Sunday, September 30, 2007

“6 FAQ about Internet Businesses”

Question #1: Other than teleseminars and one-on-one, what is the best way to build a relationship with clients?

Answer: Let your clients know who you are as a person. Let them know you are more than a product or service and that you are human. For example, let them know that you are real by sending out non-business related content such as a family newsletter.

Question #2: Here’s my situation. I want to use Google AdWords to promote an affiliate site. When an Internet visitor clicks on the Google AdWords advertisement should I send them directly to the affiliate’s website or to my own website first?

Answer: Send them to your website first. Create a squeeze page of your own so you can capture their information. Then once they sign up send them to your affiliate’s website. If you send them directly to the affiliate’s website then you will lose out on their information. This would prevent you from marketing to them on your own in the future.

Question #3: Do you suggest doing a squeeze page and sales letter page to get people to order freebies so you can build your list?

Answer: If Internet visitors have already gone through your squeeze page then they are on your list. You don’t need to “squeeze” them again with a squeeze page related to your freebies.

Question #4: Here’s my situation. I want to give away a free 30 minute video interview plus a transcript and a free report. My question is – Should I give away the free video interview or the free report?

Answer: Give away both the video interview and the report for free. Video interviews are hot right now so that would be a great thing to give away. However, you have to understand the needs and wants of your niche. For example, are people in your niche audio or visual? Are they used to reading? Do they want to watch and listen to a video instead?

Question #5: Here’s my situation. I received an email list from somebody that wants to do a joint venture with me. My question is – Should I send out the email to this list?

Answer: No. The email should be sent for you by the person that owns the list. You should not import their list into your Autoresponder because this is known as spamming. Plus, if you send it, the email recipients have no idea who you are and could report you as spam.

Question #6: Somebody that had legitimately signed up for my list gave a spam complaint about an email I sent. How can I defend myself against this?

Answer: You need to find exactly who posted this spam complaint. You need to prove that this person legitimately opted-in for your list. Immediately delete them from your list. Take a screen shot of this to prove that you deleted them from your list. Save their information into a separate file in case you need it later.

It’s important to realize that you will get spam complaints that you don’t deserve. This happens. Receiving a few spam complaints every once in awhile is okay. However, if you receive a lot of spam complaints then that is not a good situation.

Warmest regards,

Matt Bacak

P.S. If you haven't signed up for my
Powerful Promoting Tips yet, then you
are really missing out, go here:

P.P.S. Do you want to be updated on the new things I'm doing
to market my companies? Then you need to grab a copy of my
`Internet Marketing Dirt'. It's now better than ever before!

Go here and get a copy:

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“FAQ about Email and Autoresponder software”

If you want to make money in your Internet business you know the importance of sending out emails. Emails aid in the relationship with your subscribers. It also trains subscribers to buy products from you. You will send numerous emails and come across questions about your emails and Autoresponder software programs. Read on to find the answers to common email and Autoresponder software questions.

AutoResponse Plus Questions
Question: Here’s my situation. As an affiliate, I sent out a broadcast email to my list. I’m having trouble with inserting the first name in the proper area of the broadcast email. My question is – How do I insert the first name in the first name slot correctly?

Answer: Go into your AutoResponse Plus software program. Look up in the right hand corner of the screen. In the RED area there will be a line that says “Dynamic Content”. Click on this and it will bring up a page that shows you what the email broadcast page should look like. Follow this format and AutoResponse Plus will automatically populate the first name slot correctly. You can preview the page to double check that you inserted the first name in the appropriate spot.

Question: What does the AutoResponse Plus backup save?

Answer: It saves your list into your AutoResponse Plus account. So if you messed up your account then you can find this backup and fix your account. It is also recommended to save a backup to your computer as well.

Email Questions:
Question: Does AOL have any new rules that certain words such as “free” are no longer a barrier?

Answer: AOL constantly tries to prevent spamming which can have a rollover affect into legitimate emails as well. In the past, you had to insert extra punctuation with words such as “free”. For example, you had to write “f.ree” to get your email through the AOL spam filter.

AOL rules change often. I find out the changes through testing. Lately, I haven’t had any problems with words such as “free”. Currently, you can write them without extra punctuation.

Question: Does AOL have any new rules about what content is required in your email?

Answer: AOL does have one new rule. When you send out an email you need to have your name, address, phone number, and an unsubscribe link in your email. AOL wants to know that you are legitimate.

Warmest regards,

Matt Bacak

P.S. If you haven't signed up for my
Powerful Promoting Tips yet, then you
are really missing out, go here:

P.P.S. Do you want to be updated on the new things I'm doing
to market my companies? Then you need to grab a copy of my
`Internet Marketing Dirt'. It's now better than ever before!

Go here and get a copy:

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Friday, September 28, 2007

"Sorry, Sold Out...(BUt Still Read This)"

This call sold out 3x in a row.

Actually it sold out before I got on
the plane to FL, but I just now could
let you know because I just landed.

I have taken down all the links to get in
off the site so no more lines can be gobbled up.

If you hesitated, I'm sorry.

Maybe next time.

But while I have you.

My new software (OPEN Door) is done!

Finally after 12 months of putting
it together.

It has everything you need to run
your online business in one place.

It's called Open door CRM.

We are in Beta with version 1.0.

I'm releasing it mid Oct.

It has A....
- Complete Merchant Shopping Cart
- Affiliate Program
- Email Management
- Membership Software
- Product Management
- Autoresponders
- And More!

I'm switching over to it next week,
I'll keep you in the loop about it!

Matt Bacak

Frontier Marketing Intl, LLC
1140 Old Peachtree Rd, Suite D
Duluth, GA 30097

“5 Questions about the role of Articles in your Internet Business”

Articles are a powerful viral marketing tactic that can spread your presence across the web and bring in loads of sales. Many Internet businesses have questions regarding articles. For example, how should they submit articles to the Internet? Following is a list of common questions about articles that can benefit any Internet business entrepreneur from a novice to an old hand.

Article Question #1: How do I submit articles to the Internet?

Answer: Since you will be submitting several articles on a consistent basis you should invest in an article submission program. A top choice is Article Submitter Pro. Article Submitter Pro is automated article submission software. Another software program you can use is Article Announcer.

Article Question #2: Here’s my situation. I have written 10 articles and want to submit them to the Internet. The question is – Should I submit these articles through Article Submitter Pro or should I go to each website directly and submit the article?
Answer: The easiest method is to use Article Submitter Pro. In Article Submitter Pro you register for websites that are relevant to your website niche. You can submit 10 articles quickly to all these websites through Article Submitter Pro.

If you don’t use Article Submitter Pro then you can go to each individual website. Be aware that this will take more time. So submit to websites that have the highest Google page rank first.

Article Question #3: What days of the week are best to submit articles if you don’t have the time to submit articles every day?

Answer: The time to submit articles is to find a rhythm, a habit. The search engines really like it if you submit articles on a consistent basis such as every 3 days or submitting only on Wednesdays at 9am for example. Make sure to also submit the same number of articles each time.

Article Question #4: Here’s my situation. I have purchased Article Submitter Pro and have begun the process of registering for all the article submission sites. Some of the article submission sites are very specific to a niche. I am in real estate. My question is – Should I submit to all the article sites or just the sites that are in the real estate industry?

Answer: Only submit to the sites that are in your industry. Delete the other unrelated sites.

Article Question #5: Does AOL have any new rules regarding article content?

Answer: Article submission rules have remained the same for AOL. (At least for now.)

Article Submitter Pro
Article Announcer
Article submission

Warmest regards,

Matt Bacak

P.S. If you haven't signed up for myPowerful Promoting Tips yet, then youare really missing out, go here:

P.P.S. Do you want to be updated on the new things I'm doingto market my companies? Then you need to grab a copy of my`Internet Marketing Dirt'. It's now better than ever before!

Go here and get a copy:

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Thursday, September 27, 2007

“Link Tips to Increase your Google Ranking”

An Internet business relies on website traffic. They find ways to drive traffic to their website from joint ventures to Google AdWords. This traffic provides a bounty of potential customers leading to sales. Another powerful method that drives traffic to your Internet business website is using links. Following is a list of link tips that not only increase the amount of traffic to your website, but can increase the quality of the traffic as well.

Link Tip #1: Always put several links to your website in the emails you send out. The goal of these emails is to get people to take action and go to your website. Provide clickable links at the top, middle, and in the P.S. at the end of the email. These links help train people to go to your website. Plus, having links in your email shortens the length of the email. This is easier on the eyes and attention span of the email reader. Essentially, you have short content in the email and then full content can be found when they click on the link and go to your website.

Link Tip #2: The “right” links can be powerful. Find websites that have a high page rank and relate to your website. Obtain a link from these websites to increase your ranking Google. Basically, you want to have high page rank sites that are related to your website pointing to you. For example, if you have a dog training website then you don’t want to have an Internet marketing site pointing to you. Instead, you want a site about dog shows pointing to you. Quality links are very, very important.

Do you follow these two link tips? Some people falsely believe that quantity is better than quality. For example, they have a page full of links and not much content. The links may or may not come from Google high page ranked sites. The links may or may not relate to their website. These many low quality unrelated links can actually hurt them as search engines love related content and quality links.

Analyze the links on your website. See how you can modify them to increase your rank in Google.

Warmest regards,

Matt Bacak

P.S. If you haven't signed up for myPowerful Promoting Tips yet, then youare really missing out, go here:

P.P.S. Do you want to be updated on the new things I'm doingto market my companies? Then you need to grab a copy of my`Internet Marketing Dirt'. It's now better than ever before!

Go here and get a copy:

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"Training Call is Filling Up..."

We are getting down to the wire on
my training call that is scheduled for
Thursday night.

We only have 31 lines leftand I will be
forced to take down the website and
shut off access to the call.

Go here right now to register:

I will be training on my advanced cash
conversion strategies that I only giveaway
for $1,000 a hour or 20k a day.

But Thursday you will be able to hear it for only $7.

Go here right now and register before it sells out again.

Best Regards,

Matt Bacak

Frontier Marketing Intl, LLC
1140 Old Peachtree Rd, Suite D
Duluth, GA 30097

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

"Training Call Thursday Night...BETTER HURRY"

I'm doing a special training call
on Thursday at 9:00 EST.

It's called:

'Advanced Cash Conversion Strategies'

Go here right now and sign up:

Years ago I cracked the code for
making millions of dollars on the
Internet every day, on autopilot...
And YOU can copy my strategies to
make obscene profits each and every

Better Hurry because I have only shared
my Advanced Cash Conversation Strategies
over a teleseminar, twice. And both times it
sold out in less then 24 hours. I have a good
gut feeling this time will be no different.

This Thursday at 9:00EST, I'll be training you
for about 90 minutes on my many different
strategies to extract cash from the Internet.

Now you might be saying nothing is for free.

I know I hear that all the time so this call will not
be free.

But it won't be $1,000, $500, or $100, even though
it'll be well worth more than that.

You can get in for just $7. That's it.

For just $7 you'll get live access and the download
after the call. (I never send out recordings of my
calls but this is one that you will want to hear over
and over again.)

Go here right now and register for this call:

Best Regards,

Matt Bacak

P.S. This information is NOT Free! But,
if you register and can't make the call, I'll
send you a recording so you don't miss a
second of it!

Frontier Marketing Intl, LLC
1140 Old Peachtree Rd, Suite D
Duluth, GA 30097

" Watch out for this..."

I'm making arrangements to do an'
Advanced Cash Conversion Strategies'
training call this week...

...but I wanted to warn you up front.

WARNING: The last 2 times I did
this they sold out within 24hrs.

I'll tell you more about it
very shortly. Be on a look out
for the next email I send.

It'll arrive soon.

Matt Bacak

Frontier Marketing Intl, LLC
1140 Old Peachtree Rd, Suite D
Duluth, GA 30097

" The Secret Is Out..."

The secret is out:

Smart webmasters from all around the world are
moving their websites to Frontier Power Hosting
every day and I'm going to tell you why...

If you've been thinking about starting a new
website or if you already have one but it's
not making the profits you want, then this is
the website you can't afford not to visit:

I have absolutely no hesitation in saying that
once you discover all the marketing-friendly
features that Frontier Power has, you'll never do
business with another hosting company again!

And the price is just ridiculously low so I
won't even bother telling you about it. You'll
have a laugh when you see it... =)

Without a doubt, Frontier Power gets my highest
recommendation (Five stars!). So drop anything
you're doing and pay a visit to their website
right now... you'll be glad you did!

To your success!

Matt Bacak

Even if you already have a website, it is wise
to keep other options in mind. Check it out
right now. You'll be surprised to see that your
current host might not be the best option:

Frontier Marketing Intl, LLC
1140 Old Peachtree Rd, Suite D
Duluth, GA 30097

“Do you track these business numbers?”

If you run a business then you know that your numbers are your business. This holds true for Internet businesses as well. You shouldn’t just look at profit. Instead, you need to look at all the numbers in your business as well. This can seem like an overwhelming task. So which numbers should you focus on? Are there certain numbers that you should look at daily, weekly, or monthly? Following are a list of numbers that top Internet businesses examine on a daily, weekly, and monthly basis.

Analyze these numbers on a daily basis:
1. Money levels in bank account.
2. Number of items that were sold.
3. The type of items that were sold.

Analyze these numbers on a weekly basis:
1. Total Revenue from the month till that date.
2. Amount of expenses for the month.
3. Revenue – Expenses = Profit/Loss. Is this number positive or negative?

From a sales perspective (weekly basis):
1. The number of appointments booked by my team.
2. The amount of money brought in by my team.

From a marketing perspective (weekly basis):
1. Search my name on the Internet. How many times is my name out there?
2. The number of subscribers that week.
3. The number of articles that were submitted and created.
4. The number of joint ventures that were created.
5. The number of times I posted to my Blog.
6. The number of back links that I have.
7. Analyze all of these numbers and look at profit and conversions.

Analyze these numbers on a monthly basis:
1. Look at all the numbers from year-to-date.
2. Forecast the numbers for next month.

Do you track these numbers? This is a great guideline to help you examine your business activities each day. You can find areas where you need improvement. For example, are you not setting up enough appointments each week for joint ventures? Is your squeeze page effective or ineffective? Take a close look at your business and see where your strengths and weaknesses exist. Then take care of them and enjoy improved profit and efficiency.

Warmest regards,

Matt Bacak

P.S. If you haven't signed up for my
Powerful Promoting Tips yet, then you
are really missing out, go here:

P.P.S. Do you want to be updated on the new things I'm doing
to market my companies? Then you need to grab a copy of my
`Internet Marketing Dirt'. It's now better than ever before!

Go here and get a copy:

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Tuesday, September 25, 2007

“FAQ about running your Internet business”

Do you have questions about your Autoresponder, articles, and creating your business website? Maybe you don’t have questions today, but these questions could pop up tomorrow. So you need to be aware of these common questions. Knowing the answers to these questions can save you precious time and money. Time, in fact, that could be spent making more money instead of trying to figure out a solution to the problem.

So here’s a list of questions regarding Autoresponders, articles, and your business website:

Autoresponder Question: I am moving an old list that I haven’t followed up with or contacted in awhile. I want to move this old list from the AutoResponse Plus to 1Shopping Cart. Can I just import this list into 1Shopping Cart or do I need to contact each person on the list?

Autoresponder Answer: When you move the list to 1Shopping Cart they will make the list double opt-in. 1Shopping Cart will send your list an email about this. So make sure to send an email to the list ahead of time so you can prepare them for the 1ShoppingCart email.

Note: If you haven’t really talked to these people or followed up then your response rate is probably going to be really low. Still do it, but just note that you might lose a lot of emails during the transition.

Articles Question: I know that submitting articles is a great way of viral marketing. I send out several articles on a consistent basis. I use the article submitter called Article Submitter Pro. Are there any other article submission programs that are faster?

Articles Answer: No, nothing is faster than Article Submitter Pro. If you want to try another article submitter program try Article Announcer.

Business Website Question: How do you select which keywords to put in the HTML code for your business website?

Business Website Answer: It depends. If you don’t use conversion tracking then look at keywords that have the highest click through rate. If you ARE using conversion tracking then look at the words that are converting the most. Put the top 2-3 keywords in your title tag. Don’t have more than 83 characters in your title tag.

Business Website Question: What is conversion tracking?

Business Answer: Login to your Google AdWords account to find conversion tracking. It will give you a code where you can track cost per lead and your lead conversion. It tracks from when people land on your website to getting to your thank you page. The click through rate, on the other hand, tells you the time it takes from somebody searching Google to the time they reach your website.

Warmest regards,

Matt Bacak

P.S. If you haven't signed up for my
Powerful Promoting Tips yet, then you
are really missing out, go here:

P.P.S. Do you want to be updated on the new things I'm doing
to market my companies? Then you need to grab a copy of my
`Internet Marketing Dirt'. It's now better than ever before!

Go here and get a copy:

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“Tips for an Bestseller Campaign”

Selling your book through is a great way to not only earn money, but to increase your visibility and credibility in the business world. For example, if your book achieves bestseller status then your sales could increase exponentially. Otherwise, your book listing may fall into the deep sea of books on Amazon. Therefore, earning best seller status is the top goal of many Internet businesses.

Following is a list of common questions regarding an bestseller campaign:

Question #1: Here’s my situation. I am working on an bestseller campaign. I have sent press releases. So far I have a list of 100,000 people that are being sent emails regarding the book and its release. I’ve heard that you are supposed to have 500,000 people on your email list in order to crack the top ten in Amazon. Is this true?

Answer: Not necessarily. The list of 500,000 names makes it more likely for you to hit the bestseller list, but if you have a quality list than you can still crack the top ten on Amazon. You may have a smaller list, but if you have a high percentage of buyers than your list could be more powerful than a larger list with a lower percentage of buyers.

Question #2: I’ve heard about using joint ventures to spread the word about my book’s release on However, I’m having trouble creating joint ventures because it is difficult to get people to commit to a venture with me since they don’t know me personally. Are there other options besides joint ventures?

Answer #2: Let’s first check out how you are going about obtaining joint ventures. The biggest problem with finding joint ventures for an bestseller campaign is that you don’t offer a value per value exchange. You can’t just ask people to promote you and your book to their list in exchange for nothing that benefits them.

You have to think how you can make the exchange valuable for the other person. Give them incentives that will make them more likely to send an email about your book to their list. Make sure to put a dollar amount value on the items that you offer the joint venture partner for free. Offer them bonuses that they can also offer in the email they send out to their list.

Also make sure to figure out how your vision helps push them towards their own vision. For example, some people want leads. Some people just want help. Find out what they want and need and offer it to them so they view promoting your book as a valuable exchange.

Tip: Find a book similar to yours on Amazon that has accomplished a best seller campaign. Find out what they did in their campaign. Find out what bonuses they offered. Find out who helped them and contact these people.

Warmest regards,

Matt Bacak

P.S. If you haven't signed up for my
Powerful Promoting Tips yet, then you
are really missing out, go here:

P.P.S. Do you want to be updated on the new things I'm doing
to market my companies? Then you need to grab a copy of my
`Internet Marketing Dirt'. It's now better than ever before!

Go here and get a copy:

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Saturday, September 22, 2007

“How to offer CDs and DVDs on a Budget”

Many Internet businesses sell intellectual property. For example, they sell a book, eBook, audio CD, DVD, or software. Selling intellectual property can be very lucrative. You can sell intellectual property that is in a digital format such as an eBook. You can have customers download the eBook directly off of your website.

Downloading a digital product is easy, but what if you want to send a CD or DVD to your customer? Many customers still prefer an actual CD or DVD. If you offer these products then you have to deal with fulfillment of packaging and shipping. You can work through a fulfillment company, but many fulfillment companies provide less than desirable services.

So how do you act as your own fulfillment company? Let’s say that you have digital MP3 audios that you want to put into CD format. You also have an eBook that you want to print and send as a hard copy book. You also are new to the Internet business scene and are on a tight budget.

The good news is that you can burn the CD and print the book yourself. Buy a CD and DVD burner program called “BravoPro”. BravoPro lets you burn CDs and DVDs quickly and easily. You can burn CDs and DVDs at your home. You can print out the CD and DVD covers yourself.

Tip: Don’t buy BravoPro off of EBay just to save a few bucks. If you do then you won’t have access to BravoPro support. So if your program breaks or you have questions about features than you are left out in the cold.

The next question is how to package the CDs and DVDs. You need a CD jewel case and/or a DVD case. Did you know that you can actually find DVD cases for free? Head out to your local Blockbuster. They often throw out DVD cases after a hit movie goes onto the regular shelves. So go to your local Blockbuster and ask them when they throw out their DVD cases. They will often be happy to give you the DVD boxes. Using the free DVD cases will save you loads of money.

Burning your own CDs and DVDs is fun at first, but after awhile you may want to outsource the job. It’s up to you. Just know that you can provide fulfillment for these types of products on a budget.

Warmest regards,

Matt Bacak

P.S. If you haven't signed up for my
Powerful Promoting Tips yet, then you
are really missing out, go here:

P.P.S. Do you want to be updated on the new things I'm doing
to market my companies? Then you need to grab a copy of my
`Internet Marketing Dirt'. It's now better than ever before!

Go here and get a copy:

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Friday, September 21, 2007

"Powerful Promoting Tip # 12"

The other night on a Joint Venture telecall that I did with my coaching clients,
they asked how to write great copy for emails and sales letters.

Well, I read them something from an Amazing book called the "The
Greatest Direct Mail Sales Letters of All Time"

Go here to read what I read to them.

You may be thinking that It's nothing - but it works!

Go here to find out what it was:

Warmest regards,

Matt Bacak
P.S. This information is exactly why the greastest sales letters succeed.

Go below and read it:
Frontier Marketing Intl, LLC
1140 Old Peachtree Rd, Suite D
Duluth, GA 30097

"A Free Gift From MY Wife and I.."

A while back I launched a Brand new CD, called:
""Pillow Talk - The Secrets You've never Heard."

This Free CD will reveal how I went from bankruptcy to millions and how you can build an info empire that will allow you to create money on demand!

You'll learn me and my wife Stephanie's insider secrets to building a multi-million dollar information business...

Go below RIGHT NOW and Grab a copy:

Inside this CD you'll learn:

- You'll discover the 'Insider Secrets' to creating a million dollar online business!
- The extremely private and powerful 'pillowtalk' that grew their company from a one bedroom condo into a 6,687 sq. ft. powerhouse!
- You'll discover how you can easily multiply your online results with one simple SHIFT in thinking!
- The single most important question you must ask your self before you make another business move. (hint: Not knowing this will almostguarantee your failure!)
- and much, much more...

Plus, you will receive three (3) POWER bonuses worth a total of $327

It's a no brainer.

Just go below right now before this offer ends.

GO HERE -->>

Heck, it might just be the kick in the butt you need to go to the next level.

Take Action,

Matt Bacak

P.S. Only 115 CD's left!

As you can imagine, we can't keep giving this CD away forever. Business is business, and so, we have instructed the fulfillment company to only produce 500 copies of which 115 are left!

So don't wait, supplies won't last long:

Frontier Marketing Intl, LLC
1140 Old Peachtree Rd, Suite D
Duluth, GA 30097

“Do you know the answer to these 4 questions?”

Internet businesses encounter a variety of business situations every day. For example, you have to know how to use your software, how to promote your business, and how to save on taxes. You will make hundreds of decisions each day. You will also encounter problems and questions no matter how efficient your business is. Knowing the answer to problems and questions can mean the difference between a profit and a loss.

Following are a wide variety of common questions many Internet businesses face. These questions are all over the board, which is a great representation of the questions you will have to deal with in your business.

Question #1: I use an Autoresponder. For some reason, my Autoresponder is sending duplicate messages causing me to lose subscribers. Why is the Autoresponder sending duplicate messages?

Answer: You may be putting your email messages in both the text side and the HTML side of the Autoresponder. If you have email in both places then it will send out duplicate content.

You can check this by opening up your Autoresponder and looking under the “Properties” feature. Check to see if you have the email set to “text”. Remember, you want to send your emails as text. Click “save” to save this setting.

Next go back in to where you place your email messages. Make sure that you have placed your email messages in the “text” area only.

Question #2: On my Internet business website should I post articles in full rich HTML text as opposed to PDF format?

Answer: Post your articles in full rich HTML format. Avoid the PDF format because search engines can’t read PDF content. The search engines recognize that it’s a PDF, but they can’t actually read it. You can offer a link to download an HTML article in PDF format if you want, but it is not necessary.

Question #3: Should you post articles on your branding site or on your squeeze page?

Answer: You can put one article on your branding site. You can also put an article on your squeeze page. Think about it. When traffic is driven to your website they are driven to your squeeze page. The article on your squeeze page is more of a benefit to your subscribers than it is to being picked up by search engines. It will help build a relationship with your subscribers from the get-go.

Question #4: What equipment should I use for burning CDs, DVDs, and making labels?

Answer: A great program is “BravoPro” which burns DVDs and CDs. It also creates the labels for you. Make sure to purchase the add-on that lets you burn more CDs and DVDs at one time.

For packaging you can buy items at Office Depot to begin with. This helps you determine which size packaging, etc, works for you. Once you have figured out what packaging is best then you can order in bulk. You can then find a supplier that is cheaper than Office Depot and order in bulk.

Warmest regards,

Matt Bacak

P.S. If you haven't signed up for myPowerful Promoting Tips yet, then youare really missing out,

go here:

P.P.S. Do you want to be updated on the new things I'm doingto market my companies? Then you need to grab a copy of my`Internet Marketing Dirt'. It's now better than ever before!

Go here and get a copy:

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Thursday, September 20, 2007

"I Will Be There, Will You?"

I'm writing because I can't tell you to take part in Mark Joyner's "Word of Mouth Transformation!" experience.

Why not?

Because I haven't seen it yet. No one has.

What I can tell you is that I, myself, will be registering for it the moment the clock strikes 8PM on the east coast:

Why will I be doing this myself?
1. I just got off a live webcast Mark did where 1,800 peoplefrom around the world (including some from Turkey, Iran, China,and India!) listened to him teach some of the basics of his newWord of Mouth technology.
If it's a 10th as good as I think it will be it will be a bargain.
2. Registration is only going to be open for a short time. If you miss out you miss out.
3. I recommend you register, just to hold your seat, and then decide later.

Get this - they have put up a full 1 year refund policy.

That means you could do the whole training and get a refund at the end if you wanted it.
Or, you could register, then cancel a day later if you decide it's not for you.

So, I don't know if this will be right for you (it sure will forme), but what I *do* know is this:

If you don't register, you probably won't ever get the chance todo so again - ever.

So, do yourself a favor and register as soon as the doors open. Reserve your virtual "seat" on this roller coaster ride, and then decide later.

Best Regards,

Matt Bacak

Frontier Marketing Intl, LLC
1140 Old Peachtree Rd, Suite D
Duluth, GA 3009

P.S. If you haven't signed up for myPowerful Promoting Tips yet, then youare really missing out,
go here:

P.P.S. Do you want to be updated on the new things I'm doingto market my companies? Then you need to grab a copy of my`Internet Marketing Dirt'. It's now better than ever before!

Go here and get a copy: www.internetmarketingdi

“The Google - Duplicate Content Debate”

Many people believe that content is king on the Internet. This is a true statement. That’s why your Internet business should strive to find ways to put content on the Internet. You can also enjoy further mileage out of content by repurposing the same content in different formats. For example, you send out articles, post to your Blog, and send out emails through your Autoresponder.

There has been a debate recently where some people believe that any duplicate content will hurt your placement in Google. They say that if each article that you send out is not completely unique then you have no power in your Google placement and Google Quality Score will suffer. In fact, these people claim that duplicate content is defined as any content that has 2 or more identical sentences.

Before you take this belief to heart, it is important to know that it may or may not be true. Google changes its “rules” about content, keywords, etc. often. Just when you learn how to maximize their current system, it changes and you have to adapt.

So will duplicate content actually hurt you? Let’s forget about Google’s rules for a moment. Take a look at news sources. When a big story breaks several news stories often have the exact same headline and story details. For example, CNN and MSN both could post the same headline and details. Another example is when a press release is sent out to all media. They post the same details from the press release. This is duplicate content, but is very valid. From this perspective, duplicate content is a way of life.

So yes, you can recycle content by posting it to various websites and article directories. Don’t bog yourself down with worrying about Google. Remember, they like to change the rules all the time.

With that in mind, make sure that for your articles you submit, submit, and submit! Top Internet marketing gurus submit 2 articles per day. They made it a habit. It’s a habit that pays off big time in new subscribers and sales.

When you submit your articles to many websites and article directories you will have “duplicate” content all over the Internet. Don’t worry about Google because Google doesn’t pick up every single one of your articles anyway. Other search engines will pick up your articles.

Essentially, your articles will be in many different places on the web. People will still see your articles, read them, and go to your website. You will still get credibility from the articles. There are hardly any other strategies more viral than articles so keep sending them out.

Warmest regards,

Matt Bacak

P.S. If you haven't signed up for myPowerful Promoting Tips yet, then youare really missing out,

go here:

P.P.S. Do you want to be updated on the new things I'm doingto market my companies? Then you need to grab a copy of my`Internet Marketing Dirt'. It's now better than ever before!

Go here and get a copy:

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"I Will Be There, Will You?"

I'm writing because I can't tell you to take part in MarkJoyner's "Word of Mouth Transformation!" experience.

Why not?

Because I haven't seen it yet. No one has.

What I can tell you is that I, myself, will be registeringfor it the moment the clock strikes 8PM on the east coast:

Why will I be doing this myself?
1. I just got off a live webcast Mark did where 1,800 peoplefrom around the world (including some from Turkey, Iran, China,and India!) listened to him teach some of the basics of his newWord of Mouth technology.
If it's a 10th as good as I think it will be it will be a bargain.

2. Registration is only going to be open for a short time. Ifyou miss out you miss out.

3. I recommend you register, just to hold your seat, and thendecide later.

Get this - they have put up a full 1 year refund policy.

That means you could do the whole training and get a refund atthe end if you wanted it.

Or, you could register, then cancel a day later if you decide it'snot for you.
So, I don't know if this will be right for you (it sure will forme), but what I *do* know is this:

If you don't register, you probably won't ever get the chance todo so again - ever.

So, do yourself a favor and register as soon as the doors open.Reserve your virtual "seat" on this roller coaster ride, and thendecide later.

Best Regards,

Matt Bacak
Frontier Marketing Intl, LLC
1140 Old Peachtree Rd, Suite D
Duluth, GA 3009

P.S. If you haven't signed up for myPowerful Promoting Tips yet, then youare really missing out,

go here:

P.P.S. Do you want to be updated on the new things I'm doingto market my companies? Then you need to grab a copy of my`Internet Marketing Dirt'. It's now better than ever before!

Go here and get a copy:

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

“7 Steps to Market and Promote your Internet Business”

For your Internet business to flow smoothly and reap the highest amount of profit you can, you need to know the order in which certain tasks should be accomplished. Following is a step-by-step guide to get your Internet business marketing and promotion off the ground and running like a well oiled machine.

Step #1: Make sure your merchant account is set up so you can receive payments from customers. Use the merchant program “KickStart Cart”.

Step #2: Write at least 10 articles that provide valuable content as well as promote your products and services. Write as many articles as you can. Articles are an exceptionally powerful promotional tool.

Step #3: Make sure your Autoresponder program is set up.

Step #4: Send out 10 articles as quickly as possible through Article Submitter Pro. These articles will help drive traffic to your squeeze page.

Step #5: Check that your Google AdWords program to ensure that it is running properly.

Step #6: Repurpose content so you can get more mileage out of it. For example, take the summaries from your articles and turn them into emails. This will increase the number of emails in your Autoresponder sequence.

Step #7: Create a habit of submitting articles through Article Submitter Pro. The search engines love to see updated content. So strive to send articles on a regular basis such as every two days.

Tip: It is better to submit 1 article to a hundred different sites than to submit a bunch of articles to the same site. By submitting articles to hundreds of different sites you are increasing your presence on the web.

These are core tasks that you should complete on a consistent basis. These tasks may seem overwhelming if you view them as a whole. Instead, think of each step as a bite size achievable task. If you take your marketing and promotion one step at a time then pretty soon you’ll have covered everything and your profits will skyrocket.

Good luck and get to work!

KEYWORD LIST:Internet business
KickStart Cart
Article Submitter Pro
Google AdWords

Warmest regards,

Matt Bacak

P.S. If you haven't signed up for myPowerful Promoting Tips yet, then youare really missing out, go here:

P.P.S. Do you want to be updated on the new things I'm doingto market my companies? Then you need to grab a copy of my`Internet Marketing Dirt'. It's now better than ever before!Go here and get a copy:

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Tuesday, September 18, 2007

“FAQ’s about Autoresponders – Part Two”

Still have questions about Autoresponders? Following are another set of frequently asked questions about Autoresponders. These answers may help you solve a problem or fine tune the way you use Autoresponders.

Autoresponder Question: Here’s my situation. I am changing the way I create my website so that I now use FrontPage. The Question is – Should I start creating a squeeze page before this transfer? If so, when a client signs up on my squeeze page where will their name and email go?

Answer: Yes, it is fine to create a squeeze page before the transfer. If a client subscribes to your list through your squeeze page then their name and email will go to your Autoresponder. Your Autoresponder is a separate program from your website. Therefore, the name and email will always go into your Autoresponder because it is linked to your hosting account.

Autoresponder Question: Here’s my situation. I use several squeeze pages, each of which has their own tracking tag. The question is – Do the client emails from all of these squeeze pages go into the same Autoresponder, but still keep their appropriate tracking tag?

Answer: Yes

Autoresponder Question: If you have several squeeze pages with unique tracking tags, will they all give the same thank you page in the Autoresponder?

Answer: Yes, unless you set up separate thank you pages for each tracked squeeze page. For example, you can have a thank you page that thanks somebody from coming from “Google” or “Yahoo”, etc. However, this can be very time consuming. It might be a lot easier to just have one thank you page that promotes you and your business. Does it really matter if you thank them for where they came from or just the fact that they are there?

Just thank them and move onto selling and promotion.

Autoresponder Question: Is the List-Opt website worth it? Does it work?

Answer: The List-Opt website has produced various results for different Internet businesses. Some Internet businesses have found success with it while others have had mediocre or poor results. You just have to try it out for yourself and see how it goes.

Warmest regards,

Matt Bacak

P.S. If you haven't signed up for myPowerful Promoting Tips yet, then youare really missing out,go here:

P.P.S. Do you want to be updated on the new things I'm doingto market my companies? Then you need to grab a copy of my`Internet Marketing Dirt'. It's now better than ever before!Go here and get a copy:

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Sunday, September 16, 2007

“7 Frequently Asked Questions about Blogs”

Do you have a Blog for your Internet business? If not, have you considered setting up a Blog in the near future? Blogs are yet another tool you can use to market and promote your Internet business. You can have a Blog even if you don’t have an Internet website.

Blogs are relatively new technology to many Internet business owners. Following are a list of common questions associated with Blogs.

Blog Question #1: What is the purpose of submitting to Blogs before you have a website? The main purpose is to help establish your name on the Internet. In addition, search engines love Blog content. These search engines eat new content up like candy. Your Blog can supply the new content candy that these search engines have a craving for.

Writing a Blog also helps to establish a habit of consistently updating web content regarding you or your business. This habit puts new content on the Internet resulting in an increase in your Internet presence. The more work you put into your Blog, on a consistent basis, the more you will reap in rewards.

Blog Question #2: Is there a preferred Blogger site? This is a difficult question to give one answer to because it depends on your preferences, needs, and capabilities. So the answer is to find the Blogger site that makes sense to you and makes you feel the most comfortable.

Blog Question #3: What are the “no-no’s” of writing Blogs such as mentioning celebrity names, brand names, and/or friends? There aren’t really any established no-no’s. The content you post on your Blog is up to you as long as it is not libel or slander. However, you might want to ask or tell your friends that you are going to write about them.

Blog Question #4: Should I use real names in a Blog? If the person/people know that you are going to use their real name than it should be okay. Make sure to ask them before you post the information to your Blog.

Blog Question #5: How do you keep people from copying your Blog? It’s difficult to find out if people copy from your Blogs. So don’t waste time worrying about it.

Blog Question #6: Of my own Blogs, should I copyright Blogs that are similar in structure to articles and/or are my favorite Blogs? You can if you want to, but it can be a waste of time and not save you from somebody else copying it anyway. It is your call whether or not you want to take this extra step.

Blog Question #7: Should I sell my Blogs to a Blog website that will then own my Blogs? No, don’t give other sites rights to your Blog content.

Blogger sites
Internet business

Warmest regards,

Matt Bacak

P.S. If you haven't signed up for myPowerful Promoting Tips yet,
then youare really missing out,

go here:

P.P.S. Do you want to be updated on the new things I'm doingto
market my companies? Then you need to grab a copy of my
`Internet Marketing Dirt'. It's now better than ever before!

Go here and get a copy:

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"Powerful Promoting Tips #11"

If you read the last Promoting Tip then you know that
I was going to recommend something to you.

Go here right now and find out what:

Go Find out,

Matt Bacak

P.S. Make sure that you go herevery quickly, I have to take thisdown soon.

Frontier Marketing Intl, LLC
1140 Old Peachtree Rd, Suite D
Duluth, GA 3009

"Powerful Promoting Tip # 10"

Your email marketing business can be destroyed if you don't know these three things...

I sure do wish I had known these years ago.

You will save a lot of time and money knowing this.

Matt Bacak

Frontier Marketing Intl, LLC
1140 Old Peachtree Rd, Suite D
Duluth, GA 3009

“A Coaching formula for Success”

Have you heard of coaching? Not the coaching for sports teams, but the coaching in your business? In fact, you can become a business coach yourself and earn piles of cash. A leading business coach has a coaching formula that you can follow to make your coaching business run smoothly. This top coach has read and studied everything on coaching. She found a coaching formula and tweaked it. She used this coaching formula on both companies and people.

Using this coaching formula, she built one company to 22 million and another company to 88 million. So she knows what she is talking about. She says that coaching will give you whatever it is that you can imagine and want.

So what is this magical coaching formula? You may think it is going to be a complicated process like a math formula, but it is not. It is easy. You focus on six key skills.

Here’s the coaching formula:
6 key skills
1. Listening
2. Relating
3. Empowering
4. Strategizing
5. Challenging
6. Requesting

In this formula the six key skills work together. You have to use them in the exact order in which they are presented. Let’s look at the first skill which is “listening”.

You need to learn how to listen. When we listen our minds tend to wander. When you really listen, you are so tuned in that all you focus on is the person speaking.

Use these seven steps to help you really listen to what is being said.
1.) Clear your mind.

2.) Have total silence when you are listening.

3.) Be non-judgmental. Don’t give your opinion about what you are listening to. Don’t agree or disagree with it. Simply listen.

4.) Reflect back what you have heard. This does not mean to give a verbatim account of what the other person said. Instead, it means giving the “essence” of what you heard.

5.) Use your heart and not just your ears. Listening is about using your gut, your inklings, and your heart.

6.) Clarify what you hear. If you don’t understand you ask and don’t just nod your head.

7.) Prompt the person speaking to continue. Signal that you understand and want to learn and hear more.

Try these skills when you’re listening to your family, to your friends, and to your business colleagues. You would be surprised at how much more pertinent information you gather when you truly listen.

Warmest regards,

Matt Bacak

P.S. If you haven't signed up for myPowerful Promoting Tips yet, then youare really missing out,

go here:

P.P.S. Do you want to be updated on the new things I'm doingto market my companies? Then you need to grab a copy of my`Internet Marketing Dirt'. It's now better than ever before!

Go here and get a copy:

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Friday, September 14, 2007

"Armand Morin and Matt Bacak Tonight...Free Training"

Free Training Call Featuring Armand Morin and Matt Bacak

Don't miss tonight's FREE Training call...

To Register For Tonight's call Click Here NOW...

See you on the call,

Matt Bacak

P.S. Go below and sign up and you'll get access to my call with Armand Morin on Tonight at 9:00 EST.

Go here >>

Frontier Marketing Intl, LLC
1140 Old Peachtree Rd, Suite D
Duluth, GA 30097770-271-1536

“The Lucrative Benefits of Coaching”

Do you want to have a business that will guarantee you thousands of dollars in income? On the flip side, do you want help with your business that will help you achieve your goals and financial dreams? What business can be beneficial for both you and your customers? The answer is coaching. Coaching is a business that can create million dollars of revenue for both the coaches and the people being coached.

Coaching can help you learn the tricks of the trade in your business area. As a coach you can help others learn how to run their business so they maximize profits. If coaching is so lucrative how come not everybody uses coaching?

People don’t use coaching because of three reasons:
Reason #1: “I just started in my business and when I really get it up and running then I’ll do coaching.” That’s a slow way to reach your goals. You will lose time and money fixing mistakes. Plus, it a great deal of work to function in this manner. A coach can help you avoid mistakes in the first place and earn money instead of spending money.

Reason #2: “I think coaching is very hard to learn. It’s going to cost a lot of money and take a lot of time.” Investing time and money into coaching will reap you greater rewards in the long run. Being a coach and being coached takes effort, but is not difficult. If you find the right coach it can be a smooth process.

Reason #3: “Coaching is a big, fancy and advanced skill.” This is not true. Everyone has natural coaching potential. So if you want to coach, you can. Don’t let limiting beliefs stop you.

What are the benefits of coaching? Following are the top three reasons why being a coach is rewarding:
1.) Coaching is fun.
2.) Coaching creates tremendous results and profits.
3.) Coaching is easy.

Isn’t a coach the same thing as a manager? No. In recent years, management theory has been very popular. Management is dead now. It doesn’t work. A Harvard Business Review study found that 80% of management initiatives don’t work. The same study found that 80% of coaching initiatives do work. Management “tells” people what to do which does not get results. Coaching “helps” people develop their own in inner motivation to do things. A coach can help you tap into your motivation.

In other words, a manager is a boss. A coach asks how they can help you. A manager fire fights. They try to take care of problems themselves. A coach teaches you how to become a problem-free zone. Who would you rather listen to? A coach of course!

Warmest regards,

Matt Bacak

P.S. If you haven't signed up for myPowerful Promoting Tips yet, then youare really missing out,

go here:

P.P.S. Do you want to be updated on the new things I'm doingto market my companies? Then you need to grab a copy of my`Internet Marketing Dirt'. It's now better than ever before!

Go here and get a copy:

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“Do you know these 5 tips of success?”

Do you want to pick the brain of a top notch entrepreneur? What would they say? Would secrets could they give you that would help you gain the confidence and business goals you desire? Read on to find out five tips of success that set you on the path to financial success.

Success Tip #1: You need to know how to sell. Your business rises and falls on your bottom line. No matter how much you talk and promote you need to make actual sales. Focus on learning how to close the deal. The more deals you close, the more money you earn.

Success Tip #2: If you don’t ask, the answer is always “no”. Ask! It is surprising how many people say yes. Many people lose out on opportunities because they assume that the answer will be no. Don’t succumb to this. Ask!

Success Tip #3: When you find yourself amongst negative people, don’t walk away…run! Unless you have people that are supportive in your camp, you can’t resist the negativity every day. Get rid of toxic people. You can’t afford to be dragged down to their level of emotion.

Success Tip #4: Find mentors who provide you emotional fuel. Most his mentors are authors of books. F. W. Woolworth wasn’t successful until he failed five times. He persisted. Follow mentors like Henry Ford and other great industrialists.

Success Tip #5: Have an unstoppable success formula that never sells.
Here are the components of an unstoppable business formula.
1. Educate yourself, study direct marketing.
2. Refrain failure… Say “Next” instead of focusing on failure. Go on to the next opportunity.
3. Don’t go below the waterline.
4. Visualize the result you want. What would it look like in an ideal situation?
5. Take positive risks. Taking no risks is the biggest risk of all.
6. Persist. Take action again and again. Never give up!
7. You can trick your subconscious mind. Give them words that at first are not true, but eventually your subconscious mind will believe them to be true. Say this affirmation “Each day I am getting closer to my goals. I cannot fail. Yes!”

There you have it. The five success tips that you can use in your business.

Warmest regards,

Matt Bacak

P.S. If you haven't signed up for myPowerful Promoting Tips yet, then youare really missing out,

go here:

P.P.S. Do you want to be updated on the new things I'm doingto market my companies? Then you need to grab a copy of my`Internet Marketing Dirt'. It's now better than ever before!

Go here and get a copy:

“6 Victory Tips for a Successful Business”

Success tips come in many forms from recommendations on the best conference to attend to how to change your mind so that you are headed towards victory. Following are six tips that can lead to victory in business.

Victory Tip #1: To be successful you must overcome your fear or failure and its kissing cousin, the feeling of rejection. This can be difficult, but is necessary. You have to have the optimism to trudge forth regardless of how many obstacles jump in front of you. You have to ask for things even if you might be rejected.

Victory Tip #2: Since the world’s most successful people fail more often then they succeed we try to look for ways to be immune to failure. They may have failed a lot, but have succeeded more times than anyone else. For example, you may be happy if 3 out of 10 direct email sales letters are successful. The successes make up for the failures. You can still make loads of money with more “failures”.

Victory Tip #3: Put yourself at risk often. The secret is not to go below the waterline. If you put a hole in a boat below the waterline then the boat will sink.
Positive risks include: dating, door to door sales

Victory Tip #4: The number one fear in America is public speaking. Practice public speaking. You will be more successful if you can present your ideas well. Join a public speaking group like “Toastmasters”. 56% would rather face death than speak publicly.

Victory Tip #5: People fear that entrepreneurship is to risky. This is a fallacy. You are at more risk of being fired by an employer. Try getting a job when you are over 45 years old. It is difficult. So becoming an entrepreneur is sometimes your most viable option. Running your own business will actually provide you more security than working from somebody else. You don’t have to worry about being fired because you are the boss.

Victory Tip #6: Send an email to your list about you, your business, and your products, and services. Send emails to people that you want to work with even if they are rich and famous. What’s the worst that could happen? The person simply doesn’t respond. Send several email postcards and/or direct mail postcards to increase the chances that you will have a “yes” response to your requests.

These six victory tips should convince you that you can run your own business and achieve your dreams. These tips will guide you through the process and provide the best environment for triumph.

Warmest regards,

Matt Bacak

P.S. If you haven't signed up for myPowerful Promoting Tips yet, then youare really missing out, go here:

P.P.S. Do you want to be updated on the new things I'm doingto market my companies? Then you need to grab a copy of my`Internet Marketing Dirt'. It's now better than ever before!

Go here and get a copy:

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Wednesday, September 12, 2007

"Big Seminar Preview Call - Free..."

Last night Armand Morin had Marketing Legend Jay Abraham on his preview call and...

This Thursday night I'm on.

Go here right now and register and you'll also get access to all the future preview calls.

Go below right now:

See you on the call,

Matt Bacak

P.S. Go below and sign up and you'll get access to my call with Armand Morinon Thursday night at 9:00 EST.

Go here >>

Frontier Marketing Intl, LLC
1140 Old Peachtree Rd, Suite D
Duluth, GA 30097770-271-1536

“3 Success Tips for Entrepreneurs”

Entrepreneurs are the unsung heroes of the new world. You go along with your plan even when people tell you to get a real job. Entrepreneurs have personal, individual freedom. Do you want to know ideas that will enable you to gain personal freedom for yourself and help thousands of other people gain personal freedom for themselves as well? The answer is to set up sales and marketing plans for other people to sell their products and services.

When you can sell and market their products and services effectively, people are happy to pay you 5% of their income as a fee. Basically, you set up their sales and marketing plan so they don’t have to worry about it.

How do you create a successful sales and marketing plan? Follow these tips keeping the products, services, and targeted customers in mind:

1. You become what you think about all day long. Most people tend to think about failure and that is why they fail more often then not. You need to think about being successful. You have to have a mindset that believes you are going to win in the world of business or whatever area you want to pursue in life.

2. What you think about manifests itself in your life. What you think will happen, will happen to you. Reality is based upon how you perceive the outside world. Craft your reality so that you are set up for success.

3. Since we think mainly in words, a few words at the right time can change your life. Certain words can cause you to laugh, cry, march for peace, go to war, or buy. The words that are most important are the words that we say to ourselves. This “self talk” is critically important to success. This self talk takes place in your subconscious mind.

What do I need to do to feel successful in my own mind?Do I need to pay for my car? Do I need to have one million dollars in the bank? Do I need to have no debts?

In essence, we feel successful when we know what we want to do and how to do it. We succeed in our minds. We are living more in our minds then in the external world. This belief system can make us extremely successful.

What’s the worst that could happen? You can take risks. If they don’t work out then you can always go back to the drawing board and try again. As long as your mind believes it then you will be successful.

Warmest regards,

Matt Bacak

P.S. If you haven't signed up for myPowerful Promoting Tips yet, then youare really missing out, go here:

P.P.S. Do you want to be updated on the new things I'm doingto market my companies? Then you need to grab a copy of my`Internet Marketing Dirt'. It's now better than ever before!

Go here and get a copy:

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Tuesday, September 11, 2007

“5 Success Tips from Multimillionaires”

Success Tip #1: Magic really exists. Following is a story to demonstrate this statement. One day, a top corporate business man in New York City looked out his office window. He saw piece of land. He thought the land was unusual because the land was empty and didn’t have a building on it like every other square inch of Manhattan. He used his imagination to visualize a building on the land. He closed his eyes and thought that a building was really there. Guess what. A building eventually was there. A building which he built now graces that land. He used his thoughts to attract the reality he desired.

Basically, thoughts are what cause action. Energy always causes thoughts.

If you can convince yourself that you can become a multimillionaire by the end of the year then you might become one. Your belief might not be correct, but it might happen. Visualization is an extremely powerful skill. It lets you control reality with your mind alone.

Success Tip #2: Burn a few bridges. This means that you quit your job so you have no choice, but to succeed in your own business. A lot of people aren’t successful because they have something easy to fall back on. For example, they have the security of their “day” job that prevents them from realizing the full potential of their dream. There is a very powerful psychological aspect and motivator when you have burned bridges.

Success Tip #3: When anybody tries to put you down understand that they are wrong. They don’t know that you have it in you, only you do. You know that you can succeed and that’s all that matters. So don’t listen to them!

Success Tip #4: Have you read “Think and Grow Rich” by Napoleon Hill. Read this book over and over again. It chock full of valuable inspiration and advice.

Success Tip #5: Be bold and strong forces will follow. You will find that people who told you that you couldn’t succeed now follow you after you’ve been successful. It’s funny how once you lead the pack; people change their minds about you. This type of confidence is very, very powerful.

Success Tip #5: Look at end results. “Dream like you’ll live forever. Live like you’ll die today.” Set short goals that you can accomplish today. When you set your dreams set them big.

These five success tips helped an 18 year old start a million dollar online business. He was steadfast in his goals and determination. Learn from his advice and turn your business into a million dollar venture as well.

Warmest regards,

Matt Bacak

P.S. If you haven't signed up for myPowerful Promoting Tips yet, then youare really missing out, go here:

P.P.S. Do you want to be updated on the new things I'm doingto market my companies? Then you need to grab a copy of my`Internet Marketing Dirt'. It's now better than ever before!

Go here and get a copy:

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"Free Telecall This Thursday.."

I'm speaking at Big Seminar X.

Since I'm doing that they do Big
Seminar preview calls and I'd like to
invite you to attend the call with me.

Go here right now and register
and you'll also get access to the
future preview calls too.

Go below right now:

See you on the call,

Matt Bacak

P.S. Go below and sign up and you'll
get access to my call with Armand Morin
on Thursday night at 9:00 EST.

Go here >>

Frontier Marketing Intl, LLC
1140 Old Peachtree Rd, Suite D
Duluth, GA 30097

Monday, September 10, 2007

"Powerful Promoting Tip # 9"

Before you even think about
generating unlimited leads
you must have one thing... it's not a website.

C!ick below right now to find out
what I'm talking about:

Go to this location immediately
because it won't be up for long


Matt Bacak,
#1 Best Selling Author and....
Entrepreneur Magazine E-Biz Radio Show Host
Toll-Free #: 1-866-MATT-123

Frontier Marketing Intl, LLC
1140 Old Peachtree Rd, Suite D
Duluth, GA 30097

P.S. If you haven't signed up for myPowerful Promoting Tips yet, then youare really missing out, go here:

P.P.S. Do you want to be updated on the new things I'm doingto market my companies? Then you need to grab a copy of my`Internet Marketing Dirt'.

It's now better than ever before!Go here and get a copy:

“4 Dream Zappers and How to Fix Them”

Do you dream of quitting your day job? Do you want to have financial freedom? Do you want to run a multimillionaire dollar business that you started from scratch? We all have dreams. No doubt that when you sit in your cubicle at work that you have a dream of a life that you want to live sometime down the road. Take it from top entrepreneurial gurus, living your dream is what will make you truly happy.

How you can achieve your dream? You should invest in education such as conferences, workshops, and books. But these physical tools are only part of the picture. You need to have the right attitude. Let’s look at why the attitude of certain people prevent them from succeeding.

Three reasons why some people don’t achieve their dreams:

Dream Zapper #1: People can think of numerous excuses as to why they are not succeeding.

Successful Attitude: You should never think of reasons why you are not succeeding. Only think about reasons why you will succeed. Everything that goes through your mind has to be why you are going to succeed. Focus on be successful. Do not worry or think about failure. Stay focused on what you can do and want to do. This attitude will allow you to accomplish your dreams.

Dream Zapper #2: You are too comfortable in your current state.

Successful Attitude: If you don’t have the desire to create a complete and total change in your lifestyle then stop right now. For example, you may go to seminars that show you how to start your own home business. Yet when you return home you don’t do the things you were taught. You have to follow through on things you write down and plan to do.

Dream Zapper #3: The majority of things you do in your life don’t apply to achieving your dreams.

Successful Attitude: If you are doing something in your life that is not facilitating your goals then stop doing it. For example, do you watch television instead of working on your new business?

Dream Zapper #4: You wait too long to take action or don’t take any action at all.

Successful Attitude: Stop and think about what you are doing in your life right now that you would like to change. Take time to think about it. What do you want to change? Now make a change right now! Don’t wait until tonight. Don’t wait until tomorrow. Do it now! You must act immediately.

Warmest regards,

Matt Bacak

P.S. If you haven't signed up for my
Powerful Promoting Tips yet, then you
are really missing out, go here:

P.P.S. Do you want to be updated on the new things I'm doing
to market my companies? Then you need to grab a copy of my
`Internet Marketing Dirt'. It's now better than ever before!

Go here and get a copy:

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Sunday, September 09, 2007

“The Third Secret of Highly Successful Celebrities”

Why are some people so widely honored and acclaimed in their business area or vocation? Why do some carpenters have successful television shows while others run a struggling carpentry business? What separates successful people from super successful people? This is a good question. We can focus on the exact choices they made, but let’s instead look at their belief system. This belief system can apply to any type of person in any type of business. You can take this belief system and apply it to your own life and enjoy amazing results.

The first secret of highly successful celebrities is that they are obsessed. They are obsessed in the fullest and best sense of the word. They do not break down when adversity rises, but instead gain strength from it. They act as if failure is not an option. They believe that they must accomplish their goals or else life wasn’t worth living. This obsession consumes them, but in a good way.

In your business you need to be obsessed about accomplishing your goals. You can’t just go through the motions if you want to maximize your success. You can’t just put in the time. You have to put in the time as well as a concentrated effort that always goes towards your dream.

The second quality of highly successful celebrities is optimism. They are filled with optimism whether or not they have security. They view problems as opportunities. They feel that no matter what happens they will figure out a way to rise to the top. This unyielding optimism keeps them going in both good times and bad.

So what is the third quality of highly successful celebrities?

Quality #3: Sense of obligation. Highly successful people see tasks as assignments. They have a hyper responsible relationship with themselves and the world. If they said that they would have something done on Tuesday at 10. Then they feel completely obligated and proud to turn in the project by that deadline. They are not flakey at all. They are deeply committed to their relationship with themselves. They always keep their word to others and themselves. In other words, they feel that keeping their word is extremely important.

Now look at your sense of obligation. Do you meet deadlines? If you have any flakey friends then they can be a huge distraction. You need to fire your flakey friends. Secondhand flakiness is more harmful then a secondhand smoker!

Take an honest look at yourself and your business. Determine whether or not you have these three qualities. If you don’t have these qualities then change your belief system and gain them. Who knows? You could be the next celebrity in your business area!

Warmest regards,

Matt Bacak

P.S. If you haven't signed up for my
Powerful Promoting Tips yet, then you
are really missing out, go here:

P.P.S. Do you want to be updated on the new things I'm doing
to market my companies? Then you need to grab a copy of my
`Internet Marketing Dirt'. It's now better than ever before!

Go here and get a copy:

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Saturday, September 08, 2007

“The Second Secret of Highly Successful Celebrities”

Celebrities. They command millions of dollars by starring in blockbuster movies and winning sports championships. In the business realm, people like Donald Trump have become millionaires more than once. They have buildings that are named after them. They have television reality shows with aspiring hopefuls who want to work for them and follow in their footsteps.

What is it about these celebrities and highly successful business people that sky rocketed their success? Why did they succeed over the other graduates in their business school class or the other actors vying for the same movie roles? The answer to this question is extremely important if you want to maximize your own success. You need to learn from what the masters have done that works. You don’t need to reinvent the wheel, but follow their example instead.

Their success depended not only on the choices they made, but the attitude they had when they made those choices. First of all, they had a deep obsession with their craft and would stop at nothing to succeed. This obsession was so strong that they were almost maniacal about it. They did not settle for achieving anything less than their primary objective. This obsession is more than mere ambition. It is fully exercising their ambition so that do everything they can to keep moving up to the top of their field.

If obsession is the first quality of highly successful people, what is the second quality?

Quality #2: Optimism. People that are highly successful have an unusual relationship with optimism. What they believed at their core was that if you worked really hard for a long time that tomorrow could be better than today. They had an opposite view of the victim mentality.

Colin Powel once said “Perpetual optimism is a force multiplier.” This means that if you took 10 men and saturated them with optimism they would fight with the force of 50. If you saturate them with negativity then they only have the force of 2 soldiers. This demonstrates the immense power of optimism.

Celebrities are optimistic. They face ups and downs of their careers, but remain optimistic that they will remain or rise to the top once again. Think about Donald Trump. He has been bankrupt a few times, but always became a millionaire again because he had the optimism and obsession to keep him working hard towards his goal.

Warmest regards,

Matt Bacak

P.S. If you haven't signed up for my
Powerful Promoting Tips yet, then you
are really missing out, go here:

P.P.S. Do you want to be updated on the new things I'm doing
to market my companies? Then you need to grab a copy of my
`Internet Marketing Dirt'. It's now better than ever before!

Go here and get a copy:

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"I goofed and shared waay too much...."

What the heck did I do?

Last night I joined with my friend Jeff Mills to share some of my inside stuff for his Midwest Super Conference pre-view Live Video Webinar Series but I think I showed and talked way too much.

I really didn't plan to show one of my business accounts records for last year with the smallest sales volume of over $90,000.00 in one month and a high of $500,000 plus in another. (I even showed them that I made over $3 Million that year..ooops!)

And, I guess I wasn't thinking when Jeff asked me to show one of my "systems" that brings in the bulk of my monthly sales. in the 6 figure range each month.

Then, I even showed him and talked about how a billionaire businessman helped me to get my whole company business plan written out on a restaurant napkin so that my laptop is now my ATM Machine.

Wow, what was I thinking when I showed everyone on the Webinar the 3 Simple Steps of my personal business plan that brings in millions for me each year??? I think my partners are going to kill me!

Thanks to Jeff Mills, everyone on the Webinar got several thousands of dollars worth of free information out of me but I have more to share when I join Jeff as a speaker at his Midwest Super Conference in 3 weeks in Minnesota.

If you were not on the Webinar listening and watching me "Spill my Guts" last night, Jeff is going to give you 48 hours to watch and listen. Not sure why. I guess that's
his idea of really Over Delivering on his promises to help others learn how to become successful too.

So, if you want to learn in an hour what took me several years and over $200,000 dollars to learn and put into practice, you need to go to this link right now, pull out
a notepad and a good pencil and steal my secrets before Jeff pulls the Webinar off his replay website.

Make sure you subscribe to get the next free webinar pre-view that Jeff is doing next week and then check your email for the link to watch the free webinar we did together.

One last thing.. I'd like to have you join me as my guest at the Midwest Super Conference too. I only think it's fairto give you the same deal I gave all those people who are coming to the other seminar taking place here in Atlanta.


If you join me as my guest, and sign up for the Midwest Super Conference, I'll rebate my affiliate check to you as well. You'll pay 50% less that way and save some cash!

Trust me, as you'll see on the webinar with Jeff, I don't need the money, but I know you do, so you can get here and enjoy the Midwest's #1 online marketing and educational event in the country.

That's it. I'm going to go and play with our new little boy Brian and try to forget about my saying too much.

Matt Bacak

ps - Go here, and get on the list

Then check your email for the webinar link, but do it before Sunday. I hear Jeff is giving away the new iPods to people who decide to join us in Minnesota!

Frontier Marketing Intl, LLC
1140 Old Peachtree Rd, Suite D
Duluth, GA 30097

Friday, September 07, 2007

“The First Secret of Highly Successful Celebrities”

Cameron Diaz. Michael Jordan. Brad Pitt. What do these people have in common? They are celebrities at the top of their game. They have set themselves apart from the general public by being great at what they do. How did they achieve this status? What qualities do they possess that let them rise above the crowd?

Answer: There are three qualities that these celebrity personality types have. If you can get these three things, it can radically change your life for the better.

Let’s look at the first quality that these celebrities have.

Quality #1: Obsession. In this case obsession does not mean ambition. The people that succeeded to the greatest to degree didn’t have mere ambition; they had obsession or a burning maniacal rage. It’s as if their life depended on their success. They lived in cars if they had to while they went from audition to audition looking for their big break.

These celebrities never had a content attitude. They never just wanted to have fun. They never said that if they win, they win. They HAVE to win as if their life depended on it. They take their goals so seriously that they will accept nothing less than succeeding. They are not doing their job part time. They are in it for the long haul no matter what obstacles come their way.

Life is about what you most want. What are you willing to give up to get it? The people who succeeded at such a high level had a very clear answer to this question. They gave up the route of a secure job with a secure paycheck. They put themselves out there without looking back.

Now look at your business. Are you working on your business activities like it is do or die? Are you obsessed and have to succeed no matter what? Are you never going to give up? If you haven’t answered “yes” to all these questions then you are limiting your chances of becoming a super successful celebrity in your business circles. Follow the lead of these famous people and do whatever it takes to succeed.

Write down your goals and do everything in your power to achieve them. Pretend that you have no other income except from your own business. Would this motivate you to work harder? Would this keep you going every day? Become obsessed with succeeding and never, never, never quit!

Warmest regards,

Matt Bacak

P.S. If you haven't signed up for my
Powerful Promoting Tips yet, then you
are really missing out, go here:

P.P.S. Do you want to be updated on the new things I'm doing
to market my companies? Then you need to grab a copy of my
`Internet Marketing Dirt'. It's now better than ever before!

Go here and get a copy:

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Thursday, September 06, 2007

" They Sold Out Quickly..."

I am writing this after I just
took down the order page for my "Advanced
Cash Conversion Strategies' Telecall
and the Baby Bacak deal at:


If you were one of the ones
left out, I'm very sorry.

I truly wish I could have allowed
more people to get in on these but
they got swooped up so quickly.

If you were one of the lucky ones to get
in on these then I'd get ready because your
have alot of powerful info ahead of you :-)

Best Regards,

Matt Bacak

Frontier Marketing Intl, LLC
1140 Old Peachtree Rd, Suite D
Duluth, GA 30097

“Distinctions of Success: What is it that makes the difference? Part III”

Here’s the situation. You are working on the secrets of success. You are practicing your skills in the area you want to succeed. You don’t blame the fact that you aren’t succeeding on your genetics or home circumstances. You seek out the skills that you need because you know that anyone can succeed if they put their mind to it. You know that personal ability + goals = phenomenal results. Lastly, you know that you don’t have to have top notch grammar or writing skills to succeed.

So where does this leave you? Are you all set and know everything about the secret to success? Not quite yet. There are six more success distinctions that you should be aware of. Read on to unlock this last set of secrets.

Success Distinction #11: Determine in writing in detail of what you are dissatisfied with now. This is your moving away strategy. Determine what stinks about your current situation so that you have the incentive to get away from it.

Success Distinction #12: Set attainable goals. Be specific. Make sure the goals are attainable, but also push yourself out of your comfort zone.

Success Distinction #13: Focus on near term goals. Beatles focused on putting out next album and look how successful they have been! If you focus on near term goals then the whole process of success is not so overwhelming. You take it one step at a time.

Success Distinction #14: Focus on near term goals to motivate yourself and others. Focus on your goals today and the goals for tomorrow. Outline what you need to do every day.

Success Distinction #15: Setting and achieving sub-goals is the key to success. Every project has tons and tons of little pieces that are going to make you succeed. If you do those sub-goals they build up to succeeding at big goals. Your brain changes and is wired so that it expects you to succeed.

Success Distinction #16: Avoid engaging in self-sabotage. Our brain engages in self-sabotage all the time. You can control it. For example, you watch TV instead of doing your work.

Follow these tips to success and you will not only be successful, but have a leg up on your competition.

Warmest regards,

Matt Bacak

P.S. If you haven't signed up for my
Powerful Promoting Tips yet, then you
are really missing out, go here:

P.P.S. Do you want to be updated on the new things I'm doing
to market my companies? Then you need to grab a copy of my
`Internet Marketing Dirt'. It's now better than ever before!

Go here and get a copy:

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Wednesday, September 05, 2007

"Better Hurry, the call is almost full....."

I'm going to make this short and sweet
because the Wednesday call I emailed you
about earlier today is almost sold out...

Go here right now before it's too late:

This very well might be your last chance
to join 200 of us on my very rare call that
I'm doing this Wednesday at 9:00 pm EST.

...Because we only have 43 slots left.

I hope, for your sake, that you're one of the
lucky people who will be involved in this incredible
event. And if you are, your internet business (and
your life) will be much better after Wednesday.


Matt Bacak

P.S. Remember going below and registering is
the only way to get the recording of this call.

Go here ->>

Frontier Marketing Intl, LLC
1140 Old Peachtree Rd, Suite D
Duluth, GA 30097

“Distinctions of Success: What is it that makes the difference? Part II”

What are the distinctions to success? Some examples include doing and practicing what you want to be good at. Think of an athlete that puts in countless hours on the practice court. They are practicing what they want to excel in. It is the same in business. If you want to be a great marketer then you have to market and hone your marketing skills.

To be successful you also have to attribute success to your own effort. Don’t be modest. On the flip side, you have to let the naysayers and negative outcomes roll off your back. You have to pick up and move on by never giving up until you succeed.

What are more secrets of success? Following are the next set of secrets of success.

Success Distinction #5: Eliminate the thought that the abilities you need are inherent. Don’t say that you can’t do it because you weren’t born with something. You can find the skills necessary.

Success Distinction #6: Write down all the ways you can accomplish things that will make you feel good. Don’t let rejection bother you. You need the feel good list to look to when you are faced with rejection. It keeps your confidence up and keeps you strong.

Success Distinction #7: Determine what is likely to happen as a result of your actions. Think about what the end result will be and this will help you win.

Success Distinction #8: Etch this formula into your brain:
Personal ability + Goals = Phenomenal results.

Success Distinction #9: Determine in writing where you want to be and do it right away.

Success Distinction #10: Determine in advance in writing that you have the ability to learn how to do what you want to do. 3% of Harvard people that wrote goals earned more than the other 97% of people who didn’t write goals combined.

Do you have these components of success? Follow these distinctions and you can earn more money then you ever thought imaginable. Put your mind to it and it is yours.

Warmest regards,

Matt Bacak

P.S. If you haven't signed up for my
Powerful Promoting Tips yet, then you
are really missing out, go here:

P.P.S. Do you want to be updated on the new things I'm doing
to market my companies? Then you need to grab a copy of my
`Internet Marketing Dirt'. It's now better than ever before!

Go here and get a copy:

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