Thursday, August 31, 2006

Business Plan Playbook

A well thought out and carefully constructed business plan is the key to success in the business world. Stick to the basics when developing your plan to ensure you accomplish all goals quickly and easily.

A business plan serves as your personal playbook for your own business. This written document serves to identify your goals and lay out your method of attack for achieving each one. Writing a business plan is essential to the success of any size of business, from major corporation to budding entrepreneurship. Many successful businessmen and women can relate first hand to the importance and necessity of developing and writing this essential document. Regardless of your level of expertise in the realm of business, do not be tempted to skip this important step in the development process. You would not think of beginning a road trip without a map, so why leap into a business without a proper plan?

The old adage states: “Individuals who fly by the seat of their pants often end up with ripped pants.” That saying could not be more applicable that in the entrepreneurial world. Regardless if you are striving to develop a multi million dollar corporation or a modest home based business to provide an extra source of income, you will find writing a business plan will aid you tremendously in addressing and accomplishing your goals. When it comes to the basics of this plan, start from the beginning. Consider writing the history of your fledgling business and be sure to include the reason why you felt compelled to enter the world of entrepreneurship. Usually, individuals leave their present jobs to work for themselves due to office politics, dislike of employers or coworkers, or unfair office standards. Whatever prompted you to start your own business should be included in your plan.

A major part of any business plan is the statement of purpose. Why did you form this company? What products or services do you offer to clients and why should they be interested in them? These questions are quite important when laying the footwork for your fledgling operation. If you find yourself unable to answer these questions, consider doing research into your goal and the potential clients in your area. Look to other businesses offering similar goods or services in your area. You may not have the advertising resources or long standing reputation to compete with these companies, so consider choosing an alternative route that will lead you to the same goal.

Money is a huge part of your business plan. Finding what source of finances that will provide funds for starting costs and pay other necessary bills is essential to the success of your business. Use this opportunity to carefully examine your usable funds and determine who will provide the money for start up costs. Usually, the topic of finance is uncomfortable, but take the time to clearly address any issues with logical, rational thinking. If you need to speak with banking representatives to apply for financial loans, take the time to do so before you write your plan. Upon writing your business plan, you should be able to account for every penny of money that has been spent or is planning to be spent on business related purchases.

Using these business planning basics will allow entrepreneurs of all skill levels to quickly and easily develop the ins and outs of the developing company. Once your business is “born” on paper, it is more likely to succeed in the real world.

Free! Matt

Powerful Promoting Tips

Newsletter ($197 value)

We respect your email privacy!

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

It's time to make it happen!

What's the single biggest quality
that makes millionaires different
than everybody else?

Now, some people might say:

...They're lucky!


...They have friends in high places!

While both of these statements may be
true, the fact of the matter is, neither
of those traits have alot to do with
building & keeping wealth!

In 2 weeks I've invited some of the
most powerful wealth builders to share
their strategies with you.

Here's the problem, we're keeping this
event small & intimate so you can gain
the most from it.

Because of this, there are currently
only 11 seats left!

So here's the deal...

You have two (2) basic but life changing choices:

First, you can change nothing. Stay
where you're at and keep doing what
you are doing and continue to keep
getting the same results!


You can join me in Orlando, Fl in
2 weeks and give your checkbook a
steroid shot of profits from some
of the most powerful wealth builders
in the world!

My friend, the biggest trait of the
wealthy is "They Make It Happen!"

They can see a great opportunity
and make it happen quickly.

Now, it's your turn to make it
happen. Go below and join me
in Orlando for 3 AMAZING profit
producing days!


Matt Bacak

P.S. Time is running out. we only
have 11 seats left & then the doors
will shut. Get your spot now before
it's too late!

P.P.S. You get to bring a guest for FR.EE too!
Success is a team sport, join our team
and meet us in Orlando in 2 weeks.

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Learn the Power of Posting Articles Online

Marketing experts have said for years how powerful a form of marketing writing articles and books can be for one’s business. We consider the impact that posting articles online can have on your business.

Don’t Keep It to Yourself
Writing the article is one thing. What to do with it after you’re done is another! You can distribute paper copies of your articles to people you come into contact with, publish your articles in a hardcopy newsletter, or if you’re lucky, get your article published in a periodical. With the advent of the Internet, many entrepreneurs have discovered the many reasons they find success by posting their content online.

Reasons Why Using the Internet to Post your Articles is so Powerful
You know writing articles and books can be a valuable guerilla marketing tool. Here, we’ll look at the reasons that posting them online can help your business:
Make it work for you 24/7. Just one of the lessons that really wealthy people know about is to let their money work for them even while they sleep. They invest their money into different programs so that they’re building interest even when they’re having sweet dreams. That’s the power of writing articles for the Internet – they work overtime while you sleep. That’s why so many “brick and mortar” stores have web presences – to let their web stores work for them 24/7. Somewhere out there, somebody will find your article and read it while you’re sleeping!

Improve your Search Engine Rankings. Besides working for you while you sleep, articles posted on your site will also help with your site’s Search Engine rankings. The more relevant content you have on your site, the better your rankings will be. If you like doing keyword research, you could use your list of keywords to come up with a set of topics to write about for your site.
Attract Site Visitors. Content is King (or Queen, depending on your gender preferences). The more relevant content on your site, the more likely you’re going to get new site visitors. Even if you can’t break into that top SE ranking, if somebody out there is interested in whatever you just wrote about, chances are they’re going to find you. Write it and they will come!

Building Links the Natural Way. If you post your articles to forums or other sites but include a link to your own website, you’re naturally building links that the Search Engines will pick up on. Links within newsletters to specific articles on your site is another way to draw interested people to your web site.

You Don’t Have to Wait. Instead of waiting for a magazine or an online site to decide your writing is good enough to publish, you can self publish your content on either your own site or a site that publishes articles for people who have something they want to say.
Now that you see how powerful a venue the Internet is for your articles, don’t wait.

Get published on the Net now!

Free! Matt

Powerful Promoting Tips

Newsletter ($197 value)

We respect your email privacy!

Monday, August 28, 2006

Saturday's Amazing Call with Matt Bacak & Lou Castillo

Replay it now!

Amazing Real Estate Information

Friday, August 25, 2006

I need MAJOR help on this deal...

While I grill national real estate
investor & trainer Lou Castillo on a real
live deal I am working on now!

I'm asking Lou to recommend and teach me some
serious strategies to fix my real estate deal.
You’ll be able can call in and listen first
hand as Lou helps me solve my problem

WARNING: This call is happening live. There
are no scripts.

No pre-determined lines. So the call could
go anywhere. I know Lou Will Be sharing his
profitable real estate strategies with me and
you need to hear it too!

You won't want to miss this:

Lou has helped hundreds of real estate
investors create successful deals, and
Now he’ll be showing me what to do.

This is the true power of Networking. Don’t
miss this opportunity to hear This live call!


Matt Bacak
P.S. This call is different than anything
we've ever done and will prove to be one
of the most powerful too, register now!

Frontier Marketing Intl, LLC
1140 Old Peachtree Rd, Suite D
Duluth, GA 30097

Thursday, August 24, 2006

Does fame equal fortune...

We will talk more about this is a sec, but first...

I'm sitting at the airport waiting to take off
to L.A. because we are delayed. Now I'm wishing
I just flew myself. By the time we land, I could
have been there in my personal plane.

Anyway, enough gripping.

I heard a kid next to me say, I want
to be famous. Then I thought...

Many people believe that being famous means
that you are going to make a lot of money.

Why do I say that.

Because so many people I run into let their
ego get to them and take over - They want to
be famous.

Here is a real reality check:

FAME Does Not Equal Fortune

Sorry, but the truth hurts.

Focus on profitability, making
money and the fame will follow.

Talk to you later.

:-) Matt

How to Write Attention Getting Headlines like a Pro

Why Care About the Headline?

In today’s busy world, headlines play an integral role to entice people into reading the article, web-page, or e-mail. Statistics show that just over 16% of readers will actually read the entire article; the rest of them will stop at the headlines. What happened? Those readers decided based on reading the headline that reading the rest of the article wouldn’t be worth their time.

To keep your headlines in the winning 16% of the pool, you better start writing them like you mean it. In the next section, we’ll learn how pros write headlines that make an impact.

Tips on Writing Attention Getting Headlines

When you write headlines, do what the pros do – they borrow heavily from other successful headline writers. By this I don’t mean plagiarize their actual headlines. But I do mean use borrow their techniques, heavily! Here are a few of my favorite headline techniques that you should try:

Get a Gimmick. Phrases like “Top Secrets,” “Like a Pro,” “Never Before Shared,” phrases like that will get someone’s attention! You could also use a cliff-hanger style headline where the reader will feel compelled to read to find out what you’re up to. Here are some more hot phrases that stuff people cold in their tracks:
o The Truth of…
o Free…
o How to…

Use a Number. I don’t know why we like numbers, but we do. Five Secrets, 101 Ways, 25 Top Destinations… People like odd numbers and they like numbers that end in 1 (not the actual #1 unless you’re going to share the #1 top secret type of information), 5, 7, 9. So every odd number except for 3. When you use 1 as in 11 or 21, it’s like you’re giving the reader an extra bonus. Stopping at 3 as in 13 (unlucky) or 23 seems like you ran out of steam before you could make it to a number ending in 5. Twelve is popular because of the tie in to the number of months we have in a year. Hey it works, so make sure you work it, too.

Get your Keyword(s) in your Headline. You’d be surprised how many times people violate this guideline. You’re trying to target people who have an interest in whatever you have to say. Use the keywords. In the headline. This guideline ties in with the guideline that follows.

Make them Stand Alone. Because the headline may be all the reader will see before they click (if they do at all) on it to read the copy, you must make sure that the headline will stand alone. Your headline must make sense without the backup copy. For this reason alone, don’t get too cute with puns that only make sense after you read the copy. Also, check for any humorous interpretations or double entendres in your headline.

Don’t let it get TOO Long. Remember, a headline is just that, a headline. Not the first paragraph or even a summary. Resist the urge to let your headline run on for more than 10-15 words. Any more than that and you risk losing the reader’s attention.

Now that you’ve learned how the pros do it, you can write excellent headlines, too! So what are you waiting for? Get out there and write powerful headlines!

Free! Matt Bacak's

Powerful Promoting Tips

Newsletter ($197 value)

We respect your email privacy!

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Why are Headlines the Most Important Part of Your Website?

Who reads the Headlines?

“On average, five times as many people read the headlines as read the body copy. It follows that unless your headline sells your product, you have wasted 90 percent of your money.”
David Ogilvy, Ogilvy on Advertising

Think about this. All the time, money, and energy you put into your website won’t mean squat if your headlines don’t work for you. Now that we’ve got your attention regarding headlines, let’s break it down.

Five Reasons Why the Headline is the Most Important Part of Your Website

Here’s why you’ve really got to focus on your headline and make it the most exciting thing about your article:

· The headline is all people get to see sometimes. The headline (and part of the meta tag) is often the only thing that will come up in a Search Engine Listing. If you have a boring headline, nobody will bother to click on it to read the rest of the article. Make sure your meta tag stops people in their tracks as well.

· A strong headline can attract a reader who otherwise wasn’t going to stop to read the web page. Magazines do this all the time with their screaming cover headlines. You know, the ones that you can’t ignore when you’re in line at the grocery store.

· People are too busy to scan a page if the headline is weak. Research shows that readers give a headline about 7 seconds before they decide to read an article or not. We need a powerful hook so that the reader will want to stick around and read our reasons! If your headline is the weakest part of your article, the reader will never discover the gem hidden within.

· Headlines are the bottleneck to your conversion rates. If you can’t get people to click on the headline to read the rest of your copy, your landing page is doomed! Have you ever heard how the administrative assistant is the “gatekeeper” to a busy executive? You need to think of your headline as being the “facilitator” to the rest of your article. Another way to think about this is looking at the movies. You ever notice how movie companies always use the best parts of the movie to make up the movie trailers? But everybody knows why they do this, right? If they made the trailer boring, who would shell out $9 to watch the whole thing?

· For the pragmatics, if for nothing else headlines help set the reader’s expectations and also help spin the copy. Unless you’re writing news copy (and even then, this is a stretch to say), you’re writing is going to have a bias. As such, it doesn’t hurt to have your headline express said bias so you won’t alienate any of your readers two-thirds of the way down your copy!

I hope that reading this article has convinced you what an integral part your headlines play on your website. Now that you understand how important the headline is, can you afford to not make it the most powerful part of your page?

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Special Free Gift for you...

There's this free CD that I thought you'd like
to know about to finish this year out right.

Better hurry and check it out! With the response
that we have received already Mike Stewart, The Internet
Audio Guy, and I are just days from charging what
it's worth.

Go here Right Now:

This Free CD will open your eyes to a super-fast,
super-certain way of creating an avalanche of repeatable
income simply by using the expertise you already have.

"'The Instant Expert' is the most incredible and most
effective CD I have ever listened to. " Drew Miles - Florida

People are shocked that Mike Stewart and I are also
giving away over $692 worth of gifts!

Just to name a few...

A instant downloadable copy of our legendary
conversation named "Teleseminar Secrets Revealed"

and a membership into my private newsletter called:
"Secrets of Instant Expert Millionaires"

This is one site that you need to check out!

Check it out now:

Your Friend,

Matt Bacak

P.S. Hurry because this great offer is going to end really soon.

You get four (4) bonuses worth a total of $692 which includes
a report, Strategy Consultation, newsletter and a instant downloadable audio.

Check it out now Right Now:

How to Write Powerful Articles in 7 Easy Steps

You’ve heard how effective writing articles can be as a guerilla online marketing tool. The benefits include improved search engine rankings, more traffic to your site, credibility in yourself and your products and searches, etc., the list just goes on and on.

While writing articles is a great way to market your business on the Internet, publishing a poorly written article can send out bad vibes, the likes of which can drain your mojo! If you’re going to write articles, make sure you write strong ones that garner you positive attention only.

Seven Easy Steps

All you have to do is follow our plan, laid out in the following seven easy steps. Before you know it, you won’t have a blank screen in front of you, you’ll have one HOT article!

Get a Plan. You’re writing an article, not a book or an encyclopedia. The best articles deal with a specific topic. Not “Condo Living” in general, but “Five Benefits to Condo Living,” or “How to turn your Condo into the Home of your Dreams.” Use keyword research to help you fine-tune your topics.

Understand your Article Format.
Articles fall into about two dozen categories. Don’t muddy the waters! Make sure you understand what kind of article you want to write and stick with the right format. For example, How-To’s are different from Personal Stories.

Organize your Writing.
It depends on what format you’re writing in, but with most articles, you’re going to tell them what you’re going to cover, cover it, and then end with a summary. Use paragraphs and bullets liberally.

Write with Authority. Nobody wants to read a wishy-washy article. If you don’t know your topic well from personal experience, make sure you do some research. I resent reading articles where you come away not having learned much or “dumber” for having read them!
Tighten up you writing. Strong article writing means eliminating the fluff. Get rid of the “very,” “really,” and other extraneous words that don’t add a thing to your article. Use action verbs – take out the passive writing (replace “John was given the apple.” with “John received the apple” or better yet, “Sue gave John the apple.”)

Proof before you publish – make sure you proof the article for grammar and spelling errors. Nothing spells “amateur” more.

End with an “Oomph!” Ever notice how some songs just fade into nothing while others go out with a bang? Make sure your articles end with a bang. Call the reader into action – leave them with something to do, whether it’s to visit your site for other content or to order something TODAY, or to give you a call for more information. You can’t close the deal if you don’t ask for it!

TIP: Don’t plagiarize. It’s okay if you want to reference somebody else. You just need to learn the proper way to cite sources if you want to cit their work. Don’t copy somebody else’s work and try to pass it along as your own. If somebody figures out you “borrowed” content, you can bet they won’t trust doing business with you. Not to mention the legal woes you may face if the original owner discovers what you’ve done. Why go there?

Now that you’ve read this article, you should have a much clearer idea of how to turn your content into great articles that will hook site visitors each and every time.

Marketing Tips Provided to You by:
Matt Bacak, The Powerful Promoter
Author of Powerful Promoting Tips

Monday, August 21, 2006

Five Reasons Why Articles Are So Powerful to Write for Internet Marketing

People have used the written word for thousands of years to convey information and to persuade others to take on a desired action. In this article, you’ll learn five reasons why articles are such a powerful tool in the world of Internet Marketing.

Why is Article Writing Such a Great Tool for Internet Marketing?

Here’s why writing articles is such a powerful tool to have in your web arsenal:

Build your Reputation. People will perceive you as an authority on the subject. Articles are a great way to build your credibility and authority on a subject area. Let’s say you sell real estate and you know it inside and out. Unless somebody sits down and talks to you, they may never learn what you know. The truth is, there are many people out there that are capable of doing what you’re doing. The money making potential here is that only you are actually working on your building your reputation. Your competition might be stiff on a one-to-one comparison, but if your writing attracts interested buyers first, well, let’s hope your competition doesn’t get wind of how you’re reeling them in. Writing articles is a great way to market yourself on the Internet!

Build a Buzz. People only know what you tell them! Help build the buzz for your Product or Services yourself. The more content you have on your site, the larger it is, the better it will perform on search engine rankings and the more it will come up in searches.
Cheap form of Marketing. Imagine the opportunity for marketing without having to spend a lot of your time or money doing it. While you can still spend money on targeted advertising, picture the success you could have with your business if leads come across articles you’ve penned? The great thing about the Internet is that it’s such a cheap venue for publication! You can set up your own site and market your services and/or products via all the articles you want and only have to pay minimal hosting fees.

Reel Them In! A great way to use articles that you post online to your site is to include a link to it in one of your newsletters or e-mails (i.e. “To learn more about this, click here!”). You can also post your articles on other sites with links back to your site where those interested can learn more about what you have to offer.

Form a Community. Think about some of your favorite sites and what makes them stick out in your mind. Content probably comes up #1 for most of them. You, too, can change your web presence from being so-so to a thriving 24 hour round the clock community by providing more on your site such as helpful articles or a forum. The more people visit your site for information, the more likely they are to develop an interest in your services or products.

Now that we’ve laid out exactly why writing articles is such a powerful tool in Internet Marketing, we hope you’ll get on the bandwagon before your competition does and write, write, write!

Marketing Tips Provided to You by:
Matt Bacak, The Powerful Promoter
Author of Powerful Promoting Tips

Friday, August 18, 2006

How to Write a Sales Copy

Brainstorming!!! - I hope you heard from this word and hope you know exactly his meaning, if not then you're just a click away from Google. When you plan to write sales copy then you must prepare yourself for brainstorming. You see, when I start to write this article I just sit and I focus a moment to see if I'm in the mood for this kind of work and when I realized I'm “on the wave” I just start writing all the words that cross my mind at that time. Whatever you agree with me or not, your sales copy will definitely determine if your product's going to sell or not.

If you have an offline business sales pitch presentation, you get to interact with your prospect, you can even touch him and he gets to see you personally; but not online! There it all depends on the content of your website.

As I said, the first step to write a sales copy, you must be in the mood. You can even compare a sales copy with a work of art, why? Because when you are in “the mood” your acting just like an artist and you may not observe this. When you are in “the mood” you can get the best from you, and your mind keeps on coming up with amazing ideas.

And if you asking for how to get this mood, I can't answer to you but I only can tell you that for myself I a lot of passion and I just look for the needs of the people today and from “tomorrow” and this s how I get in the mood.

And, once you are in the mood, don't stop, keep on writing, brainstorming. Doesn't matter if you are writing weird ideas, just don't stop. After you finish, read it all over or you can pass it to someone else to get his feedback and I most recommend the second option because you can have a different opinion and you can notice if you need to add or remove any content.

Always pay attention for the headline; this is the most important part from your sales copy. Sometimes I write couple more headlines and I read them all several times and then after I pick the best I consider and I do a fine tune, sometimes 3-5 times before I decide to use it.

A good tip I got from somebody is never feel bad “borrowing” some ideas from successful copy you've seen; this because you already have some good ideas to start with.

Now, the last thing you need to keep in mind when writing a sales copy is: “What is the final result the reader will get if he buys from you?” “Build” your sales copy “to sell” hope and benefits to the reader, this is only if you want this reader to buy anything from you after he read your copy.

Marketing Tips Provided to You by:
Matt Bacak, The Powerful Promoter
Author of Powerful Promoting Tips

How to Write a Sales Copy

Brainstorming!!! - I hope you heard from this word and hope you know exactly his meaning, if not then you're just a click away from Google. When you plan to write sales copy then you must prepare yourself for brainstorming. You see, when I start to write this article I just sit and I focus a moment to see if I'm in the mood for this kind of work and when I realized I'm “on the wave” I just start writing all the words that cross my mind at that time. Whatever you agree with me or not, your sales copy will definitely determine if your product's going to sell or not.

If you have an offline business sales pitch presentation, you get to interact with your prospect, you can even touch him and he gets to see you personally; but not online! There it all depends on the content of your website.

As I said, the first step to write a sales copy, you must be in the mood. You can even compare a sales copy with a work of art, why? Because when you are in “the mood” your acting just like an artist and you may not observe this. When you are in “the mood” you can get the best from you, and your mind keeps on coming up with amazing ideas.

And if you asking for how to get this mood, I can't answer to you but I only can tell you that for myself I a lot of passion and I just look for the needs of the people today and from “tomorrow” and this s how I get in the mood.

And, once you are in the mood, don't stop, keep on writing, brainstorming. Doesn't matter if you are writing weird ideas, just don't stop. After you finish, read it all over or you can pass it to someone else to get his feedback and I most recommend the second option because you can have a different opinion and you can notice if you need to add or remove any content.

Always pay attention for the headline; this is the most important part from your sales copy. Sometimes I write couple more headlines and I read them all several times and then after I pick the best I consider and I do a fine tune, sometimes 3-5 times before I decide to use it.

A good tip I got from somebody is never feel bad “borrowing” some ideas from successful copy you've seen; this because you already have some good ideas to start with.

Now, the last thing you need to keep in mind when writing a sales copy is: “What is the final result the reader will get if he buys from you?” “Build” your sales copy “to sell” hope and benefits to the reader, this is only if you want this reader to buy anything from you after he read your copy.

Marketing Tips Provided to You by:
Matt Bacak, The Powerful Promoter
Author of Powerful Promoting Tips

Thursday, August 17, 2006

Tonight's Free Teleseminar is Almost Full...(Act Quickly)

Hey Friend,

Tonight at 8:00 EST, I'm revealing:

"7 Golden Keys To Building A Multi-
Million Dollar Information Empire"

WARNING: This call will not be
handed out to the public via a
recording. So you must be on to
hear this powerful information.

So go below right now and register:

But we have a problem, yesterday when I
announced this call I only had 125 lines
and I just checked and there are...

...only 15 left

So I would recommend that you do whatever
you can to make sure you get on it unless
you're too afraid to put millionaire after
your name. (or multi-millioniare)

Go here right now:

Hope you get a spot on
this amazing jammed-packed call!

Take action,

Matt Bacak

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Losers don't click this...(Free Telecall)

Hey, I'm going to make this quick, so let's get straight to the point. I'm doing a special telecall for you tomorrow night, and I would recommend that you do whatever you can to make sure you get on it unless you're too afraid to put millionaire after your name.

Because I'm personally going to share with you:
"7 Golden Keys To Building A Multi-Million Dollar Information Empire

"WARNING: This call will not be handed out to the public via a recording. So you must be on to hear this powerful information.

You may be asking yourself, what gives you the right to talk about this...

Did you know...I started, manage and run 3 different information business - All are making over a million dollars a year!

Made my first million online in less than6 months of making a decision to go for it.

But, I was not born with a silver spoon in my mouth, I come from a hard-working steeltown around Youngstown, Ohio. My dad was a steelworker, mygrandpa was one, my great granddad was one too!

It doesn't matter who you are, these keys will work for you... That's why..., This call is very important if you want to discover powerful keys to lots of cold hard cash.

So go here:

By just making one simple decision,
your bank account can change forever.

And that decision starts now,
I'm going to reveal this powerful info on a FREE Tele-seminaron
Thursday, Aug 17. at 8:00pm EST......

but there are only 125 lines available for this call,
so get yours right away. All you have to do is click below:

(NOTICE - do not click the link unless you're committed to joining the Tele-Seminaron

Thurs- day Aug 17 at 8:00 PM ET)

Hope to see you on the call

!Matt Bacak

P.S. Want some proof before you decide to get on the call
- then go here and see just one ofmy many merchant accounts:



Frontier Marketing Intl, LLC
//--> - do not click the link unlessyou're committed to joining the Tele-Seminaron Thurs- day Aug 17 at 8:00 PM ET) to see you on the call!Matt BacakP.S. Want some proof before you decide to geton the call - then go here and see just one ofmy many merchant accounts:


I'm holding a seat for you...


Matt Bacak here with an early bird *special*
invitation to one of the best Wealth building
events you'll ever attend!

If you are ready to increase your profits, drive
more leads, and explode your business efforts,
clear your calendar now for September 8-10, 2006.

That's when I'm flying 13 of the world's greatest
online & offline wealth builders to Orlando, Florida
to reveal their most closely guarded strategies, tactics
and ready-to-use business exploding systems they're using
right now to produce immediate, sustainable results for
themselves and their clients.

Best of all you can attend this Madness event for
less than one nights stay at an average hotel!

I urge you to accept my personal invitation to learn
from these wealth building experts:

1) Adam Ginsburg, who made 20 million Dollars on e-bay in
the last 3 years!

2) Armand Morin, In the last 10 years Armand has generated
over $21 million in revenue, almost all of it online.

3) Lou Castillo, one of your hosts, and underground real
estate investing expert is unparralelled in teaching you
how to become a successful real estate entrepreneur no matter
what your background or expertise.

4) Ted Thomas, an expert in tax lien certificates and
foreclosure real estate.

5) Matt Bacak, is known for taking "unknown" names and
launching them to "guru" status. He is the "man behind
the scenes" for many of today's best-known names.

6) Scott Schilling, Scott teaches how to LEARN TO TRADE
RISK FREE in a simple step by step system so investors
do not have to put their hard-earned money at risk while
learning new strategies.

7) Jason Oman, #1 International Best-Selling book
aouthor of 'Conversations with Millionaires!

8) Drew Miles, teachs people how to build and preserve
lasting wealth through revolutinary asset protection

9) Stephen Pierce, Stephen is one of the most fascinating
success stories I have ever heard. He is now an Ultra Succesful
Internet marketer and will share his strategies with you!

10) Marco Kozlowski, A luxury Home expert will share his
best kept secrets on how you can make a killing on Luxury

11) Chris Verhaegh, an expert is the stocks and options market
will hsare with you his secrets to trading Billions! - Yes
that's a "B"!

12) John Childers, John is the worlds foremost expert in
the worlds higest paid profession. At Wealth Madness he's
going ot share his secrets with you!

13) Rob Riopel, using T. Harv Eker's Millionaire Mind principles,
Robert went from $150,000 in debt to retiring at the age of 32! Now
he's come out of retirement to become the lead trainer for Peak
Potentials Training program.

Tera, I'd like to be perfectly clear about something. This
offer is being presented to more than 101,900 people. You are one
of them, and I hope you'll be one of the lucky ones who gets to be
involved in this event starting on Friday, Sept. 8th.

But, there is a very serious problem...

Because of the amazingline up of experty trainers we only have
47 seats still remaining!

Guarantee your seat by visiting:

I sincerely hope to see you at the event and I look forward
to helping you explode your business efforts in 2006!

Warmest Regards,

Matt Bacak

P.S. Join us and you will be educated by some of the best wealth
building minds in the world, you absolutely cannot afford to miss

Marketing Tips Provided to You by:
Matt Bacak, The Powerful Promoter
Author of Powerful Promoting Tips

Monday, August 14, 2006

How to Grow Your Website with Search Engine Traffic!

A well-designed website is the best method I can think of to generate a steady flow of new ezine subscribers. And new subscribers who join your ezine's list through your website tend to be of higher quality than those who find you through other means (ezine directories, announcement lists, etc.). One primary reason for this is that new subscribers that come through your website were quite possibly seeking out the type of information you offer, especially if they found you through a search engine.

Search engines and web directories (such as Yahoo! and are one of the best sources of targeted web site traffic. Recent changes in the functionality and submission process of several search engines and directories are detailed below.

The biggest change in the search engine landscape has been a move towards paid submissions by several services. While some may consider it a bad thing that services that were once free now charge for submission, it's actually an improvement in many ways. Most notably, the time it takes to get listed is usually drastically reduced with a paid service, meaning your site can start receiving traffic within days of submitting. And the potential traffic you can receive from the various search engines that use paid submissions usually far outweighs the cost. That's more than can be said for most other marketing efforts, which carry a much higher risk.

One of the biggest recent announcements of this kind is that search provider Inktomi has recently added a paid submission. For prices starting at $20, Inktomi guarantees they'll spider your Web site every 48 hours for a year. Inktomi search results are used by 125 partners, including HotBot, AOL, NBCi, MSN, and others.

Information on paid submissions to Inktomi is available at: This service has just been released; as I find out more and test its effectiveness, I'll mention my findings here.

Yahoo! has for quite some time featured its "Business Express" option of paid submission. recently moved to accepting only paid submissions, doing away with its free submission process altogether. However, if I were going to spend only $199 to market a Web site, I would spend it on a LookSmart submission. LookSmart's data is used by MSN, Excite, AltaVista,, and others, and the results have been very good in my experience.

Marketing Tips Provided to You by:
Matt Bacak, The Powerful Promoter
Author of Powerful Promoting Tips

Friday, August 11, 2006

Drew's Book is Finally Available!


Would you like to make more money?

Would you like to be financially secure?

How would you like to create lasting wealth?

After 25 years of preparation and successful
business building and over 2 years of production,
I'm proud and pleased to announce that my good
friend Drew Miles' book Zero to Success is finally
being released.

This is your chance to get your copy at a special
pre-release price.

Zero to Success is your personal blueprint for
creating and keeping more wealth than you ever
imagined! It chronicles Drew's journey from
struggling entrepreneur to Founder and CEO of
several successful businesses including Pathfinder
Business Strategies, LLC.

The book takes you step by step through topics
like selecting the right business for your talents
and experience; the proper way to structure it
for maximum profitability and tax benefits; how
to systematize and streamline your operation; and
how to generate more red-hot leads than you thought

All this adds up to a super-successful business that
puts you in control of your financial future!

Most entrepreneurs start off with a great idea and
soon find themselves bogged down in the "busyness"
of their business. Unfortunately, this kills your
bottom line and takes all the fun and profitability
out of having your own company. Before you know it,
you're working longer hours for less income and getting
frustrated in the process.

Does this sound familiar?

Maybe you don't yet have a business because you don't
know where to begin. Zero to Success will pack with
income generating ideas like:

• How to turn your hobby or passion into an HUGELY profitable business,
• The Truth about how to develop multiple streams of income,
• How to maximize the tax saving benefits of your business to explode your p.rofits !
• Seventeen ways to generate more super-hot leads of people willing to pay whatever you demand for your product or service,
• The right way to structure joint ventures and partnerships for maximum profitability,
• How to avoid the pitfalls that can cost you hundreds of thousands of dollars.

Because you're getting your copy immediately you'll
entitled to a special low pre-release price and a
bunch of once in a life time bonuses.


Matt Bacak



Frontier Marketing Intl, LLC
1140 Old Peachtree Rd, Suite D
Duluth, GA 30097

Thursday, August 10, 2006

This years most incredible offer...

FR: Matt & Lou
RE: Wealth Madness 2006

OK Friend, here's the deal.
- You decide to join us in Orlando for 3 fun and money filled days...

- You get to hear from 12 wealth-building experts...

- You experience incredible networking opportunities...and...

- We give you an intense, focused, andfun atmosphere to explode your wealth...

Here are the details:

See you in September,
Matt Bacak & Lou Castillo

P.S. When you decide to join us, you’ll be treated to a truly extraordinary event.
(And if you’ve ever been to to a Lou orMatt Event—where the average cost is $4,500 a seat—then you know what kind of quality to expect.)

Get the details here:

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Last Night's Amazing Call Playback - Listen Now!

Matt Bacak on Freedom Builders Telecall Tonight

Dear Friend,

Ever Wonder How People Are Making So Much Money
On The Internet??

If so, then don't miss tonight's "Face-Off With The Experts"
Tele-Call where I'll interview The Powerful Promoter,
Matt Bacak -- 8pm Eastern, tonight! (Aug. 9th)

Go Here To Sign Up Now:
(Enter your e-mail & tele-call details will be e-mailed to you.)

Matt has been a personal friend of mine for years now, and I
am so excited to share his incredible on-line strategies with you!

Here's just a few key strategies Matt will share:

>> You'll discover a proven system to tap into your niche market

>> Discover how to reach people actively seeking to spend money
on your products and services!

>> How to start getting "boat-loads" of customers in
minutes...It's easier than you think!

>> Matt's secret to automating my way to million dollar paydays!

Go Here To Reserve A Line On Tonight's Telecall Right Now!
Go To:
(Enter your e-mail & Dial-In & Pin # will be e-mailed
within seconds.)

It's OK if you don't even have a website or even know where
to begin.... Matt's simple strategies WILL get you started!

Look forward to talking with you tonight! Ann

P.S.: It's OK to forward this message to your friends &
associates who might like to be on tonight's tele-call.
Have them go to To Reserve A Line!!


Freedom Builders
Sales & Prospecting System
10 Glenlake Parkway
Atlanta, GA 30319

Freedom Builders

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Better Hurry, Tonight's Call is Almost Full...

Hi Friend,

Tonight at 9PM Eastern Lou and I
will be sharing our 7 Steps To
Exploding Your Wealth!

Will you join us?

Tera, there are two important
facts you need to know before tonight's
training call.

Fact 1 - Our proven 7 step formula for
creating wealth is POWERFUL, and if
you're lucky enough to get on one of the
remaining 37 lines you should plan on
taking a ton of notes!

Fact 2 - We know that many people
will benefit greatly from our 7 step
formula but the fact of the matter is
we only have 250 available lines for
tonight's call and only 37 remain!

Register Below now:

See you on the call,

Matt Bacak

P.S. One of the most common characteristics of
wealthy people is they are action oriented. Take
action now and register for the call below:

Monday, August 07, 2006

Heat Wave Striking the Nation…and the Internet Marketing World

Heat Wave Striking the Nation…and the Internet Marketing World – ‘The Powerful Promoter,’ Matt Bacak, Setting His Own High Temperatures

Download this press release as an Adobe PDF document.

The heat wave that has recently gripped the nation is extending into the Internet marketing realm, where "The Powerful Promoter," Matt Bacak’s mercury is soaring. As temperatures near 100 degrees, Bacak is setting business growth records at quintuple that pace.

Suwanee, GA (PRWEB via PR Web Direct) August 4, 2006 -- As the mercury has soared to near 100 degrees Fahrenheit in nearby Atlanta, Georgia-based Internet marketer extraordinaire, Matt Bacak, has been busy setting his own records. Quintupling the 100 mark, his business has witnessed a 500% growth rate in the past year alone. And that’s just the first ebb in a persistent heat wave he’s experiencing. Individuals who are interested in learning more about Matt Bacak’s hot streak can visit him online at

After just a few short years online, the Matt Bacak pavement has already become hot enough to fry an egg on. In the Internet marketing world, where the top producers have paid decades of dues, he’s an atmospheric anomaly. Thanks to his quick and resounding success, long-time Internet marketers already think of him as a professional equal. But don’t think Matt has sailed to the top of temperature scale. He’s definitely earned his dues, albeit more quickly than the norm.

Aside from his impressive growth figures, Matt’s clients are constantly passing the million dollar profit mark, thus putting "The Powerful Promoter" in high demand. In fact, he’s been so successful that other marketing "gurus" are now coming to him for advice instead of the other way around. And these aren’t no-name wannabes either. They’re actual experts in the field whose reputations would shrivel if their followers ever found out that Matt had coached them on their online marketing strategies. Bacak is so in demand, in fact, that the price for a day of one-on-one training with him has skyrocketed to more than many people pay for a brand new car.

Other achievements that have led to Bacak’s super-hot status include his ability to create and open new doors of opportunity on a daily basis. For instance, he is the only marketing trainer to give away brand new laptop computers at his training workshops. He also flies his own personal airplane from event to event, not simply because it’s fun, but because flying commercial simply takes too much time out of his busy schedule. As if all that weren’t enough, Matt is now working on a top secret project that will be announced later this year. Despite its top secrecy, a buzz of excitement is already stirring around this yet-to-be-announced project.

For more information on how you can start your own Internet marketing heat wave, contact Stephanie Bunn at (770) 271-1536.

To see the scorching Matt Bacak in action, check him out live next month at Wealth Madness 2006 in Orlando:

Stephanie Bunn
2935 Horizon Park Drive, Suite
D Suwanee, GA 30024(770) 271-1536

Sunday, August 06, 2006

Tax Deductions

Why are they not telling us this stuff?

Drew Miles shared with me just one tax deduction strategy
alone saved me over $10,000. I have been begging my CPA
to find me this information and he never knew where to look.

He told me the exact IRS tax codes to use to make this possible.

If you want to get tax filing tips from him go here:


Matt Bacak

P.S. This Tax Tips 6-month e-Course... Costs You Nothing, Yet
Provides A Better Tax Reduction and Tax Deductions Education
Than You Can Otherwise Receive For Thousands Of Dollars..This
e-course will give you tax information your CPA and won't!

Friday, August 04, 2006

Friend, this'll knock your socks off...

You know I don't get excited very easily.

And I don't over-hype every little marketing product that comes out.-->

But what I'm about to tell you about actually has me extremely excited (for you) for the first time in a long time. I'll tell you more about it this in a few days, but if you can't wait - I'm providing a link right now. If you're receiving this message, I suggest that you click on the link below and sign up right away for the "List Building Intensive"

for this series is now open and you will be very happy that you've registered.I'll personally be one of the speakers in this series along with ... well, you'll just have to go to the site to see why I'm so excited for you.

Matt Bacak
P.S. It won't cost you a penny to sign up.
(Infact, it's "B_E_T_T_E_R_ _T_H_A_N_ _F_R_E_E"!)

Go register right now


Thursday, August 03, 2006

Tonight's FR*EE teleclass is nearly full...

Hi Friend,

THANK YOU, You are Awesome!

Every time I send out an email to alerteveryone about my fr*ee teleclasses,
you always respond quickly.
This time has been no different - THANK YOU!

To register for tonight's teleclass, visit

225 lines for the call are taken and now there are only 25 lines remaining.

You'll discover How To Create A Volcanic Eruption Of Cash
Using Google's Adwords and Adsense Programs!
As you sit in front of your computer, reading this email you have often
wondered what's all this google talk about.

Here's the answer:

Tonight's teleclass can literally mean the difference between your own
massive long-term wealth and long-term failure.
Which do you want - to join the teleclass or not?

Remember - only 25 lines remaining. I look forward to chatting with you tonight!

Warmest regards,
Matt Bacak

Marketing Tips Provided to You by:
Matt Bacak, The Powerful Promoter
Author of Powerful Promoting Tips

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

It’s Raining Unlimited Cash at Wealth Madness Live

It’s Raining Unlimited Cash at Wealth Madness Live – Wealth-Building Seminar to Create Cash-Generation Storm of the Century

Download this press release as an Adobe PDF document.

The world’s greatest cash generators will share their most successful wealth secrets to a fortunate few at Wealth Madness 2006. Slated for September 8, 9 and 10, 2006, this wealth-building seminar will bring all the top earners together in one convenient location for three days chockfull of the best tricks of the lucrative trade.

Suwanee, GA (PRWEB via PR Web Direct) August 1, 2006 -- Individuals who are seeking to double or triple their income in the fourth quarter of this year will want to mark September 8, 9 and 10 on their calendars. Why? Because that’s when Wealth Madness 2006 is scheduled to take place at the luxurious Caribe Royale Resort in Orlando, Florida. The first and only event of its kind, Wealth Madness 2006 will bring together the world’s greatest wealth generators for three days that promise to be jam-packed with the most sought after cash-generating strategies. Wealth seekers who would like to see their incomes explode in the upcoming months can sign up for the event online at

The brainchild of Internet marketing guru Matt Bacak and world-class real estate investor and trader, Lou Castillo, Wealth Madness 2006 drew its inspiration from the many cash-creation geniuses this dynamic duo has rubbed shoulders with. Its lineup includes 14 of the world’s top wealth generators, who, for the first time ever, will share step-by-step instructions on how they’ve exploded their own wealth. Because of its top-secrecy-revealing nature, the three-day seminar is a closed-door event that can only be accessed through pre-registration at

Bacak explains Wealth Madness 2006 as a way for entrepreneurs to build multiple streams of profit into their businesses so they can explode their profits. Some of the world’s most influential wealth-building experts are slated to appear at the event. Among the never before revealed secrets they’ll share with attendees are how to land the highest paid professions in the world, how to trade stocks like a billionaire, how to harness a wealth mindset and how to leverage the $20 billion eBay system. Wealth Madness 2006 will even teach registrants how to make six figures in 60 days or less.

The all-star event’s powerful lineup includes eBay fortune maker Adam Ginsberg; Internet marketing millionaire Armand Morin; real estate investing expert Lou Castillo; innovative real estate investor Ted Thomas; millionaire-maker Matt Bacak; stock market money maker Scott Schilling; get-rich-quick poster boy Jason Oman; wealth builder and preserver Drew Miles; best-selling author Stephen Pierce; luxury home expert Marco Kozlowski; investment bank trainer Chris Verhaegh and million dollar public speaking trainer John Childers.

With a billing as impressive as this one, it’s no wonder Wealth Madness 2006 is selling out quickly. Only 250 seats are available to this exclusive closed-door event, so early registration is encouraged. And with a 100% money-back guarantee included in the price, there’s no reason not to take advantage of this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity while it’s still available.

For more information on how you can skyrocket your earnings in the last quarter of 2006, contact Stephanie Bunn at (770) 271-1536 or email her at

To sign up for one of the few remaining Wealth Madness 2006 slots, visit the event online at

Stephanie Bunn
1140 Old Peachtree Rd, Suite D
Duluth, GA 30078
(770) 271-1536

Trackback URL :

wealth madness 2006 wealth madness wealth-building seminar
internet marketing matt bacak lou castillo

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Are you safe from Google?

Hey Friend,

It's spreading like wildfire!
Internet entrepreneurs are in a frenzy!
There is panic everywhere!

So, What's causing all the chaos?

It's Google and the alleged changes
they're making to their pay per click
program (Adwords).

The real question is, "Is all this google
talk hype or is it really all true?"

Find out Thursday night at 9PM Eastern
when Josh and I will share our insider
google adwords and adsense secrets!

Register Below Now:

Thursday night Josh and I will cover in
detail our answer to Google's most recent
scare as well as many other proven strategies
to profiting with Google.

Join us below:

This call promises to fill up quickly, so
don't delay register your seat now and show
up at least 10 minutes early so you won't miss
a thing.


Matt Bacak

P.S. Our Answer to Google's most recent scare may
shock you! You must attend this one time only
training call to here every little detail!

Marketing Tips Provided to You by:
Matt Bacak, The Powerful Promoter
Author of Powerful Promoting Tips

Would you like to generate 200% more leads in the next 3 months?

Would you like to generate 200% more leads in 3 Months?

How much more profitable would your bottom line be if
you could reach the RIGHT Customer?

Wednesday’s Training Call is
going to be one of our best calls yet!

On Wednesday August 2 at
9PM Eastern / 8 PM Central / 7PM Mountain / 6PM Pacific
my very special guest, Matt Bacak, The Powerful Promoter
will fire up the lines with his cutting edge lead generating

My business grew over 400% in the last 18 months. Yours can

Go here now!

One of the essential ingredients to that growth was building a
very specific lead source machine.

Matt's my guy. At Zero To Success, he can be
your guy too.

Get Going and Come RUNNING to this Information Packed
Training Call

I'll see you then!

Drew Miles
The Wealth Building Attorney

P.S. Matt is a Business Building GENIUS. Whatever you do,
get on this get in on this call!

P.P.S. Zero 2 Success is all about
strategic planning, execution and increasing the
profitability of your business. Reserve your
seat n.ow and thank me later!


Pathfinder Business Strategies, LLC
10315 102nd Terrace
Sebastian, FL 32958
(888) 695-2765


To update your contact information: