“6 FAQ about Internet Businesses”
Answer: Let your clients know who you are as a person. Let them know you are more than a product or service and that you are human. For example, let them know that you are real by sending out non-business related content such as a family newsletter.
Question #2: Here’s my situation. I want to use Google AdWords to promote an affiliate site. When an Internet visitor clicks on the Google AdWords advertisement should I send them directly to the affiliate’s website or to my own website first?
Answer: Send them to your website first. Create a squeeze page of your own so you can capture their information. Then once they sign up send them to your affiliate’s website. If you send them directly to the affiliate’s website then you will lose out on their information. This would prevent you from marketing to them on your own in the future.
Question #3: Do you suggest doing a squeeze page and sales letter page to get people to order freebies so you can build your list?
Answer: If Internet visitors have already gone through your squeeze page then they are on your list. You don’t need to “squeeze” them again with a squeeze page related to your freebies.
Question #4: Here’s my situation. I want to give away a free 30 minute video interview plus a transcript and a free report. My question is – Should I give away the free video interview or the free report?
Answer: Give away both the video interview and the report for free. Video interviews are hot right now so that would be a great thing to give away. However, you have to understand the needs and wants of your niche. For example, are people in your niche audio or visual? Are they used to reading? Do they want to watch and listen to a video instead?
Question #5: Here’s my situation. I received an email list from somebody that wants to do a joint venture with me. My question is – Should I send out the email to this list?
Answer: No. The email should be sent for you by the person that owns the list. You should not import their list into your Autoresponder because this is known as spamming. Plus, if you send it, the email recipients have no idea who you are and could report you as spam.
Question #6: Somebody that had legitimately signed up for my list gave a spam complaint about an email I sent. How can I defend myself against this?
Answer: You need to find exactly who posted this spam complaint. You need to prove that this person legitimately opted-in for your list. Immediately delete them from your list. Take a screen shot of this to prove that you deleted them from your list. Save their information into a separate file in case you need it later.
It’s important to realize that you will get spam complaints that you don’t deserve. This happens. Receiving a few spam complaints every once in awhile is okay. However, if you receive a lot of spam complaints then that is not a good situation.
Warmest regards,
Matt Bacak
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Labels: Free, Free report, Google Adwords, Sales letter page, Spam, squeeze page, teleseminar, Video interview