design, remember that you will make a stronger impact with less cluttered messages. Go light on the number of elements, the colors, fonts, graphics and words that you use in your ad. You want to bring across a strong primary message.

You will make a favorable impression with your banner advertising if you pay careful attention to detail. Less is more, be subtle in animation and use clever wording for best impact. Prospects will act quickly and be impressed with your creatively designed banner advertising.

Free! Matt Bacak's

Powerful Promoting Tips

Newsletter ($197 value)

We respect your email privacy!

Thursday, October 05, 2006

I know it's last minute but...

I thought about doing a quick
teleseminar tonight to let you know
but it's faster to email you...

I'm looking for 3 serious people.

October 13th-15th, I'm teaching the last
Internet Millionaire Intensive. Ever.
And we are almost sold out again.

To find out more information go here:


As a bonus for this event, not only will you
get the same tools and strategies I personally
use to rake in millions of dollars online. But
you will get your very own ATM machine.

(That's what I call computers - ATMs)

And this time I ordered a few extra
and one can be yours - if you come.

But first...

Have you ever wanted an internet
multi-millionaire to hold your hand
and show you exactly what to do to...

-Make a boat load of money on the internet
-Generate Thousands of Hot Leads.
-Turn your computer into an ATM machine.
-Get top ranking in the search engines
-Dominate in the pay-per-click world.
-Crack open his mind and let you see how it works.
-and more...

If you are interested in coming then
there is no time for hesitation, it IS time
to act. Before it's too late.

Because - time is of the essence.

Email me back with your full name
and phone numbers and I'll have someone
on my team call you - asap.

This event is not about taking
notes - It's about taking action!

Before you walk out the door of
the event YOU will have my system up
and running for you - because I won't let
you walk out the door till it is..

So if you are serious, Email me your
contact information, RIGHT NOW!

This event is not FREE.

I have never let anyone in for free and
am not about to start because I learned that
people don't appreciate the knowledge if
they get it for nothing.

Plus, other gurus charge up to 10k for a notebook
full of information, but this is about being on the
computer with my roadmap and doing it.

So no emailing me asking for a handout.
Only, email me if you are serious about coming
because we only have 3 seats left.

You have nothing to lose
and everything to gain.

Hope you are one of the lucky ones.

Email me,

Matt Bacak

P.S. Better Hurry, My last Intensive is almost
sold out, if you want to come email me back with
your contact information - Right Now!

P.P.S. This is your last chance to have me teach
you personally and receive an "ATM" laptop.


Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Attracting Customers Through Banner Advertising

Raising revenue and awareness of your website is a common challenge for most website owners. One of the more common methods of attracting customers to your website is to use banner advertising.

Banner ads are boxed in ads and are often seen at the top of a Web page. These might be text that change in wording every few seconds, ads for a specific site or product, free offers, or a combination of eye-pleasing devices or phrases advertisers hope will tempt Web surfers to click on the ad.

Banner ads will catch your prospect's eye quickly. They are colorful and vary in dimension. This makes them something that is not often missed. To create a good ad, place it where it will be seen easily. This will definitely generate traffic to your site.

At the same time, having a banner ad on your own site will mean that you are paid for displaying it. This is good for your business.

Charging for banner ads
Banner ads can be charged by impression, so each time your ad flashes up on the screen you are paid. With a rotating banner, your ad might appear every third rotation or impression. This will cost approximately $0.02 an impression.

Banner ads can be charged per "click through". Charges are only levied when someone actually clicks on the ad. If you create a truly attractive ad, people with click through.

Where to place your banner ads
The best position for banner ads are placed at the top of the most popular search engines. At the same time, go with placing your ads positioned on sites with topics similar or complementary to yours. This will reach your target market fastest. At the same time have your ad placed on the same page as any reference to your website.

Another good bet is to have your ad placed on a search engine results page when particular keywords are selected. This will also reach your target market.

Frame your banner ads
Framed banner ads are more attractive. They are more aesthetically pleasing to your prospect's eye. When your prospect opens your framed ad on another site, they are still contained within your site. You can also have the banner ad open up a new browser window when it is clicked on to. The good thing about this is that you do not lose your customers altogether. Your visitors will revert back to your own site when they close the second browser window.

Banner ads are creative, eye-catching, aesthetically appealing and affordable. They give you many opportunities to bring across your important message in record time, leaving your prospect with an on-the-spot opportunity to make a decision. Many a deal is closed thanks to banner advertising making them an ideal revenue-generating tool.

Free! Matt

Powerful Promoting Tips
Newsletter ($197 value)

We respect your email privacy!

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

For Network Marketers only...

I just received an email from a friend of mine
and I wanted to give you a quick heads up about

If you're interested in learning why most people
never make a dime in Network Marketing, you may
want to take a minute and look at this site...


Devon Brown has just released the secrets as to
why Everything you THINK you know about MLM
Success is Wrong!

Honestly, I get a ton of email, and I might not
have even read the email if it hadn't of come
from my friend, but I trust his recommendation,
so I checked out the site for myself at:


I'm not sure how long this private access page
will be around and I wanted to be sure you got
a copy of this.

Warmest Regards,

Matt Bacak

P.S. Once you register for f-r-e-e, keep your
eyes open for the exclusive "Special Offer." It
is absolutely awesome, but it only appears once
and there isn't a way to get back to it.

So be sure to read it very carefully.


Monday, October 02, 2006

Increase Your Returns With Opt-in Email Advertising

Opt-in, or permission-based e-mail is a proven Internet marketing technique, yielding far greater results than "spam" email. An opt-in campaign can be created using a purchased email list, or you can grow your own list organically through techniques such as customer sign-ups, free offers or discounts. Although there may be some additional expense in purchasing an "opt-in" list, that list will contain consumers who are much more likely to be interested in your offering. In addition, you eliminate the risks of spamming, which may include potential fines under the "CAN-SPAM" act, or canceling of your account by your ISP.

The amount of marketing that takes place online is increasing exponentially, leaving marketers scrambling for ways to get noticed. Email marketing has become a sophisticated field, consumers are getting more savvy, and regulations are starting to govern what you can and cannot do. The days of buying a list of a million email addresses and blanketing the Internet are over. "Spam" never was very effective, and it's even less so now. Click-through rates for unsolicited email are abysmally low, you are likely to receive angry responses from consumers, your ISP may shut you down if too many people complain, and you may even be subject to fines under the "CAN-SPAM" Act. The most successful email marketers are now using opt-in email advertising techniques.

Opt-in email marketing, also known as permission-based marketing, involves sending your message to recipients which have expressly stated a desire to receive information about products or services related to your particular offer. In many cases, consumers agree to receive advertisements related to something that interests them, in exchange for something of value, such as a discount, free gift, or informational newsletter.

There are two ways to go about permission-based marketing; you can build your own opt-in list, or you can purchase one. Either way is effective. Targeted, opt-in email messages receive response rates of anywhere between five to 15 percent, while conventional banner ads usually yield only about one percent. Spam yields only a tiny fraction of a percent. Internet entrepreneurs who use personalized messages always get better results.

Alternately, you can create your own opt-in list. The most obvious place to start is with your existing customers. Offer them a discount on future purchases in exchange for agreeing to receive your promotional messages. Also, create something of value to draw in new customers. For example, suppose you sell rare coins on the Internet. Create a well-written weekly newsletter that coin collectors will enjoy reading. Offer free subscriptions for anyone who agrees to receive your promotional email marketing messages. Don't stop there, though. Consider every point where there is customer interaction as an opportunity to sign up a new member to your list. Provide an opportunity to opt-in with customer orders. If you have a brick-and-mortar store, ask for email addresses at the point of checkout.

Growing your own opt-in email list will take longer, but your results will be excellent. Some marketers optimize their results by using both techniques. Creating your own opt-in list does require a bit of technology. If you have a very small list, you can start out simply by adding each subsequent subscriber to the "BCC" list on your email client, but this will get cumbersome as your list grows. You will want to eventually invest in an email list management program. This is a piece of software that helps you to manage your email list, and it will include features such as the ability to handle bouncebacks, automate the subscribe and unsubscribe function, and personalize each message. The software should also have a tracking and reporting function, to allow you to keep track of your success rates and other important metrics.

If you choose to buy an opt-in list, there are many quality vendors that you can work with. Do a little research ahead of time, and find out how they acquire their email addresses: do they offer an informational newsletter or something of value in exchange for permission to receive ads? Ask about frequency--an overworked opt-in list is just as useless as a spam list. You will do better with a list that is highly targeted. Find a list vendor who can provide you with email addresses of people who have indicated interest specifically in what you have to offer. The list may cost a little more, but your returns will pay off in the end.