Friday, December 29, 2006

Jam your pockets full of cash!

For the last few years, a handful of lucky
people have been raking in fortunes from a
virtual Internet monopoly. Their single
best advantage that brought them riches...
no one else knew their secrets.

But now... a single renegade is willing
to break his "vow of silence" and reveal
the secrets used by these select few to
rake in as much as $20,000,000 a year!
(As reported in Business 2.0 magazine)

Throw away your preconceived notions
because you've never seen anything like
this before.

And if you don't check this out right now,
you'll be kicking yourself later when you
find out you've missed a small window
of extraordinary opportunity.

Take 5 minutes to visit this site right now:

Warmest Regards,

Matt Bacak

P.S. Don't just sit on your butt and watch
other people go out and start raking in the
big bucks with this system - check it out yourself!

Thursday, December 28, 2006

Google Tips that Every Entrepreneur Should Know

Google is a powerful search engine and has a stronghold on the Internet market. Therefore, many Internet business entrepreneurs look to Google for help in promoting their Internet business. Google has several features that can be used to your advantage including a Google AdWords Campaign and increasing your placement in the Google search engine results.

A Google Adwords campaign is easy to setup. The key is to set up your Google AdWords account and advertisements properly in order to garner impressions and clicks on your advertisements. The advertisements you run in your Google AdWords campaign need to be tested and tweaked on a daily or weekly basis.

You should run two to three advertisements at a time and analyze the impressions and clicks each advertisement yields. In most cases, you should only change one element of your advertisement at a time and then run another test. The reason to change just one element, such as the headline, is because it will help you pinpoint which areas of your advertisement are effective or are dead weight.

While tweaking one piece at a time is the recommended course of action, there are instances when you may have to overhaul your entire advertisement. These instances are rare, but can occur. For example, let's say that you have set up a Google AdWords advertisement that gets impressions, but zero clicks. If you do not receive any clicks then you should redo your entire advertisement. The reason you want to change your entire advertisement is that you need to at least get some clicks and the current advertisement you have did not achieve this.

Another Google feature is placement in their search engine listings. One way to improve your placement on the Google search engine results is to link with webpages that have a high Google page rank. A webpage with a high Google page rank will have several back links.

Strive to find a website that has a high number of back links, but not just any back links. The back links should be to websites that are indexed in Google. If the back link is not indexed in Google then you will not receive credit for the link. Google won't recognize the link as being valuable. Remember, Google looks for valuable back links and the more you have, the higher your placement in the Google search engine results.

Google also has a great program that can help you track your websites. The program is called "Google Analytics" at Google Analytics is powerful, free, and provides a wealth of information and parameters. An added bonus is that is easy to set up.

About the Author

Matt Bacak, The Powerful Promoter and Entrepreneur Magazine e-Biz radio show host, became a "#1 Best Selling Author" in just a few short hours. He has helped a number of clients target his specialty, opt-in email direct marketing systems. The Powerful Promoter is not only a sought-after internet marketer but has also marketed for some of the world's top experts whose reputations would shrivel if their followers ever found out someone else coached them on their online marketing strategies. For more information, visit Bacak's site at or sign up for his Powerful Promoting Tips at

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

One more BIG gift this holiday season for YOU...

Hey Friend,

I hope you are recovering well from the
hustle and bustle of the holiday!

But, it's not quite over yet!

...I've got one more BIG gift for you.

See last week real estate investing expert
Lou Castillo and I held a small private
training call where we shared how your
favorite Internet marketing guru has
totally HYPNOTIZED you to miss the single
most lucrative and wildly profitable niche
in the Internet marketing industry.

Listeners on this powerful call learned:

- How to Create money on demand every month,
that's $10,000 - $20,000 every single month!

- How to Make BIG FAT CHECKS you can take to
the bank with a smile on your face! (several
times a year - checks in excess of $30,000
and $40,000!

- How to secure a multi-million dollar retirement
portfolio of houses you pick up for FREE!

But, because this powerful call filled up
within 3 minutes of starting the call, we're
going to do it again!

...Tomorrow (Wednesday) Night!

Listen Friend, If you assume that you
know what this call is all are

Join us above and learn a powerful system
you can use to easily create a 6 or 7 figure
income in 2007!

Warmest Regards,

Matt Bacak

P.S. Do whatever you have to do to be on
this call. This powerful information will
put a HUGE spin on your 2007!

Monday, December 25, 2006

Merry Christmas...


I just ran upstairs to get
on the computer for a sec.

Because I wanted to say to you...

...Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas,

Matt Bacak

P.S. I would have blogged earlier but
Madison and I fell asleep in the chair
...Madison is now 10 months old, so this
was her first Christmas.(the boxes and
wrapping paper wore her out)

Friday, December 22, 2006

6 Proven Website Strategies for Internet Entrepreneurs

Your Internet business website is the engine of your Internet business. You can’t move forward if you don’t have a website up and running. Following are website tips that Internet entrepreneurs of any level should follow. It doesn’t matter if you are new to the Internet business world or if you have logged in successful sales. You can always tweak your website to make it more effective.

Website Strategy #1: Forget what your Web Designer said! A Web Designer may make beautiful websites, but normally these types of websites are not effective in Internet business. Instead, you should follow the example of successful Internet entrepreneurs. You will see that their websites are much more toned down, which has proven to increase sales.

Website Strategy #2: Avoid using Java and Flash on your Internet business website.
Java and Flash are unnecessary and can cause viewing problems for some website visitors. The last thing you want is for an Internet visitor to come across broken links because their Internet browser has trouble with Java and Flash.

Use straight HTML. Hyperlinks are easy to create. HTML is viewable in nearly all web browsers and loads quickly. You want to make your website easy to navigate through for the website visitor.

Website Strategy #3: Avoid using audio and video files on your Internet business website. Also avoid using several graphics. All of these have large file sizes and take a significant amount of time to load. Website visitors will become impatient and click off your page.

Note: If you do use graphic files then make sure to compress their file size. You can compress the file size of the graphics because you don’t need to have photo quality.

Website Strategy #4: Create a powerful, eye-catching header. Seek out a graphic designer that can create an effective header.

Website Strategy #5: Use headlines and direct response copy writing on all your websites. A great headline will catch the attention of a website visitor. If you decide to place a picture with your headline or on your website, make sure that the picture prompts the visitor to then read the headline or accompanying text.

Website Strategy #6: The purpose of your squeeze page is to generate leads.
Your squeeze page must contain copy that prompts the visitor to subscriber to your list. Make sure that you also focus on driving traffic to your squeeze page.

Follow these strategies and you are well on your way to a thriving Internet business website.

Free! Matt
Powerful Promoting Tips

Newsletter ($197 value)

We respect your email privacy!

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

How to Significantly Increase the Number of Attendees at your Next Teleseminar

Teleseminars are a great way to connect with your customers. You can provide information, answer questions, and market your products and services through teleseminars. You can also invite your joint venture partners to talk on your teleseminar. The marketing opportunities and ideas are endless. Following are situations and questions about the components of a successful teleseminar. Internet gurus will reveal the secrets to achieve this goal.

One major concern regarding teleseminars is the number of subscribers that attend the teleseminar. An example of this concern involves an Internet marketer that put on his first teleseminar. He sent an email to his subscriber list of over 2,000 email addresses. He sent an email twice a day for three days regarding the teleseminar. The copy on the emails was top notch as it was written by copy writing professionals. However, when it came time for the teleseminar he had low attendance on the call.

This left him to wonder the source of the low attendance. Was it due to the quality of the subscriber list? Was it that his subscriber list was not used a teleseminar? What could he do to significantly increase the attendance at his next teleseminar?

Internet Guru Answer: We need to examine his situation more closely. Did the Internet marketer set up a squeeze page that enables people to sign up for the teleseminar? Did the emails have a clickable link to the squeeze page? Did the Internet marketer track the number of people that clicked on the link in the email and then actually signed up for the teleseminar?

First of all, don’t worry if you have low attendance at your first teleseminar. Low attendance can be the result of many factors. For example, your subscriber list may not yet be “trained” to attend your teleseminars. Be proud that you gave a teleseminar. Keep providing more teleseminars and your subscriber list will catch on. The attendance level will increase if you are persistent.

You should also verify that you have a squeeze page for each teleseminar. The squeeze page should enable each person to sign up for the specific teleseminar. This specific list will go to an Autoresponder. This helps you keep track of who and how many sign up for the call. Plus, you can then market to this quality list before and after the call.

You can also track the link from the email to the squeeze page. Make sure to check how many people clicked on the link AND actually signed up for the teleseminar. These numbers will give you a conversion rate concerning the number of people that actually signed up for the call.

Another way to significantly increase teleseminar attendance is to bribe your subscriber list. For example, tell your subscriber list that if they attend the teleseminar then they will get a free bonus worth a good chunk of money. Also after they sign up you can send a voice broadcast to remind them to attend the teleseminar. Recommended voice broadcast systems include: Voice Shot and Market Touch Media.

For more great articles go here:

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Oops, My computer had a meltdown...

Oops, My computer had a meltdown...

You know, sometimes no matter how much
planning, checking , and preparing you
do...the computer just doesn't want to

...That's what happened yesterday!

Some people received the ground breaking
email I sent, but most didn't so here's
the scoop...

This Thursday night at 9PM Eastern my
good friend and investing expert Lou
Castillo and I are going to give you
a FR~EE Training call where you'll

How your favorite Internet marketing guru
has totally HYPNOTIZED you to miss the single
most lucrative and wildly profitable niche in
the Internet marketing industry.

Join us now:

You'll hear the mi11ion-dollar difference
between how 'old school' Internet marketers
and underground Internet entrepreneurs view
on internet marketing!

Those who join us will learn how to build
a wildly profitable and successful internet
empire - Built on a strong investing foundation
with the speed and power of the Internet!

I realize it's almost Christmas
and we all have tons to do, but I would do
everything you can to be on this call!

What better time than now to set yourself up for
prosperity and riches in 2007? In fact, I bet
you'll be so excited after this call you'll have
a better Holiday because of it!

Warmest Regards,

Matt Bacak

HYPNOTIZED - what the guru's will NEVER tell you...


Here's the bottom line:

Your favorite internet marketing guru has
totally HYPNOTIZED you to miss the single
most lucrative and wildly profitable niche in
the real estate investing business.

Here's what I'm talking about:

Take a look at that li~nk right away, and
you'll see how you've been "PROGRAMMED" to
be blind to a huge opportunity.

Your friend,

Matt Bacak

Monday, December 18, 2006

Secrets to Finding a Hot Niche Market on the Internet

Are you interested in starting an Internet business? Have you read the numerous success stories of Internet entrepreneurs that are making thousands of dollars from the comfort of their own home?

The idea of running your own Internet business is exciting, but you may not know where to begin.

Many entrepreneurs new to the Internet marketplace have concerns about what product and/or service they should offer. What is a hot topic in the Internet business world today and in the future? Following are common situations and questions regarding starting your own Internet business and finding the niche market of your dreams.

Situation #1: I am new to the Internet business world. Where can I find hot topics in the market? How can I find niche products that are in high demand, but have little competition? Is this possible?

Internet Guru Secret Answer: Don’t worry about the competition a product may or may not have. If you have an exceptional product and great marketing then you will be able to squash any competition out there.

The best way to determine what topics are currently “hot” in the marketplace is to check out EBay at Click on the “SELL” button at the top of the EBay website. A list of the top selling products on eBay will appear. This will give you a great idea of what products and services are in high demand. Take time to learn about the current top searches for products.

You can find out what Internet visitors are searching for on EBay and fill in the gaps. Create a market of your own that offers the products and services EBay customers’ desire. Also research the largest stores on EBay to find out the products that are their best sellers.

In addition to EBay you can always fall back on the time tested hot topics of sex, God, and money. Products and services about these topics are always in high demand.

Situation #2: I have a few product ideas in mind. How can you determine if there is a large enough demand for a product? Do you check the number of searches for the type of product on the Internet search engines and/or keyword search programs? Will this give you an accurate picture of the level of demand?

Internet Guru Secret Answer: Listen to the marketplace. You can accomplish this task in a variety of ways. You can send an email regarding your type of product through an affiliate program. If the email proves successful then you can consider creating a product similar to the affiliate’s product.

You can also request feedback from your subscriber list. Ask subscribers if they know where to find certain information and products in your potential product niche. Subscribers love to give feedback about what they can and can’t find. You can find a new market in the areas where your subscriber’s can’t find the products and services they want/need.

Another idea is to survey your subscriber list to find out their most pressing problem. Then create a product or service that solves this problem.

Search engines and keyword programs are a good place to start, but you can’t always rely on them. For example, if you searched for the keyword phrase “Internet Marketing” it would only show about 860 hits.

However, several Internet marketing gurus will tell you that Internet marketing is a hot topic as evidenced by the high number of attendees at their seminars. Therefore, search engines and keyword programs may not give the entire picture.

Saturday, December 16, 2006

Free Recording of this week's call...

Many people emailed in and said

Why am I telling you this?

Because, you are in luck, the recording was decent,
so I put it up on the internet for you.

Go here and get the mp3:

Just in case you didn't get the message about the call,
I shared the secret recipe for becoming the Ultimate
Guru in your niche!

Go here right now to get your recording:

Enjoy the recording,

Matt Bacak

P.S. Grab the recording of the call below:

Friday, December 15, 2006

FREE Book and Newsletter L-INK...

Hey Friend,

I wanted to send you the lin.k to grab my new book that has not hit the stores yet and my new offline newsletter for FRE-E.

Go Here and grab it forjust shipping and handling:

Thanks for getting the call,

Matt Bacak

Thursday, December 14, 2006

Your LAST and FINAL chance for tonight...(FREE Telecall)

This is your FINAL REMINDER about tonight's
'Ultimate Guru' Part #2 tele-seminar---

Call Details and Part #1 recording:

As you may know, this call is only being
offered tonight at 9:00 PM EST...

...The call is now almost full, and when
its fills, that's it, so thank you for
registering if you've already signed up!

If you missed last weeks call, don't worry,
you can listen to the recording because I'll
send it to you when you sign up.

But remember this is your last and final chance
for the second part, and this call will not likely
be repeated thereafter. So to reserve your line
for tonight, cli(ck) this now--

Have a great day!

Warmest Regards,

Matt Bacak

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

FREE: Last Weeks Recording and New Telecall...

This Thursday night at 9:00 EST, I'm doing
Part #2 of last weeks discussion, called:

"The Ultimate GURU"

If you want to sign up for the call
then you must go here right now:

Also, when you sign up for the telecall,
you'll receive a recording of part #1.

Go below to get registered for the
call and receive the recording of this
powerful call, before its too late.

Warmest Regards,

Matt Bacak

Thursday, December 07, 2006

Teleseminar Tonight Filling Up Fast...

Tonight at 9:00PM Eastern I'll be
showing you how to become the Ultimate
Guru in your niche!

Register your spot now:

I struggled for 3 years and spent well
over $65,000 dollars trying to find the
'MAGIC FORMULA' to success!

And I did all that so you won't have to.
Join me tonight and discover how simple
and easy strategies can EXPLODE your pocket

But you better hurry, the call is filling
up fast and if you want in you need to get
over to the next page and register now!

See you on the call,

Matt Bacak

P.S. I'm about to release a VERY POWERFUL
special report that will quite literally change the
face of your business. Sign up for this call and
get an opportunity to grab it for FR.EE!

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Make money like me...

Have you ever wondered how to
become a GURU in your niche?

...Do you feel like you'll never
be able to 'break in' and finally
make it big?

...Are you ready to take the next
steps towards ultimate success,
but just can't seem to get there?

If so, Join me this Thursday night
at 9:00PM Eastern and discover
my powerful and proven strategies
to becoming the Ultimate Guru!

I struggled for 3 years and spent well
over $65,000 dollars trying to find the
'MAGIC FORMULA' to success!

And Tera, I did all that so you
won't have to. Join me Thursday and
discover how simple and easy strategies
can EXPLODE your pocket book!

Tera, now it's your turn!

...You've got 2 choices.

One - You can join me on this powerful call
and learn strategies that can and will change
the face of your business by going below now!

Two - You can blow off this powerful call and do
nothing, But I must warn you, every single time you
do noting you will change nothing!

See you on the call,

Matt Bacak

P.S. I realize that you may get hundreds of emails
about upcoming calls you can get on.

...I get them too!

But I want you to seriously consider doing anything
possible to be on this call - Yes, it's that important!